Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2237: Sunlight Crystal Bead, Chief Array Master of 5 Continents

Qin Chuan happened to see the old man's eyes, which were purple, deep, and had a strange halo, as if they were real, with a faint purple light shooting toward the formation.

A smile appeared on Qin Chuan's face. This old man had special eyes, and they were not ordinary eyes.

Purple air is coming from the east!

This is the Eye of Wealth and Nobility. Unfortunately, the old man got it too late and could not use the power of this powerful eye at all, so he could only use it superficially.


Ziqi Donglai's Divine Eye does not necessarily have to be weak to the Golden Divine Eye. The two actually have their own merits, but Qin Chuan's current Golden Divine Eye surpasses that of a ninth-level being.

But the old man's Purple Qi Donglai Divine Eye only has two levels. The gap is too big, and it is also affected by other abilities such as physical fitness.

Even so, under the influence of Zi Qi Donglai's divine eye, the old man is also like a fish in water, and he is also a leader in the formation method. In these five continents, he is definitely the chief formation master.

He saw Qin Chuan's formation, and he was happy to be able to see it. After all, as long as he could see it, there would be a way to break the formation if he could see it clearly.

But soon he discovered that that was not the case. He saw it, but couldn't break it because he couldn't see the flaw and didn't know how to break it.

Powerful eyes have the ability to see through reality. The higher the realm, the more special this ability is. Everything has flaws. The reason why there are no flaws is that your vision and knowledge are not enough.

Flaws are weaknesses. When attacked, you can get twice the result with half the effort, or even be vulnerable. This is a terrifying ability, and it is also the basic ability of the powerful eyes.

But the stronger a cultivator becomes, the fewer flaws he will have, because as his level improves, he can naturally make up for flaws, avoid flaws, hide them, or even replace them, strengthen them...

The stronger it is, the fewer flaws it has, just like the indestructible King Kong, but the indestructible King Kong has a so-called cover, and once found, it can be easily broken open.

Everything has strengths and weaknesses. There is no absolute perfection or invulnerability. If not, it is because you are not capable enough.

Now the old man is in a daze, because it is the first time he has encountered such a situation, and because he has no idea how to break the formation.

Although I have seen powerful and brilliant formations before, I can still find some flaws, or at least take action.

But now it's like looking at an iron ball,

I wanted to break it open with my hands, but I couldn't find a place to start.

Drops of cold sweat dripped from his forehead. For an array mage, nothing could be more shocking than this.

Besides, he was extremely confident in his formation ability, but now he suddenly realized how insignificant he was in front of this formation.

I have always felt that I am great, especially in terms of formation. Being the first formation mage in the five continents has been an honor for a long time.

He didn't take other formation masters seriously at all. The ignorant are fearless, so he even had a feeling that there were only a few people in the world who could surpass him in formations.

After all, the so-called gods and demons are legends after all. The five continents world is vast and boundless. This is the divine domain of the nine domains. The final domain is the highest world.

So his thinking is normal.

Only now did he realize that he had always thought too simply. This formation had already made him reach a height that he would never reach in his life.

"Mr. Xu, what's wrong with you?" Bei Zhuyang asked.

Bei Zhuyang had already arrived at Mr. Xu's side. Seeing Mr. Xu standing there with sweat on his face, he was a little confused. What was going on?

This place is still a little far away from the formation. What is Mr. Xu doing standing here sweating?

Hearing Bei Zhuyang's voice, Mr. Xu's expression changed slightly. He was very arrogant before, but now if he says that he can't break the formation, is it a bit too much...

"This formation is not simple." Mr. Xu said slowly, with a solemn expression.

Now, he can only answer bravely. After all, he sees that there is no way.

Bei Chuyang looked at Mr. Xu with a strange expression. After all, Mr. Xu was the most powerful formation master in the five continents. Now he said that he could not break the formation.

Although he didn't directly say that he couldn't break the formation, the meaning was very obvious. He just couldn't break the formation, and there was no hope of breaking the formation.

Mr. Xu looked a little embarrassed at this time. He was well-known and suddenly couldn't break the formation. The Beizhu family regarded him as their grandfather. But at the critical moment, he told others, I can't...

This opponent is definitely going to scold his mother. His greatest value is the formation. The reason why he is brought with him now is just in case the other party has the formation.

Therefore, they felt that there would be no accidents with Mr. Xu. They would definitely open up mountains and forests when encountering them. There would be no surprises this time.

But now it is blocked, and it is impossible to break it, but for the sake of one's own face and one's own status, it must be broken.

At any rate, he still has some stocks after all these years, many of which are related to formations.

She is a powerful formation master who is not only good at setting up formations, but is also good at breaking them, so she must break this formation.

"Mr. Xu, I wonder if you can break the formation?" Bei Zhuyang said slowly.

Bei Zhuyang's words were still very polite, but Mr. Xu knew that if he said he couldn't, he would definitely be looked down upon by the other party, or even say something unpleasant, but he couldn't speak yet.

The most important thing is that if the formation cannot be broken, then his status in the Beizhu family will be greatly affected.

"Yes, but it's a bit troublesome. This formation is more powerful than I imagined, and it's the only one I've seen in my life." Mr. Xu said seriously.

Bei Juyang didn't understand the formation, at least Qin Chuan's formation, but he didn't believe Mr. Xu's words either. He just felt that Mr. Xu was demonstrating his own value.

He didn't say anything, just nodded and said with a smile: "You're working hard, Xu is old."

Mr. Xu nodded and walked to the formation, looking here and there, as if he was breaking the formation again, but in fact he was just doing it to show others.

Because the real thing that breaks the formation is a treasure, his only treasure. If he doesn't use the treasure, he can't break the formation at all.

Sun crystal beads.

Legend has it that this thing is a meteorite that fell from the sun. It is a solar crystal bead refined through a special method. It is terrifyingly powerful, especially when it comes to breaking formations. It is extremely powerful.

Mr. Xu felt very distressed. He actually didn't want to let it go. He really didn't want to let it go. This thing was too precious and powerful. The formation in front of him was very strong, but it was too small. It would be a waste to use the Sun Crystal Bead to break the formation.

Besides, the Sun Crystal Bead is also a murderous weapon. If used well, it can kill super strong people, so it is too wasteful to use an old formation to protect the manor.

But there is no other way. In order to keep his position, he can only waste it. He is old and cannot afford to lose his position.

He must keep his title as the greatest formation master of the five continents and the chief formation master of the five continents.

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