Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2258 Quasi-Immortal Emperor, a new realm of magical power

This felt very good. Qin Chuan's eyes lit up. At this time, his eyes looked clearer, with a hint of depth in nature.

The most direct feeling is that of clarity and separation of black and white. It is the purest black and white and the most beautiful black and white.

Now the Golden Divine Eye has entered the second great realm. This is an earth-shaking change, at least compared to before, it is earth-shaking now.

Naturally, the ability has also changed. The previous ability has been strengthened, but there is no change in the weakened ability, but it is more domineering.

The Golden Prison has also undergone tremendous changes. This ability is very powerful, but Qin Chuan has not used it much. He may use it more in the future, such as in the next competition.

There is also the fact that Qin Chuan's golden eyes can see through reality, see through flaws, and find weaknesses. He can find flaws. He is more capable here than before.

This is a weak point attack. As long as you can attack the weak point every time and attack the flaw, the bigger the flaw is, then you can cause the greatest damage with the smallest attack.

This ability also improves Qinchuan's attack ability in disguise.

In principle, nothing in the world is perfect. In other words, as long as Qin Chuan's eyes are strong and he can find flaws, his attack will be more effective with half the effort.

This ability in disguise can increase Qin Chuan's terrifying strength. The special abilities of the Golden Eyes are more than that.

You can also increase your speed in disguised form, such as in evasion and attack. In evasion, you can see the best evasion route.

The offense can find the best offensive route, which can improve speed and movement skills in disguise, which is also a huge improvement.

What's more, the Golden Eye itself can slow down the target. Of course, this is in disguise. In fact, the opponent's speed has not slowed down, but it has slowed down in Qin Chuan's eyes.

In fact, Qin Chuan's speed has become faster, which means that under Qin Chuan's golden pupils, Qin Chuan's speed will speed up, but the consumption will increase.

The greatest ability of this breakthrough is to see through reality, yin and yang, and some of the roots of the trajectory.

This is a new realm.

Just when Qin Chuan was thinking about this, a powerful energy in his body burst out from his eyes and extended to his whole body, getting stronger and stronger. At the same time, the pure vitality in the surrounding heaven and earth continued to gather and entered Qin Chuan's eyes. .

Qin Chuan's eyes were filled with joy, he was about to break through...

Qin Chuan was extremely pleasantly surprised. This time he made the right bet. He was going to break through the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. As long as he broke through the Quasi-Immortal Emperor and had the second level of Golden Eyes, he no longer had to be afraid of the Beijue family.

Boom boom!

It was like thunder rolling in his body, as if he was going to explode. It was an extremely violent feeling, but this feeling was very comfortable. It was an extremely powerful feeling. The expanding power in his body made him feel like he could open up the world. , I feel invincible, I feel as if I can destroy everything.

It felt really good to be powerful. Qin Chuan was still going through the calamity of life and death, but in the end he waited for nothing.

Then the entrance door of the body, that very huge entrance door, was opened directly, and the violent power in the body seemed to be like a dam being opened.

The violent power instantly traveled towards the limbs and bones of the body, dispersed among them, entered every meridian, and then merged into it, becoming Qin Chuan's own power.

Now the violent power in the body has disappeared, and the body no longer has that violent feeling. The previous feeling was as if the body was full of energy, and the whole person seemed to explode.

But now I no longer feel this way and I have regained my composure. I am no different from a normal person, except that I feel very energetic right now.

The movements of his hands and feet are full of power. This feeling is very comfortable and confident. This is his own strength, integrated into his flesh and blood, bones and muscles.

Quasi-immortal emperor!

He is now a quasi-immortal emperor. Qin Chuan feels a little unbelievable. After all, he is so close to all this. He had said before that he didn't know when he would be able to break through to the quasi-immortal emperor.

I felt that it would be possible within three to five years, but I didn't expect that the Beizhu family would actually give me a chance in order to deal with me.

Life is full of surprises, and this one was a surprise, a huge surprise, which saved me several years.

Not only that, but it also brought his golden pupils to a whole new level.

This ability is even more powerful than the half-step from Quasi-Immortal Emperor to Quasi-Immortal Emperor. Even if Qin Chuan is not a Quasi-Immortal Emperor now and only relies on the Golden Eyes to enter this realm, he still has the confidence to fight.

Of course, in that case, Qin Chuan would only have the absolute confidence to protect himself, and now he has the confidence to turn the Beizhu family over.

The gap between this is still huge, which also shows that the gap between the half-step quasi-immortal emperor and the quasi-immortal emperor is really too big.

Qin Chuan was in a happy mood after walking out of the formation. Zhao Han was sitting on a recliner not far away, reading a book. Qin Chuan didn't even notice when he came out.

Qin Chuan smiled. This lazy woman's temperament and demeanor were so attractive at this time. Sometimes Qin Chuan even wondered if his luck in love was so good.

Walking over, Qin Chuan sat down next to her.

In fact, it took less than a day for Qin Chuan to enter the formation, so Qin Chuan came out, which surprised Zhao Han. He looked at Qin Chuan and was a little dumbfounded: "So fast?"

Qin Chuan looked at the dull expression and was slightly startled. For a woman with such a royal temperament, her dull and cute expression was very lethal.

So Qin Chuan didn't hear what Zhao Han said at all, he was just in a daze, but his clear eyes made it impossible for Zhao Han to figure out what this guy was thinking.

She even couldn't resist these eyes. They were so beautiful. This was Zhao Han's feeling. Those eyes were so beautiful that she couldn't even look away.

Zhao Han came back to his senses and blushed, but Qin Chuan had already come to his senses and looked at Zhao Han playfully: "Do you want to possess me?"

"Go, I don't want to." Zhao Han smiled angrily.

"I really don't want to, you don't know how greedy your eyes were before, you wanted to strip me naked..." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Zhao Han blushed even more. After all, he was in a trance before, so she didn't know what her eyes were like. He was in a daze because he felt he liked that look.

So what Qin Chuan said, she was shy, but she couldn't deny whether her eyes were greedy...

Thinking of this, his face turned even redder, and he said angrily: "You know you're in a daze..."

"Yes, my eyes are also greedy, and I want to strip you naked..."

Zhao Han actually wanted to say no, his eyes were very clear, very clear, but what this guy said made her panic, and she angrily covered Qin Chuan's mouth to prevent him from continuing.

Her jade hands were soft and fragrant. Looking at Zhao Han's cute movements, she gently took a sip in her palm.


Zhao Han retracted his hand like a frightened little rabbit.

It's so itchy, it scratches my heart, it feels like a cat's claw...

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