Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2253: The Way of Love and the Way of Heartlessness

Young Master Bei Chu was already dying, and Palace Master Wu was so filled with hatred that he naturally vented all his anger on Young Master Bei Chu.

Such deep hatred, such righteousness, gentlemanly demeanor, and killing people without giving up, go to hell.

He just wanted to make Master Beizhu repay his debt with blood. Now the pent-up hatred and anger in his heart had almost alleviated, but it could not completely disappear.

Because even if you kill Master Beizhu, you can't restore everything. It can only give you a destination. Even if you die, you can still see your parents, wife and children.

Qin Chuan no longer cares whether Young Bei Chu is dead or not. Now this time it is time for Hall Master Wu to take revenge. Even if someone from the Beiju family is killed by Hall Master Wu, Hall Master Wu will still smile and be grateful to Qin Chuan.

But after taking revenge, Qin Chuan knew that the trap he and his group had created was even bigger. The Beijue family would definitely not give up, but Qin Chuan was not afraid.

Palace Master Wu is naturally not afraid. Previously, Palace Master Wu was afraid of death. He was afraid that even if he died, he would not close his eyes and would not be able to give an explanation to his family.

Now that he had taken revenge, Hall Master Wu felt empty in his heart. He suddenly felt that he didn't know what to do anymore. Everything became boring. He didn't feel that the sky was getting better, nor did he feel that life was better.

This feeling is normal, and it would be the same for everyone. He has been living on hatred for many years. After all, he has endured what ordinary people can't bear, and the difficult days are the motivation for him to live.

But now that the hatred that supported him is gone, he has not thought about destroying the entire Beizhu family. One of them is that he can't do it. In addition, he only hates Beizhu Shao and his group.

This may be a personal reason. After all, Hall Master Wu never thought that he could take revenge in this life. In fact, he had thought about dying together with Master Beizhu before, but he couldn't do this.

He had no choice but to make other ideas. It was under such circumstances that Qin Chuan entered the world of Hall Master Wu.

It must be said that Hall Master Wu was very lucky. Now that he had taken revenge, he was so grateful to Qin Chuan that he looked up at the sky and shouted.

While venting, he would also shout: "I have revenge, father, mother..."

After a while, Qin Chuan and his party left. Now Qin Chuan killed Bei Chu Dao, and some of the people who came from the Bei Chu family also died. Now this mess has been left to the Bei Chu family.

As for what the Beichu family does, Qin Chuan doesn't have to worry about it. This problem is left to the Beichu family. Everything depends on the attitude of the Beichu family.

The initiative lies entirely in Qin Chuan's hands, and the strength he showed today is enough for the Beizhu family to take him seriously.

In this world, normally speaking, the Beiqi family would never allow threats to exist, nor would anyone who could threaten the status of the Beiqi family appear.

Once it appears, it will naturally be suppressed and eliminated as early as possible to nip everything in the bud. This is normal. The master of any world will choose to do this.

Unless you can show the other party's helpless strength, the other party will change their ways at this time. For the sake of the family and the inheritance, they will definitely try their best to make you forgive, otherwise they will have no choice but to escape as soon as possible.

The strength shown by Qin Chuan now is very powerful, but it is not enough for the Beizhu family to take the initiative to confess, let alone run away from here.

Qin Chuan now has a certain degree of initiative, but if he wants to truly seize the initiative, he must at least withstand a wave of attacks.

go back!

Continuing to go back, Qin Chuan feels a lot more relaxed now. Anyway, Hall Master Wu's revenge is almost settled. As long as his strength reaches the quasi-immortal emperor level, then Qin Chuan will have the confidence to let the Beiju family make sacrifices.

Now he just needs to cultivate Yang Xiu slowly and practice slowly, but Qin Chuan also knows that the Beiju family will definitely not let him do this.

But Qin Chuan is definitely capable of protecting himself now. In fact, the worst he can do is leave with a few people and come back after breaking through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

This is the safest way,

But Qin Chuan doesn't want to do this. This is a kind of escape. When encountering difficulties, he has to escape. This will reduce Qin Chuan's ability to cope with difficulties.

Sometimes you can escape, but sometimes you can't. What should you do at this time?

So don't run away unless you have to. As long as you stay here and hold on, it will be a gain.

Hall Master Wu came back much more relaxed. He got very drunk and talked a lot with Qin Chuan before he almost knelt down.

Hall Master Wu was drunk, crying and laughing. Qin Chuan understood that it had been suppressed for too long, and it was a good thing to release it at this time.

Lao Luo is very happy. Palace Master Wu is Lao Luo's best friend. Lao Luo knows the affairs of Palace Master Wu best. As a true good friend, Lao Luo naturally hopes that Palace Master Wu will take revenge.

Now that he has taken revenge, Lao Luo is very happy. When encountering such a thing, what happened to his friend, he most hopes for the cause and effect of heaven and earth, retribution will come, and the evildoer will be punished. This is naturally a happy thing.

Lao Luo was very happy, very happy.

Qin Chuan understands very well. He has always felt that he is a person who hates evil, especially when he can't think of Hall Master Wu.

Once encountered, this kind of bully who misses Beizhu Shao should die. He will kill without mercy, not just for merit, but he will do it even if there is no morality.

This may be a kind of righteousness in the world. The righteousness lies in the human heart. A normal person will have this feeling, but most people do not have this ability.

Even if you do, you don't want to cause trouble for yourself. After all, no one is very idle, and no one thinks that he is invincible. If he offends someone he can't afford, he is seeking death.

The reason why Qin Chuan dares to do this is because Qin Chuan now has a strong ability to protect himself, and there is not much concern here.

This is why many warriors are lonely after embarking on the path of cultivation. They cut off their emotions and desires, and the path of cultivation is lonely.

Only by enduring loneliness can one cultivate the Tao. Only by cutting off all the ties of love can one achieve the great road.

Only by letting go of too many worries can you focus on the Tao, be worry-free and follow your heart, and not go against your own heart.

However, everything has two sides. Cutting off love and desire, cutting off thousands of love ties, will also make you lonely. However, if you have a family and cares, and practice the ruthless way, there are many joys that the ruthless way cannot feel.

Many times, they are even inspired by some happy inspirations, and there are ruthless people who are easy to go crazy. After all, they have nothing to worry about, everything is based on cultivation, they dare to try anything, and they can even sacrifice a lot of reason.

So in the end, he became a demon and a power slave. Most of these are the result of cultivating the ruthless way, because he can't stand the loneliness, no one to share, loneliness. When people are lonely and lonely, they will go crazy and do some outrageous things.

Qin Chuan has always insisted on practicing the Tao of Sentence, and this will never change, otherwise he would rather give up practicing Taoism.

But sometimes he doesn't want to be like that on the surface. For example, Qin Chuan thought of a question, he didn't have the Five Elements Immortal Flag, what should he do?

If he doesn’t practice, what about his opponents, Master Chu Qingzhu?

Will you give up your home, women and children?

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