Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2271 The Golden Prison tortures people to death

Qin Chuan also has an illusion, but it should not be an illusion, but his own world. He is very clever and has the advantage in it.

However, this Golden Dragon Prince's mental power is very strong, so he will be restricted wherever he goes, but not too much, so Qin Chuan does not want to be exposed prematurely.

But the Golden Prison is different. It exists like a real prison. Qin Chuan is the absolute master here. Although it cannot kill people directly, it can torture a person until life is worse than death.

Because here Qin Chuan can use any means to kill people, but he can feel any punishment. That kind of mental torture is really terrifying.

In the Golden God Prison, you will not die, but your spirit will collapse. You will not die, but you will feel pain, and the pain will be exactly the same as in reality. The biggest feature of being immersed in it is that you will not die. After you get out, your body will feel pain. The injuries disappeared.

The only crystal spirit and memory left.

Qin Chuan and the Golden Dragon Prince appeared in a golden room. The Golden Dragon Prince was tied to a pillar. The golden pillars, the golden floor, everything here was golden.

The expression on the face of the Golden Dragon Prince changed. He was just in a daze and found that he was here and was tied up, which made him very confused.

He felt it carefully and found that there was no flaw here. With his mental strength, he felt that there was no flaw here.

He knew that this must be Qin Chuan's spiritual world, or an illusion arranged by Qin Chuan, but he felt that it was extremely real and could not find the feeling of an illusion at all.

That's why he's afraid. His mental power is his most powerful existence. He can't find out whether this place is real or virtual with his mental power, so the more he thinks about it, the more terrifying he feels.

Qin Chuan looked at the Golden Dragon Prince with a smile. The two of them had already become friends since they met without saying a word. The Golden Dragon Prince made the first move, but was invisibly resolved by Qin Chuan.

Prince Jinlong was still slightly surprised. After all, in his opinion, he had made such rapid progress, and with his current strength, it should be easy to crush Qin Chuan to death.

But the result was unexpected, so unexpected that he almost couldn't believe it, especially now that he seemed to be imprisoned and he didn't know what would happen next.

He can't leave here. He has strong mental power. Although he cannot accurately confirm that this is an illusion through his ability, he knows that this is Qin Chuan's illusion based on his experience and intuition.

An illusion that cannot be broken is the most terrifying, because you will get lost in it until you die. But now he has tried several methods, but there is still no way to leave.

And now Qin Chuan is holding a golden whip in his hand. Qin Chuan can hit him casually here, and the serious injuries caused by the blows are all controlled by Qin Chuan's consciousness.

Here, Qin Chuan is like a god. As long as the other person can't break free, he can rub and pinch him as much as he wants, making the other person feel that life is worse than death.

Except not being able to die, you can feel everything here. Many people are not afraid of death, but are afraid of pain. In fact, many people are like this.

For example, some people say that I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of not being able to breathe. I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of being scared...

So here, Qin Chuan can do whatever he wants, making life worse than death. It is definitely a huge mental test.


The Golden Dragon Prince's throat was separated, and he huffed and puffed, and blood kept pouring out, but the blood would never run out.

And the severe pain made the Golden Dragon Prince tremble, but this was not fun, this was just the beginning.

The wound healed and the bleeding stopped, but when it happened again, it opened again, then healed, and opened again, several times in a row, which made the Golden Dragon Prince look ashen.

This kind of pain and fear made Prince Jinlong know that everything was fake and even knew that he would not die.

But still extremely scared.

It hurts, it hurts, but the Golden Dragon Prince can still bear it.

Qin Chuan had a faint smile on his face, but this smile made Golden Dragon Swallow extremely frightened.

A huge monster appeared and bit the Golden Dragon Prince in its mouth.

Click, click, click!

The sound of broken bones and the huge fishy smell in his mouth made the Golden Dragon Prince extremely painful. This feeling was exactly the same as the real one, the pain was exactly the same, but his consciousness was very clear.

This sin is really too painful. Only a few people can bear this kind of pain, but if they can't bear it, they won't die. At most, they will go crazy.

Various attempts almost caused the Golden Dragon Prince to collapse, but in the end he gritted his teeth and endured it, because he knew he would not die anyway.

However, this kind of inhuman pain is really not something that ordinary people can bear, and it even gave Prince Jin Long the idea of ​​​​death several times.

Mainly because it was too painful.

Prince Jinlong was still slightly surprised. After all, in his opinion, he had made such rapid progress, and with his current strength, it should be easy to crush Qin Chuan to death.

But the result was unexpected, so unexpected that he almost couldn't believe it, especially now that he seemed to be imprisoned and he didn't know what would happen next.

He can't leave here. He has strong mental power. Although he cannot accurately confirm that this is an illusion through his ability, he knows that this is Qin Chuan's illusion based on his experience and intuition.

The illusion that cannot be broken is the most terrifying, because you will get lost in it until you die. But now he has tried several methods, but there is still no way to leave.

And now Qin Chuan is holding a golden whip in his hand. Qin Chuan can hit him casually here, and the serious injuries caused by the blows are all controlled by Qin Chuan's consciousness.

Here, Qin Chuan is like a god. As long as the other person can't break free, he can rub and pinch him as much as he wants, making the other person feel that life is worse than death.

Except not being able to die, you can feel everything here. Many people are not afraid of death, but are afraid of pain. In fact, many people are like this.

For example, some people say that I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of not being able to breathe. I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of being scared...

So here, Qin Chuan can do whatever he wants, making life worse than death. It is definitely a huge mental test.


The Golden Dragon Prince's throat was separated, and he huffed and puffed, and blood kept pouring out, but the blood would never run out.

And the severe pain made the Golden Dragon Prince tremble, but this was not fun, this was just the beginning.

The wound healed and the bleeding stopped, but when it happened again, it opened again, then healed, and opened again, several times in a row, which made the Golden Dragon Prince look ashen.

This kind of pain and fear made the Golden Dragon Prince know that everything was fake and even knew that he would not die, but he was still extremely scared.

It hurts, it hurts, but the Golden Dragon Prince can still bear it.

Qin Chuan had a faint smile on his face, but this smile made Golden Dragon Swallow extremely frightened.

A huge monster appeared and bit the Golden Dragon Prince in its mouth.

Click, click, click!

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