Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2252 Blood debt must be paid with blood

At the moment when the golden light flashed, Beizhudao's heart and whole person were already cold, at least that heart was cold, because he knew that what he was most worried about had appeared.

As expected, the other party had a life-saving skill, and the other party also seized this opportunity, but he no longer had anything to save his life.

So he knew that he was bound to die, but he couldn't change anything. He closed his eyes in despair, and when the darkness swallowed him, he chose darkness.


Bei Chudao was dead, and Qin Chuan didn't hesitate at all. He couldn't even accept it if he didn't kill him at this time.

The surroundings were very quiet, deathly quiet, and many people looked at the scene in surprise. It all seemed like a dream.

Because they didn't believe that Bei Chudao would die, the one who couldn't believe it the most was naturally Bei Chu Shao. He was completely stupid.

If Beizhudao dies, everything about him, a playboy, will be gone. Now it won't matter, because some of the people in front of him will definitely cut him into pieces.

He was crippled before, but he still didn't want to die, but now that his father is dead, everything is no longer up to him.

Qin Chuan didn't want to delay it anymore. Now, he would naturally let Master Wu take revenge.

"Brother, I've given you the young master Beizhu. It's up to you whether you want to cut him into pieces or cut him into pieces." Qin Chuan said.

Young Master Bei Chu's face turned pale. He knew very well what would happen to him if he fell into the hands of Hall Master Wu.

You must know that Hall Master Wu wanted to eat his flesh and chew his bones. When he heard Qin Chuan's words, Hall Master Wu's body trembled slightly.

"I want revenge, father, mother, Xing'er, Bao'er..."

Hall Master Wu thought of his parents, his wife, and his children. His body was trembling. He had always relied on hatred and the expectation of hatred to persist.

After this day came, Hall Master Wu suddenly felt a little overwhelmed, but he couldn't stop his excitement. After all, this was a day he had only dreamed of.


Hall Master Wu walked directly over and crushed Master Bei Chu's lifeblood with his foot. He didn't know that Master Bei Chu's lifeblood could no longer be used.

But even if you know this step, you still have to step on it.

Even if it's just to make him feel pain and despair, you still have to step on it.

The shattering sounds and screams made Hall Master Wu feel like he was in a dream. His eyes were all red, and his feet did not stop, stepping on Master Bei Chu's legs.

The sound of broken bones made people's scalp numb.

Young Master Bei Chu fainted from the pain and woke up, screaming, blood spilled from his mouth, and the pain made him want to break his tongue and lips.

"I was wrong, I'm sorry for you, please forgive me..."

"Spare you, what did you do when they begged you, what did you say you did..." Hall Master Wu yelled crazily.

He was quite like the time when Master Beizhu was like a demon, a group of beasts who defiled and killed others, completely ignoring their pleas for mercy.

Even the infant baby was not spared. The reason why Hall Master Wu was spared was because he wanted to see how Hall Master Wu could survive after such a tragic event in life...

This kind of bad taste, just when Hall Master Wu is burdened with a deep sea of ​​blood feud, Master Beizhu continues to insult Hall Master Wu, just to see how long Hall Master Wu can endure, just to see whether Hall Master Wu can take revenge...

Hall Master Wu roared and vented, "Beiju is a young man. When has he ever suffered so much? Life would be worse than death."

"Assistant, that's enough. Killing people can only be done with a nod of the head. What you are doing is too cruel." came a voice.

Hall Master Wu stopped and looked at the speaker with red eyes.

This person is also a member of the Beichu family, but not from that branch of the Beichus Road. The reason why he said this is because he feels that Young Master Beichu is a member of the Beichu family after all. Being treated like this makes the Beichus family a little bit sad. Shameful.

This person is considered a figure in the Beiju family, otherwise he would not have stood up at this time and said that he had just arrived with a group of people around him.

He was slightly startled when he saw Hall Master Wu's eyes.

"I'm too cruel, how much do you know?" Hall Master Wu stared at this man and asked through gritted teeth.

At this time, Hall Master Wu's mouth was bleeding. He also bit his lip and tongue.

He wanted to keep himself awake, he wanted to know clearly how he got revenge, he wanted to make his wish come true, he wanted to give an explanation to his relatives, and most importantly, he wanted to give an explanation to himself.

Otherwise he wouldn't be able to feel at ease.

"I know a lot, and I know your affairs very well, but people cannot be resurrected after death. I know you have been wronged, but if you kill him, will your family be resurrected? Why don't you change the conditions? Whatever you want, I will make the decision. Here you go." The man said slowly.

To put it lightly, this is a typical case of standing and talking without pain in the back. It is impossible to understand the pain in Hall Master Wu’s heart. It is heartbreaking.

Qin Chuan looked at the other party coldly and waited for the other party to finish speaking before rushing over and giving him a severe beating.

This is a real severe beating, because the direct beating will cause more air to come out and less air to enter, and it is hard to say whether it can survive.

"Okay, let's talk. Can you forgive me?" Qin Chuan asked with a smile.

The man from the Beiju family seemed to realize something. He hesitated for a moment, put away his angry eyes, and nodded: "Yes!"

This person's life aura is very strong, and he actually survived. After all, Qin Chuan had been beaten a bit hard before, and Qin Chuan was a little unsure whether he could survive. Of course, this was without Qin Chuan's treatment.


Qin Chuan stepped on his foot and directly broke one of the opponent's legs. It was still on the thigh. The femur was broken. Even a warrior could not bear the pain.

Screaming, this is not an ordinary fracture, because with this kick, the bones are almost broken. Although it is not as miserable as Master Beizhu, it takes a genius to recover this leg.

"Can you forgive me now?" Qin Chuan asked again with a smile.

He knew that if he said he could, Qin Chuan would continue to take action until he said he couldn't. In this case, she didn't dare to say she could anymore, and quickly said: "No!"


The other leg was broken. Qin Chuan said coldly: "This can't be done. You know that what you are enduring now is not even one ten thousandth of what Hall Master Wu has endured. You can't even forgive me. Do you think Hall Master Wu can?"

The middle-aged man screamed like a pig, and his legs were crippled. He originally thought that the other party would stop after he said no, but the result was beyond his expectation.

He had stood up without much thought before, but he didn't expect there would be such serious consequences. If he had known it would happen, he wouldn't have stood up.

The people around Beizhu family were trembling slightly. They lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Qin Chuan. They did not expect Qin Chuan to be so powerful. They never thought that a member of the Beizhu family would have such a day.

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