Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2272: Fan Qingchen has no desires or desires

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Qin Chuan was in a bad mood at first, but now he felt very happy. Although he just rubbed the Golden Dragon Prince, it was still a complete victory.

Star Reaching City!

Qin Chuan was walking on the street, still feeling a little melancholy. He didn't know what to do next. His strength did not improve overnight. He needed to keep moving northward and expand the territory, because in this way, his Five Elements Immortal Flag could arrive instantly.


Qin Chuan didn't know why he thought of Fan Qingchen. The most important thing was that under the unconscious feeling of his dragon-seeking technique, he just wanted to feel the general position of Fan Qingchen, but he didn't know what it looked like, but he didn't expect that it was not far from him.

Although it's not far, it's still thousands of miles away, but for Qin Chuan now, this thousands of miles is just a moment.

Just use the ruler and you'll be right there.

Qin Chuan didn't understand why she was here. Qin Chuan didn't have much thought about this Buddha-natured woman. Why would he think of her?

Is it because she is not far away from him that he thinks of her?

When she left, Qin Chuan didn't know where she was going. This woman was the woman Qin Chuan felt was closest to Tao. She had a noble Buddha nature, had no desires, and was calm.

Fan Qingchen's appearance appeared in Qin Chuan's mind unconsciously, clearly. He didn't expect that he could remember it so clearly.

Following the feeling of the dragon-seeking technique, Qin Chuan soon arrived at a hill. It was very remote, but this hill was full of spiritual energy.

This is a mountain in the city. There are not many people here, and there is no incense. There is only a small stone hall on the top of the mountain.

Perhaps sensing Qin Chuan's arrival, the owner came out. When Qin Chuan saw her, he felt as if it was yesterday.

She has a very tall figure and is still wearing a very simple plain dress. It is very clean and spotless, but it can be seen that it is an old dress that has been worn for a long time. She has a pair of beautiful eyes full of wisdom. What is Lan Xinhuizhi? What does the Buddha's sword mean? Qin Chuan could see it at this moment in her eyes that were filled with the aura of heaven and earth.

She seemed to have no cultivation. With Qin Chuan's current strength, it was impossible to tell that she had any cultivation. However, Qin Chuan knew that she was not without cultivation, which made Qin Chuan smile bitterly. This woman's talent was too terrifying.

If you have no desires, you will be strong!

There is no wave on this woman. She is a woman who has no desires and desires. She is so beautiful that one cannot think of blasphemy.

This is a person who is full of mystery but also unconditionally trustworthy. It is difficult for anyone to have evil intentions towards her, and it is also difficult for anyone to feel blasphemous.

Qin Chuan and her were relatively close at the beginning, and he even felt that he would occupy a little position in her heart.

But now when I saw her seeing him, there was no surprise. On the contrary, I couldn't help but be a little excited. After all, he was an acquaintance and I hadn't seen him for many years.

It's not that the three great joys in life are meeting nectar after a long drought, having a night of flowers and candles in the wedding room, and meeting an old friend in a foreign land. You and she can be regarded as meeting old friends in a foreign land.

Although there was no big fluctuation in her expression, her calm beautiful eyes were still a little bit surprised.

"Why are you here?" Fan Qingchen asked.

She spoke first, which made Qin Chuan a little happy, and her voice, although she was prepared, was still a little lost.

Her voice is very nice, with a ray of understanding in its magnetism, which makes people feel enlightened. It is so beautiful that it makes people feel like they don't know where they are.

Because Qin Chuan is a person with Buddha nature and a person with a predestined relationship with Buddha, he can hear the Buddha nature and Taoism revealed naturally in the woman's voice, such as Sanskrit chanting, which has an indescribable impact on him.

Qin Chuan listened to her words,

He even communicated with her breath, which was a kind of mental resonance, and there was a faint halo of light from the most precious gods and Buddhas in his body.

Being able to resonate with gods and Buddhas shows Fan Qingchen's talent, talent and cultivation on the Buddhist path.

Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile and said with a smile: "I came to see you, long time no see."

A faint smile appeared on Fan Qingchen's face, like a spring breeze, the Buddha's sword was bright, and he nodded: "Well, long time no see, why did you think of coming to see me?"

Fan Qingchen didn't ask Qin Chuan why he knew she was here. Since Qin Chuan could find this place, he had his own way.

"I missed you, so I came to see you. Are you okay?" Qin Chuan said naturally.

Fan Qingchen was stunned for a moment, but it was short-lived, and he hummed softly: "Fortunately, it's very quiet here. I'm very happy here. How are you too?"

"It's not bad. I have a hard life and can only run around non-stop. I can't take a moment to relax. An old friend is here. Why don't you invite me to sit inside?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.


Qin Chuan smiled simply and neatly, this was Fan Qingchen's temperament, quiet and natural, seemingly without any mood swings.

She has returned to her previous emotions, and is even more unpredictable than before. There used to be an inexplicable relationship between Qin Chuan and her.

Now we have become very strange again, as if we are seeing each other for the first time, but we know each other. We are also old friends who have not seen each other for many years. Although we are familiar, we are still strangers.

There are only two rooms in the stone palace, one bedroom, one living room, a small kitchen and a bathroom.

This woman can really live here alone, isolated from the rest of the world.

"How long have you been here?" Qin Chuan asked casually.

Qin Chuan observed the room and felt that the woman must have lived here for a long time.

"It must have been ten years! I can't remember clearly." Fan Qingchen said.

"Aren't you lonely here?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

Fan Qingchen shook his head and said nothing.

Qin Chuan didn't know what she was thinking, whether she was unwilling to discuss this issue or had her own difficulties. Let Qin Chuan live here alone. It would be okay if she practiced in seclusion, but if she lived like this, it would be unbearable for up to half a year.

It’s not that I can’t calm down, but what’s the point of living alone?

Qin Chuan asked himself that he could not live alone here for ten years.

But Fan Qingchen was alone here. Qin Chuan thought of her loneliness. Plus, she was here alone. He didn't know why he felt pity for her.

Although she looks very natural, a person with Buddhist and Taoist charms, unlike ordinary people, she is still a mortal after all, and she is a human being with normal emotions.

So Qin Chuan doesn't know her inner thoughts and can't see through them, but he won't worry about what she has in mind. He has been used to it for so many years.

She is a dual practitioner of Buddhism and Taoism. Can I give her some motivation so that she can have greater pursuits so that she will not be lonely...

"Do you plan to stay here like this forever?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Is there a problem?" Fan Qingchen asked doubtfully.

Qin Chuan rubbed his head: "Is there anything you want to pursue?"

"I feel very good now. I bathe in the sunshine every day, listen to the nature of the world, and see the flowers blooming and falling, the clouds rolling and relaxing, and there are many animals here..."

Thailand's most busty female anchor's new passionate video exposed, knocking down the male protagonist so horny and thirsty!! Watch online: meinvxuan1!!

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