Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2393 Jedi

"Let's go, I'll take you to see her!" King Li said softly.

After speaking, he walked forward to lead the way.

At this time, his spine seemed to be bent a little, and his whole person had undergone tremendous changes compared to before, just for a while.

This is the state of mind. A person's state of mind directly affects a person, so it is crucial to stabilize the state of mind and cultivate the character.

Qin Chuan is not afraid of the other party's dirty tricks, but he cannot help but be on guard. After all, in addition to poison and other things, this world also has some secret room dilemmas.

If a person wants to die, he will naturally not mind bringing the person he wants to kill with him.

So Qin Chuan had to guard against it.

As for the junior sister being his daughter, this would not be a condition. For him, this daughter is just a symbol, or a sigh.


This is an underground place. As soon as he entered, Qin Chuan discovered that the stone walls here were unusual. These materials were made of meteorites falling from the sky.

These meteorites are unusual and extremely strong. Looking at them with Qin Chuan's golden eyes, he found that these meteorites are almost difficult to destroy even if they are magical weapons.

Interestingly, Qin Chuan originally felt that the other party must have lost all hope, and since he was like this, he probably wouldn't have any murderous intentions towards him.

But now it seems that it is not that simple. If he and I go into the secret room here, we will probably never get out.

This kind of meteorite is not only a magical weapon that is difficult to destroy, but also cuts off the vitality of heaven and earth. It can almost be said that you can only rely on the physical body to enter here, and this kind of meteorite should also cut off treasures.

Maybe even the treasures cannot be used when entering here. There is a treasure in Qinchuan, the Five Elements Immortal Flag. I wonder if such a treasure can not be restricted by this kind of meteorite.

The junior sister never spoke, but she would look at this man from time to time. This was her father, her biological father.

It was supposed to be the apple of his eye, and he was supposed to have a wonderful childhood and wonderful memories, but all of this was very simple and could be enjoyed by ordinary people, but it was a luxury for him.

The middle-aged man naturally felt the gaze of his junior sister, but now he had no choice, for the sake of the City Lord's Mansion and the Li family.

He had to clean up his mess, otherwise his brother would not make things easier for his family if he became the head of the family.

So what if he is a biological brother? The person in front of him is still his biological daughter.

He didn't dare to see his daughter. No matter what he did or how hard-hearted he was, he would always lose money, especially when his daughter and his own woman were both at fault. It was all his own fault.

But now I can only make mistakes again and again. I know it is wrong, but I still insist on it. What I hurt is the person closest to me.

This feeling is really uncomfortable, especially when alone, it can make him cry silently. People are emotional animals, and everything is actually controlled by emotions.

"Even now, you still want to kill us." Qin Chuan said softly.

Lord Li trembled slightly, stopped, looked back at Qin Chuan, and then at his daughter. He saw his daughter's eyes, although they were still indifferent, there was complexity in the indifference.

This kind of gaze made him uncomfortable. He had never experienced anything in his life, but he had no children to live by. Due to various reasons, he had not been able to accompany almost all of his children.

He is the lord of a city and one of the twelve royal cities, so he is naturally very busy. Although he has gained a lot, he has also lost a lot.

Qin Chuan's words didn't make him change much. He looked at Qin Chuan: "Are you afraid?"

It would be a lie to say that he didn't hate this young man who had ruined himself, but because he was inferior in skills and careless, he regretted it, but unfortunately he had no chance to regret it.

Although Qin Chuan is young, he is not an impulsive person. He nodded: "I'm scared!"

City Lord Li Wang was also stunned. Although his method of stimulating generals was not of any level, it was generally very easy to achieve results, especially when the other party was a young man, a strong and proud young man.

At least in Qin Chuan's view, he is a proud young man. After all, he is so young,

He must be very proud of being so powerful.

City Lord Li Wang smiled and shook his head: "Come on, I won't harm you."

This sentence is full of sincerity, but Qin Chuan always feels that it is inappropriate, but when he gets here, what can he do, not go?

Or threaten the other party to release the junior sister's mother?

This method is possible, he can use the city lord's palace as a blackmail, but this time the man spoke.

"I know what you want to say. I want to say it's useless. I have no value at this time, and the water in the City Lord's Mansion is not as simple as you think."

Qin Chuan frowned and hesitated.

"Young man, you are not that kind of person. My younger brother has no other skills, but he is very good at recognizing people. I can see who you are. Do you think your idea can work?"

Qin Chuan was speechless. He was not the kind of person who killed innocent people indiscriminately. As long as the other party persisted, he really couldn't kill someone to force him to do so.

But the more this happens, the more I feel that there is fraud in it, but what can I do?

And he didn't dare to go down. It really had an impact. Qin Chuan found that his mood was a little more favorable to the warrior's courage to move forward.

He knew this was because he saw that this place was made of special meteorites, and he felt terrified. This had a great impact on warriors.

There are many ups and downs in martial arts, and there are many tribulations. You must make yourself fearless. This fearlessness does not mean that you cannot retreat at any time. It is foolish to rush forward even though you know you will die.

But this time it was a suspense, and it touched Qin Chuan's heart, so it has been affected, so if he wants to completely eliminate this influence, he must go in.

"Little junior sister, you stay here, I'll go in!" Qin Chuan said softly.

Qinchuan also has the Five Elements Immortal Flag, which is also a trump card. I don’t know if it will work, but there is always a hope.

Besides, Qin Chuan still has the Golden Eyes, which is really a secret chamber formation or something, so it doesn't mean there is nothing he can do.

So thinking of these, my mind gradually calmed down.

"I want to go!" the junior sister said firmly.

Qin Chuan nodded and did not stop him.

He knew he couldn't stop it.

City Lord Li Wang took the lead and walked in with a smile, followed by Qin Chuan and his junior sister.


They had not gone very far when they entered, and the direct entrance was closed. There were luminous pearls and other things here, which were very bright.

However, Qin Chuan suddenly felt that what was supposed to happen had happened. No matter what the reason was, King Li wanted to kill himself.

Qin Chuan looked at City Lord Li in front of him: "What do you mean?"

In fact, Qin Chuan also guessed it, but still asked.

"Now that my daughter is here, the family is reunited. I originally thought that you and my daughter were husband and wife, but now it seems that we are not, but it doesn't matter. It's not bad for everyone to live here together." City Lord Li Wang said happily.

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