Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2238 Mr. Xu miscalculated and wasted his time.

Qin Chuan had been watching the old man's movements. From the moment he pretended to break the formation, he knew that the other party would use special methods to break the formation.

When the other party took out the Sun Crystal Bead, Qin Chuan's eyes lit up. This thing was too powerful, the aura it exuded was too sharp, and the aura of destruction was too heavy.

This is the power of the sun, the power of the great sun. Not to mention Qin Chuan's sixteenth-level formation, it cannot be resisted even if it is upgraded a few more levels.

Even a solar crystal bead the size of a walnut is enough to destroy an advanced formation the size of a small city.

Isn't it too extravagant to just use the Ruoyao Crystal Pearl to break the formation that protects the manor?

Qin Chuan felt luxurious.

However, Qin Chuan is not worried. His formation cannot be completely scrapped unless it is destroyed three times in a row, three devastating times.

It is impossible for the opponent to have three solar crystal beads in his hand. Even if he did, he probably wouldn't use them three times in a row. It would be painful enough.

It can be used twice at most. After two times, if the formation is still intact, it will not be continued at all, so he is not worried.

Besides, even if the opponent has three or more Sunlight Crystal Beads, and destroys the formation in a crazy and reckless manner.

Qin Chuan can also transfer directly at the first time. After all, he has backup, so he is not worried. Besides, having something like Sunlight Crystal Bead is pretty good.

At this time, Mr. Xu regained his confidence again. He had done a good job at his job, his posture was full again, and his battle was not small. People around him looked at Mr. Xu with admiration.

After all, this is the most powerful formation master in the Five Continents. Experts watch the door, while laymen watch the excitement. These people only feel that Mr. Xu is very powerful and very charming at this time. It is the charm of a big shot, the charm of doing big things, the charm of being alone. .


Mr. Xu found the right opportunity and placed the Sunshine Crystal Bead on the formation. Here are his tricks.

Old Xu who threw out the Sun Crystal Beads was heartbroken. If it wasn't for the sake of preserving his reputation and status, he wouldn't have used it at all. After all, he only had two Sun Crystal Beads and kept them as treasures.

The formation shook violently, and fine lines appeared on it, which were cracks.

There was still a faint smile on Mr. Xu's face,

Although it is said that a solar crystal bead was used, the progress is still very good, and it will be successful without any accidents.

And when the person who arranged the formation is caught, he must come over. When the time comes, he will recover the price of losing the Sunlight Crystal Bead from him.

He also needs to take out all the formations he knows, and finally kill people and silence them, so that his formation ability can be improved to a higher level.

I couldn't help but laugh when I thought about this. I didn't expect that despite my age, I would be able to make great strides forward in the end. This is a qualitative change.

The more I thought about it, the more proud I became, and I couldn't help but laugh.

But he felt something was wrong, the atmosphere around him was wrong, and he felt that Bei Chuyang and the others were looking at him strangely.

His heart was beating, and he intuitively felt that it was not a good thing. This made his face change.

The formation is good...

How is this possible? He had seen the formation being destroyed before. The lines and cracks on it were destined to explode. He was certain of this.

This is why he was so proud, but now looking at the formation in front of him, he was unscathed. Everything he saw before seemed to be an illusion.

Impossible, impossible...

"Tell me what happened before." Mr. Xu was anxious. He was too proud before, so he didn't see how the formation master got better.

Bei Zhuyang spoke: "The formation disappeared before, but it reappeared, and all the cracks and so on disappeared."

Mr. Xu was stunned, and the sweat on his face became even more. The problem was not the problem of the Sun Crystal Bead, but the problem of the opponent's formation.

He has read in the history books that formations are alive and can be reborn from the ashes. The moment they are destroyed, they can be repaired automatically and completely, only consuming the energy in the eye of the formation.

This energy is the essence of heaven and earth. All things begin and grow. They can slowly refine the vitality of heaven and earth to form this kind of power.

This power allows the formation to be instantly repaired when destroyed.

If you want to break such a formation, you must destroy it continuously, so that the power of the formation is in short supply.

It cannot be allowed to wait for a long time, otherwise, once this power is restored, the previous damage will be in vain.

So now Mr. Xu is very entangled and struggling. He didn't expect the legendary formation to appear, and he didn't know how many times this formation could be repaired?

I still have a solar crystal bead. If I can destroy the formation twice, forget it. If I can't destroy it and it is repaired again, I will lose a lot today.

The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became, and the more I thought about it, the more undecided I became. I had already used it several times. If I stopped moving like this, then the previous one would have been wasted.

Do you want to do it again?

Mr. Xu was in a lot of pain at this time. After using it a few times, it was already very painful. Do you want to use it for the last time?

Bei Chuyang also frowned slightly at this time: "Mr. Xu, continue to break. Let's see if he can repair it faster or you can break it faster."

Mr. Xu is in trouble now and cannot express his pain. Bei Chuyang thought that he broke the formation by himself, but did not know that he broke the formation with extremely precious treasures.

And there are only two of this treasure, and one has been used.

Mr. Xu used big talk before, but now he is a bit stuck. For the sake of reputation, he can only use it again. He just hopes it will succeed this time.

As long as he can succeed, he will get back all his losses from the opponent's formation. Thinking of this makes him feel calmer.

Pretending again, he got ready and took out the Sun Crystal Bead. This time he stared directly at the formation.



Mr. Xu let out a slight sigh of relief on his face. It was shattered and broken. This was unmistakable. He hadn't seen it clearly before, but he could see it clearly this time.

But just as he was feeling slightly relieved, the formation in front of him flickered and then disappeared, and the corners of his mouth raised.



In just an instant, the disappeared formation reappeared, intact, as if everything he had seen before was an illusion.

He was stunned again. This time he saw it with his own eyes, but it seemed to him that the sky was about to fall, because he didn't know what to do next.

"Mr. Xu, hurry up. If you break it again, I don't believe it can't be broken." Bei Chuyang urged from the side.

Bei Chuyang was very confident in Mr. Xu, and gradually calmed down after seeing Mr. Xu easily destroying the formation again.

He calmed down, but Mr. Xu was uneasy now. The two disposable treasures, the Sunlight Crystal Pearl, could definitely be comparable to the disposable treasures, but now they are in vain.

Not only did he not solve the problem, but he pushed himself into an embarrassing position. He couldn't advance and had no ability. But he didn't know what the consequences would be if he stepped back.

Also, I can’t pass my level.

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