Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2273: Helpless

Qin Chuan really didn't know what to say now. He felt that she was lonely, but she didn't feel lonely. At least Qin Chuan felt that she didn't feel lonely. ·yKANSHU·COM

Qin Chuan has always felt that what humans fear most is loneliness, and what they fear most is having no hope or pursuit. There is a saying that there is no difference between having no goals and ideals and being a salted fish.

Qin Chuan looked at her with a wry smile: "You don't have anything you want to do, food you want to eat, clothes you like, treasures you want..."

Fan Qingchen was stunned for a moment, she didn't have any pursuits, but it seemed a bit strange to be asked like this, but she still said: "I feel like there is nothing I really want to do, and treasures and stuff are of no use. "

"What about your cultivation? Don't you want to become stronger?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Just let nature take its course!"

"Then what would you do if a strong man wanted to molest you?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

Fan Qingchen looked at Qin Chuan and smiled: "I am still confident in this. No one can get close to me without my consent."

Qin Chuan was stunned. He originally wanted to open up the situation with this topic, but now he needs to continue looking for a direction.

As for what to say about a person, people need to get rid of external objects, but if they feel so good and don't want to be in contact with others, they have no way to say it. Money can't buy people's willingness.

Qin Chuan looked at her tangledly, and then said after a long time: "Are you happy?"

"I don't know!" Fan Qingchen said simply.

"Are you sad? Is there anything that's bothering you? Is there anything you can't figure out?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I never thought about this..."

Qin Chuan: "..."

There is always a way to win without a move. Qin Chuan's words were directly answered by the other party. He had never thought about this. ·y·COM

Let's not talk about this for the time being. Qin Chuan looked at this thin woman and didn't know what he was thinking. He saw that it was already lunch time.

"I'm going to cook, you wait!" Fan Qingchen said.

"I'll do it!" Qin Chuan said.

"How embarrassing, you are a guest."

"Are we so polite to each other? You've lost weight. I'm going to make something to eat." Qin Chuan said and entered the kitchen.

Fan Qingchen was slightly dazed. He had lost weight, had he? She walked to the kitchen and looked at where Qin Chuan was busy.

The kitchen is very small, and only one person can be busy in it. If there are two people in it, it will be crowded. Fan Qingchen stood at the door of the kitchen.

"What do you usually eat?"

Qin Chuan saw that he didn't have many ingredients here, they were all wild vegetables and fruits. This woman lived like this here...

"There are a lot of things to eat, including green fruits, black fruits, grapes..."

"Are those rice..."

Fortunately, Qin Chuan brought a lot of ingredients with him and took them directly from Sumeru mustard seeds, and then asked: "Can I eat meat?"

"I don't have taboos!" Fan Qingchen laughed.

Qin Chuan looked at Fan Qingchen's smile. He didn't know why, but it was a little sour. Her smile looked sunny and breathtakingly beautiful, but it was a little sour.

Qin Chuan cooked four vegetarian dishes, four meat dishes, and a pot of soup. It was very rich and fragrant. Needless to say, Fan Qingchen had eaten Qin Chuan's rice before.

It's just that it's been too long, but now that she smells this fragrance, she still feels extremely shocked.

Since she was not taboo, Qin Chuan took out a jar of plum blossom wine and poured it for her. Qin Chuan also picked up a bowl and said, "It's been so long, let's have a drink."


Fan Qingchen was very straightforward and had a drink with Qin Chuan.

Eat vegetables!

Fan Qingchen ate very happily.

Qin Chuan spent most of his time looking at her. At this time, she looked like a normal woman, not as distant as before.

When people eat whole grains, they will feel more normal only when they are eating, and only sometimes, such as when they are in love.

"Your skills are so good!" Fan Qingchen praised.

"Then eat more!" Qin Chuan helped her pick up the vegetables.

This move was a bit intimate, and it was his chopsticks. After picking it up, Qin Chuan felt a little embarrassed. He was afraid that the other party wouldn't eat it.

In fact, it’s okay if she doesn’t eat. The worst she can do is eat what she picks up.

However, Fan Qingchen didn't seem to dislike Qin Chuan. He thanked him with a smile and continued eating.

"What are you insisting on?" Qin Chuan couldn't help but ask after finishing the meal.

He always felt that this woman was insisting on something. If that was the case, it would be fine. If not, such a stoic life would be really worrying.

It's okay for you to be stoic, but you can't be alone if you have a few friends. Those old monsters can't stand this kind of loneliness alone.

How long can she endure it, ten years, fifty years, a hundred years? What if she can't bear it anymore? What should she do? This is what Qin Chuan is worried about.

Why is Qin Chuan worried about her? Qin Chuan was stunned when he thought about this question. Yes, why would he be worried about her?

like her? This may be possible. If you like it, you don’t need any reason. We had contact at the beginning and we worked together later. At least it’s cheap.

Do you have any plans for her? Qin Chuan shook his head. He really felt that he had no intention, that is, he just wanted her to be better and live a better life.

Is there pure friendship between men and women?

Qin Chuan feels that there is, but it is definitely very rare, especially when the woman has a peerless appearance. If it is a Hedong lion roar, pure friendship is too normal.

But for a woman who is alluring to a country and a man who has pure friendship with her, this is really difficult.

So Qin Chuan has been asking himself repeatedly, does he have any plans for her?

Fan Qingchen seemed to have never thought about this. Naturally, he seemed to think about nothing.

She was stunned when she heard Qin Chuan's words: "What are you insisting on?"

Forget it, Qin Chuan didn't want to ask so many questions, and simply said: "If one day, you suddenly feel that this is meaningless, what will you do?"

"Why do you have to think about these things? Isn't it good to just let nature take its course?" Fan Qingchen looked at Qin Chuan, and his beautiful eyes with the bright Buddha sword looked at Qin Chuan seriously.

Have you eaten enough?…

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, stop here and rest for a few days. You are still a good friend after all. Let’s stop and go again.

"Qingchen, if you have nothing to do this afternoon, show me around!" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Fan Qingchen was stunned for a moment because of Qin Chuan's address, but she quickly smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

Qin Chuan did it on purpose, but this woman was just slightly stunned and didn't say anything, her expression was very natural.

In the afternoon, Qin Chuan and Fan Qingchen watched the hill. Although the hill was small, it was still a hill after all, so walking like this would take a long time to see the hill all over.

The two of them walked side by side. Fan Qingchen's figure was indescribably graceful. His simple clothes could not hide his peerless grace. As he walked, his clothes were flying, peerless independence, and Qin Chuan was slightly in a trance.

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