Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2257 Absorbing the Eyes of the True Dragon and Fusion of 9 Divine Dragons

Qin Chuan understood that the head of the Beiju family must have seen that he had a strong dragon energy and had adventures on the dragon's path, so he must need something from the real dragon.

Real dragons are treasures, but many things about real dragons cannot be used by everyone. Only some people who are destined to dragons can use them.

The head of the Beiju family seemed to have this idea in mind. The other party's plan was very good, but Qin Chuan found that his desire to refuse was getting weaker and weaker.

You can get it right away. You have ten days to fight. The worst is to lose. As long as you save your life, you can get a treasure.

This deal seemed like a good deal to him, but Qin Chuan knew very well that it was definitely not the case. The reason why the other party did this was that he was at least confident that he would take his own life.

So Qin Chuan hesitated slightly. After all, no matter how good the thing is, it is better for you to enjoy it. But at this time, the head of the Beiju family slowly smiled and said: "What are you afraid of?"

Just this sentence, but Qin Chuan suddenly had no way out, because this sentence spoke to Qin Chuan's heart.

This head of the Beiju family is more terrifying than he thought. He can discern opportunities. This sentence just speaks to Qin Chuan's foundation in martial arts.

Afraid, sometimes you are afraid or not. For example, when you are fighting, you cannot beat someone, and there is such a huge difference in strength. In the end, you are afraid and don’t fight or run away. It doesn’t matter.

But you can't give in without fighting. This is a big taboo. The journey of martial arts is extremely difficult, even if you want to reach the top of the mountain, you still have to overcome obstacles, fight the world, and seize destiny. Nothing is extremely difficult, but you won't back down.

But before the fight, he retreated. In this way, there will be a second time after the first time. Once it starts, it will be a vicious cycle.

Over time, martial arts will stop here, and it will be difficult to make any breakthroughs from now on.

The intention was sinister, but Qin Chuan felt relaxed. The difficult thing for people is to have a choice. When there is only one way and no choice, he feels relaxed.

At this time, Qin Chuan felt very relaxed. He felt relaxed all of a sudden. What was he afraid of? So he raised his head and looked at the head of the Beiju family and nodded: "Okay, I agree!"

The head of the Beiju family happily took out a brocade box and handed it to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan opened the True Dragon's Eye, and a crystal-like dragon's eye was filled with majesty, nobility, and aura...

Suddenly Qin Chuan noticed that the golden pupils were vibrating, huh? Before Qin Chuan changed, he said that the Golden Eyes had reached a huge level of calm that could not be broken through.

This is really an opportunity. This true dragon's eye is actually the thing that makes a breakthrough. It's really hard to find it without trying to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

Qin Chuan was excited at this moment, but on the surface he remained calm and put away the True Dragon's Eye.

"I don't know who the Beiju family master will let me compete with." Qin Chuan asked.

The head of the Beiju family thought for a while and said, "You have already seen this person."

Qin Chuan looked at the old man next to the head of the Beiju family. The old man had not said a word from the beginning when he sat here, and he has not said a word until now.

But Qin Chuan had been amazed at the old man's strength from the beginning, and now he was slightly surprised when he heard that he was competing with this old man.

After all, since the other party is so old, the Beichu family should not be so shameless, but the facts show that the Beichu family is far more shameless than they imagined.

But I don’t care about it now. I will strive for a breakthrough in the Golden Divine Eyes before the battle. I just don’t know if the Golden Divine Eyes breakthrough will allow my strength to enter the quasi-immortal emperor realm?

Qin Chuan's time is not short now, but he still has hope. As long as he becomes the quasi-immortal emperor, and the Golden Divine Eyes break through the current realm and enter a new realm, then there is basically no problem with his chances of winning, and he is not afraid of the Beizhu family.

When he thought of this, Qin Chuan was very excited, and he felt heroic in his heart. He hesitated and nodded: "Okay, I will see you on the martial arts field in ten days."

The head of the Beiju family left happily.

The head of the Beiju family needs a chance. As long as he can succeed, he can say anything. As for the True Dragon's Eye, it is useless in his hands.

If it fails, then he has a way out. The treasure he gave away is the bridge. When the sky is high and the birds can fly, this young man will definitely not stay here, so there is no need for him to care about it.

The reason why I fought for this opportunity was because I was jealous, wanted to destroy the genius, and restore the reputation of the Beiju family, so I wanted to get rid of the best, but if I couldn't get rid of him, I had to leave a way out for myself.

After returning, Qin Chuan chose to retreat again. For ten days, Qin Chuan felt a little urgent, so he did not waste a moment.

Sitting cross-legged, Qin Chuan's luck spread all over his body, and then he went through a big cycle to adjust his state to its peak. Only then did he open the brocade box.

True Dragon's Eye, Qin Chuan wants to absorb the ability of this True Dragon's Eye and let the Golden Eye break through. He already knew that the Golden Eye is very eager for this True Dragon's Eye.

Not only did the Golden Eyes desire it, but the Nine Divine Dragons also desired it. The pure dragon energy also had a huge attraction for the Nine Divine Dragons.


A golden halo in his eyes entangled the True Dragon's Eyes like substance.


The True Dragon's Eye was resisting, which made Qin Chuan slightly stunned. The resistance was so strong that Qin Chuan was helpless for a while.

Interestingly, a true dragon's eye actually has its own protective instinct, and its protective ability is too powerful.

If it is forcibly absorbed, the True Dragon's Eye may burst, which puts Qin Chuan in trouble.


At this time, a dragon roar sounded, sacred and solemn, coming from deep within his body. This was the divine dragon roar of the nine divine dragons.

As soon as the divine dragon roared, Qin Chuan was surprised to find that the resistance of the True Dragon Eye disappeared, disappearing completely in an instant.


Qin Chuan quickly understood that the True Dragon Eyes were just eyes on a true dragon, but there were nine divine dragons in his body.

The realm of the nine divine dragons today is not low. A divine dragon's roar can frighten even a real dragon, let alone just a real dragon's eye.

Without the power of resistance, it is much easier and faster to absorb it. It is extremely smooth. The golden pupil continuously absorbs the spiritual power of the True Dragon Eye.

The cool breath enters the eyes and the sea of ​​consciousness. The golden pupils are constantly absorbing it and slowly changing.

I don't know when, the Nine Divine Dragons also joined in the fun, and actually blended in, allowing Qinchuan to merge with the Nine Divine Dragons and the Golden Eyes.


Golden light shone everywhere, Qin Chuan's eyes burst out with bright golden light, and his brain suddenly shook, and he quickly returned to calm.

But at this time, Qin Chuan discovered that the sea of ​​consciousness had changed. When he opened his eyes, the world he saw was also different.

I don’t know if the current Golden Divine Eye is still the previous Golden Divine Eye, because it has merged with the nine divine dragons.

In addition, when you look at the world, you will find that it is clearer and more nuanced. This is not ordinary meticulous. You can easily see some movement trajectories, and it is even more profound than this.

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