Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2392: Deposed

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This blow directly knocked away King Li's trump card. Qin Chuan's nine-step heaven-defying step and the big yin-yang hand were also considered a trump card, but it would take a little time.

However, because Qin Chuan's trump card is coordinated with the Nine-step Heaven-defying Step, it is not easy to be interrupted, because he can dodge and accumulate power at the same time.

Qin Chuan's trump card is actually a combination of two martial arts. Strictly speaking, this trump card is not a trump card, but because it is so powerful, it can be used as a trump card.

After this blow, City Lord Li basically had no room to turn around. Unless there was some heaven-defying treasure, he didn't need any ability to activate it.

Be it treasures, trump cards, or powerful martial arts and combat skills, these all have one thing in common, that is, the stronger the ability, the higher the requirements.

For example, the stronger the trump card, the more powerful it is, the longer it takes to accumulate power, and the greater the consumption.

Therefore, everything in the world seems to be unbalanced, but it is balanced to a certain extent. Therefore, sometimes you can starve to death guarding the golden mountain, but you cannot use powerful treasures and trump cards.

City Lord Li couldn't accept it at this time. The discomfort on his body was already a bit unbearable, but the most uncomfortable thing was in his heart, he had failed.

I was a little confused about the reason for my defeat, I was unwilling to lose, but I couldn't find anything wrong with it, and the building in my heart collapsed.

Qin Chuan did not expect such a simple victory. After all, he thought he would have to fight against the opponent's trump card or destructive treasure.

After all, this is King Li's City of Immortal Wood Country. Although he was confident, he had also thought about the situation of big resistance, but he didn't expect that this was a bit too smooth.

City Lord Li was actually careless, otherwise even if he couldn't defeat Qin Chuan, even if the gap was a bit big, he wouldn't have suffered such an aggrieved defeat.

Qin Chuan did not kill him. City Lord Li seemed to have aged a lot at this moment, and the previous momentum was instantly gone.

Originally, Qin Chuan would not hold back such a person and would usually kill him, but he didn't kill him this time because no matter what, he was the blood father of his little junior sister.

Of course, Qin Chuan also knew that if Qin Chuan didn't kill him, it would be even less likely that his junior sister would kill him. They all said that you are unkind and I am unjust, but that is not the case. If that were the case, the difference between the two people would be gone.

Some people may wonder,

This is stupid. If someone wants to kill you and you don't kill him, what if he kills you next time?

Keep letting it go, and if you continue like this, once or twice, you will eventually succeed again. What if you succeed?

The truth is this, but although he is not killed, there must be corresponding means, also called punishment, so Qin Chuan also used his hands and feet this time.

The main cultivation level of Li Wangcheng was abolished.

Needless to say, cultivation is very important to a warrior. It cannot be said that it is more important than life, but it is definitely the most important thing besides life.

Many people even regard cultivation as more important than life, because without cultivation, everything is gone. Cultivation is the foundation of everything, the soul and pillar of a person. Without cultivation, it is like a house without one. The beams and pillars.

At this time, King Li's mind was blank. He was the head of the family, but all of this was based on his cultivation.

King Li's city lord was completely devastated, and for a moment he even contemplated death. Suddenly many things became boring.

A person's state of mind will change dramatically only during ups and downs. The situation in front of him is enough to defeat anyone. This situation will be fatal if encountered once in a lifetime, and few people can get out of it.

Real coming out is not the kind of short-term recovery of cultivation, or even the next level, but the real lack of cultivation, but a life that can continue and be strong, rather than the kind of living like a walking dead.

Qin Chuan has the ability to restore his cultivation, but Qin Chuan will not help him restore it, at least not now, unless he knows that he was wronged and alive. The junior sister spoke.

Otherwise, Qin Chuan would not have allowed him to recover. Besides, this man had murderous intentions towards him before. He came with his junior sister, and he wanted to kill him.

Such a person would kill himself without asking anything. Qinchuan felt that such a person was not a kind person.

At this time, a group of people came over and surrounded the place directly. The person leading the group, Qin Chuan, also knew him, and he was the middle-aged man from before.

He was the biological uncle of the younger junior sister. He did not smile at this time, but looked serious. He glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on King Li.

"Brother, are you okay?" He said with concern, but there was ecstasy deep in his eyes. This was his attitude now.

He was expressing that he was on the side of his eldest brother and the city lord's palace. At the same time, he also knew that his eldest brother would definitely make a decision.

So at this time, he didn't need to say anything. As long as he stood here, he had already won. He would hold the benefits and the pot. Naturally, his elder brother would take the responsibility.

Of course, everyone who is King Li’s city lord will see it. You can know such things without even thinking about it.

But now he has no choice or idea. The only comfort is that this brother is his biological brother.

So people at home hardly have to worry, even their own women, children, etc.

They are all from the same family, and they can't be so perfect. With such a big family watching, if he dares to be so cruel, then he doesn't have to stay in the family.

The most important thing for a big family is to strictly prohibit fighting and killing within the family. Anyone who violates this rule will be attacked by everyone in the family.

King Li's City Lord's cultivation was abolished, so it was over. It was hard to say whether he would be alive today, so naturally he no longer had to worry about the replacement of City Lord.

If you want to change someone, it will naturally be someone close to you, and this younger brother of yours is naturally the most suitable.

He is his biological brother, and he is also very good, so at this time he looked at his brother and nodded.

Everyone understood it tacitly, and the middle-aged man couldn't hide his surprise when he saw City Lord Li nodding.

"Brother, what should they do?" the middle-aged man looked at Qin Chuan and the junior sister and asked.

City Lord Li Wang hesitated and said, "You don't have to interfere in this matter. Also, don't think about causing trouble for them in the future, unless you want the Li family to disappear."

The middle-aged man shuddered, but his eldest brother's words made him relieved. Naturally, he was unwilling to trouble Qin Chuan. After all, his eldest brother was easily destroyed.

Even if his eldest brother asked him to touch Qin Chuan, he wouldn't go. It's just a joke. It's stupid to rush forward without thinking even when you know you will die.

"I promise, brother, don't worry!" the middle-aged man said seriously.

Lord Li took out a Sumeru mustard seed and handed it to the middle-aged man: "This is for you. It contains everything you want. You are a person who has an overall view. The Li family is in your hands. I hope it can reach a higher level." building."

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