Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2251: Both sides will be injured, a terrifying trump card

Qin Chuan originally thought that Beichudao would definitely die, but the opponent actually had a powerful life-saving treasure. The previous fatal blow only offset the life-saving ability of the treasure.

Qin Chuan also had a life-saving treasure, but he avoided the fatal blow before, so the life-saving treasure was not exposed.

Beichudao is exposed, but I don't know how many times I can save my life.

The general life-saving treasure is just one registration opportunity. Many of them are one-time, and the life-saving treasure disappears once.

There are also unlimited times. As long as the treasure is not damaged, it can always be used, but it takes time to absorb the spiritual energy.

After using it once, it takes a period of time to absorb the essence of heaven and earth. It's hard to say how long it takes. Some may take a day, some may take a month, and some may take a year or even longer.

No matter how long it takes to save your life, even if there is only one chance to save your life, it will make people salivate.

After all, everyone has another life, and everything you have is based on your life, so many people can give everything they have in exchange for a chance to save their lives.

Qin Chuan didn't know whether Beichudao's life-saving treasure was a one-time thing, but it didn't matter. As long as nothing happened, no matter whether it was a one-time thing or not, there would definitely not be a second chance to sign up today.

And he still has one chance to save his life, so he wants to cherish this opportunity. As long as nothing happens, he can kill Beizhu Road.

Beizhudao's whole body was soaked with sweat at this time. Even though he knew there was a treasure to save his life, he still experienced death at that moment.

Fear, boundless fear, and the fact that he was reversed by the opponent under his absolute advantage. Now he was not sure whether Qin Chuan could see through his shadow of nothingness.

Because no one dared to risk such a counterattack, and if he hadn't been distracted before, he would definitely not have been avoided by the other party.

Could it be that the other party also has a life-saving treasure? If he dares to do this without a life-saving treasure and can see through his own shadow, then this young man will be too terrible.

So now he can neither guess whether Qin Chuan has a life-saving treasure, nor can he be sure whether Qin Chuan can see through his shadow of nothingness.

So now Beijidao doesn't know how to fight, mainly because he lost his mind before. If he hadn't lost his mind, then he would know what to do now.

But now he feels like he can't try anymore.

Because he has no treasure to save his life, and he will definitely die if he does this next time.

Cold sweat was flowing down the temples. It was a matter of life and death. When faced with death, there were really few people who could truly remain calm and fearless, but there were very few.

There is no shame in fearing death. This is instinct and a mark in the bones. Sometimes, in order to protect something, many people are not afraid of death.

Usually for no reason, no one wants to die, and everyone is afraid of death. It’s not that they are not afraid of death, but they just feel that it is not worth it.

Bei Chudao didn't want to die, let alone die in Qin Chuan's hands, so he was panicking, but he didn't have time to think about it now.

There is no choice, no attempt, no assumption, so Beijidao can only change to another one this time, and this one is also dangerous.

Because this is the trump card to deal a fatal blow to the opponent with 70% of his own injuries.

This ability is to injure the enemy by 3,000 and damage yourself by 800. However, in principle, this means that you are seriously injured and your opponent is killed.

This is Beizhudao's hesitant and repeated determination. This ability also has limitations and can only be used by warriors with similar strength.

In other words, it cannot be used by people whose realm is much higher than one's own, but there is no restriction on those whose realm is not as good as one's own.

Qinchuan's realm is not as good as that of Beichuan, so this ability is definitely possible. The more he thinks about it, the more excited he becomes. This ability is simply prepared for Qin Chuan.

Normally, Kitaki would not use this skill anyway. He was seriously injured and had quite a lot of side effects, and it would take a long time to get over it.

But now there was no other way, otherwise he would die, so he gritted his teeth and launched another attack, this time using this deadly weapon.

Both sides suffer!

This is the trump card ability. At the beginning, after practicing to a small extent, one would exchange one's life for one's life. After reaching a higher level, now, serious injuries can be exchanged for one's opponent's life.

When you practice this trump card, you can exchange half a life for one life, and it is very difficult to practice. I have to say that this is a life-saving trump card.

Qin Chuan felt stunned, as if he was being held back by the god of death. He felt that there was no way to retreat, even the exchange of yin and yang of the Yin and Yang God's steps, he felt that he could not escape.

It was too scary. This aura was deadly. His body stiffened and he stared at the rushing Bei Chudao, but he felt invulnerable.

There is simply no way to crack it.


Qin Chuan didn't know why, but this was the first time he encountered this situation. This time it was an eye-opener for Qin Chuan, and he truly saw the various strange abilities in the Three Thousand Worlds.

These abilities can kill easily. Everyone has their own magical powers and avenues. No wonder the world of warriors is like licking blood from the edge of a knife.

You are strong and your body is strong, but so what, there are people outside the world, there is a sky outside the world, and there are some abilities that cannot be used normally.

Many times it will make you die strangely, and you may even die in the end without knowing how.

This is a group of warriors who are walking on thin ice and may fall into a place of eternal disaster at any time.

It doesn't mean that you can be invulnerable to all poisons and be invulnerable. Maybe an inconspicuous little person can stab you to death with an inconspicuous embroidery needle.

Qin Chuan's mind was running rapidly, and he thought of several ways to resist in an instant, but none of them worked. The other party's aura was too weird and terrifying.

Qin Chuan has sensed that this is someone who burns the opponent's life and blood essence at the expense of his own blood.

But there's no way around it, there's no way to dodge it, and it's useless to take action, because the attack is formed at the moment of contact.

Fortunately, Qin Chuan still has the ability to save his life, so this time he will probably disappoint Beijidao.

Beizhudao can only bet on one thing now, that is, Qin Chuan has no ability to save his life. After all, there are very few people with life-saving treasures, and with his ability to harm both sides, ordinary life-saving is useless.

The life-saving treasure is not absolute, it depends on the opponent's terrifying ability. If the destructive power is enough, your life-saving treasure will be directly destroyed, and the person will still die.

Beichudao will naturally consider that Qin Chuan has treasures on his body. This must be considered, otherwise he will be seriously injured and the other party will remain unscathed, and he will definitely die.

Beizhudao can only bet on one thing now, that is, Qin Chuan has no ability to save his life. After all, there are very few people with life-saving treasures, and with his ability to harm both sides, ordinary life-saving is useless.

The life-saving treasure is not absolute, it depends on the opponent's terrifying ability. If the destructive power is enough, your life-saving treasure will be directly destroyed, and the person will still die.

Beichudao will naturally consider that Qin Chuan has treasures on his body. This must be considered, otherwise he will be seriously injured and the other party will remain unscathed, and he will definitely die.

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