Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2274 Qin Chuan is despised

The two of them just walked and watched in the hill, talking from time to time, but Qin Chuan usually talked the most, and Fan Qingchen said щww{][lā}

Although she speaks little, it doesn't make people feel that she is not good at talking. It even makes people feel that she speaks very naturally. Both her tone and feeling are very good.

It won't make people feel embarrassed or left out, but will make people feel natural and comfortable.

Qin Chuan doesn't know how to persuade her now, let alone persuade her to join the crowd. Qin Chuan is very confused. In fact, he is just worried about what he should do if she gets tired of this kind of life in the future.

After all, she was alone, which was very scary. It would be okay if she didn't feel lonely, but once she felt lonely, it could easily kill her.

Just like those old monsters, because they are so different from their descendants, they have almost no family ties. And those old guys leave one by one, and so do their children and grandchildren.

After many years, once you feel lonely and lifeless, it's over.

This is why it is said that what humans fear most is loneliness. Once this kind of autism appears, it is more terrifying than autism.

So Qin Chuan thought about how to leave something more for her, even if it was hatred, just like Hall Master Wu, he could persist in living under such circumstances.

"Are you worried about me?" Fan Qingchen looked at Qin Chuan with a smile.

Qin Chuan was stunned. This woman's senses were very sensitive and she could feel it. He didn't deny it or admit it because he didn't know what to say.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." Fan Qingchen said again.

"I know you are okay now, but as time goes by, once you get tired of this kind of life, what will you do then?" Qin Chuan asked.

"At that time, I can go find you. Will you ignore me?" Fan Qingchen said happily.

Qin Chuan was stunned by Fan Qingchen's words. He really didn't expect her to say such things. This was not her style, so he was stunned for a moment.

"Aren't you willing?" Fan Qingchen asked gently.

Qin Chuan looked at her with a wry smile: "It's not that I'm unwilling, I'm very willing, very willing, but I felt that you had forgotten it at that time, so how could you come to find me."

"No, I will definitely remember you, because I only remember you." Fan Qingchen said seriously.

Qin Chuan was surprised again and again. If it were another woman, Qin Chuan would feel that these were love words, but not with Fan Qingchen.

Although not, it also means that he may be her only friend, and this honor makes people happy and proud.

"How can you make someone never forget someone?" Qin Chuan thought for a while and asked.

Fan Qingchen said without hesitation: "Loving someone and hating someone can achieve this effect."

Qin Chuan smiled and looked at Fan Qingchen: "Then do you know what love is?"

Fan Qingchen shook his head.

"Then do you know what hate is?" Qin Chuan asked one after another.

Fan Qingchen shook his head again.

Qin Chuan didn't know what to say, because he didn't know whether Fan Qingchen really didn't know, or whether he was pretending not to know, but this woman really made him feel like he had no desires and desires, his heart was as still as water, and he was neither happy nor sad.

Normal people have seven emotions and six desires. The reason why people are human and the reason why they are wonderful is because they have normal emotions and six desires.

If you don't have seven emotions and six desires, and don't understand joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, what's the point? Qin Chuan can't imagine it, but the woman in front of him is like this.

He wants to change, but he doesn't know how to change. A country is easy to change, but a person's nature is hard to change. Changing a person, especially this kind of change, is almost as difficult as climbing to the sky.

"Don't you want to know what love is, what hate is, what happiness is, what anger is..." Qin Chuan asked curiously.

This time Fan Qingchen seemed to think for a while before saying: "I am very calm and don't have any strong thoughts.

You seem to be desperately pursuing many things, but I don't feel that they have any meaning. I don't want the things you pursue for free. "

Qin Chuan was speechless this time. Although he had thought about it, he still felt powerless after hearing it from Fan Qingchen. He pursued force, wealth, beauty, well, of course women pursued love, even treasures, status, etc. There is no attraction for her.

This means having no desires and no demands. Qin Chuan's expression changed, and then he suddenly reached out and held her hand.

Fan Qingchen was stunned for a moment, and instinctively wanted to stop her hand, but Qin Chuan's hold was very close. She looked at Qin Chuan, as if asking him what he meant.

Qin Chuan asked at this time: "Are you angry?"

Fan Qingchen shook his head.

"Then what are you thinking about now?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Not used to it, uncomfortable." Fan Qingchen said.

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly, and then stepped forward to hug her, but suddenly she was bounced away, and a huge force came from Fan Qingchen.

Even though Qin Chuan was powerful, he was so shocked that his blood surged and he almost vomited blood. No wonder Fan Qingchen said that no one could get close to her without her consent.

Fan Qingchen looked at Qin Chuan strangely: "I have shown mercy, what are you doing?"

"Qingchen, I like you." Qin Chuan said.

Fan Qingchen shook his head and said nothing.

Qin Chuan actually wanted Fan Qingchen to have a normal mood. Although he had previously said that changing her would be as good as reaching the sky, they still had some shortcuts, but it was hard to say whether they could succeed.

Such as love or hate.

Do harm to her, because even if it hurts her, it will add something to her blank heart, so that she will not be so lonely.

Even if you are accompanied by hatred, you won't feel that deathly loneliness.

But this woman has magical abilities. Without her consent, you can't get close to her at all, and you can't even hurt her.

"Let's go over there and have a look."

Qin Chuan grabbed her hand again and pulled her away.

Fan Qingchen didn't know how to do anything while holding hands. Although he was a little uncomfortable and not used to it, he didn't pull away from Qin Chuan for some unknown reason.

This brought a smile to Qin Chuan's face: "Why don't you break away? If men and women don't kiss each other, can we be considered boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Qin Chuan is now trying every possible means to have a relationship with her. Since he can't make her hate him, he is the fastest. Unfortunately, he has no choice but to use this slow method.

Fan Qingchen smiled: "I won't lose my flesh if I hold your hand, so I don't feel like I've lost anything."

Qin Chuan's mouth twitched: "Then can I kiss you?"

"No!" Fan Qingchen said simply.

"Why?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"Because I'm disgusting."

Qin Chuan's mouth twitched again, a blow, a deep blow, and he looked at her pitifully with a bitter look on his face. )!!

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