Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2403 Climbing Tongtian Mountain

Qin Chuan was never merciless to those who wanted to kill him, so these people were tragic. They rushed towards Qin Chuan and stretched out their butcher knives.

But the result was that these people fell down one by one, but the guards who came from elsewhere did not dare to move.

Qin Chuan smiled and thought about the people around him and said, "Go ahead and move quickly. I think I can help you survive the whole day."

"One day is enough. Thank you brother. Without further ado, let's go there first and thank you brother when we come back." The man said solemnly, clasping his fists.

Qin Chuan waved his hand.

No one else dared to step forward, and Qin Chuan was too lazy to take action. He took a look nearby while thinking about how to deal with the next thing.

These people are not on the stage, they are just here to clear the place, but the people on the other side should arrive soon, after all, they have to be deployed in advance.

Qin Chuan came here just to see if he could stop the deployment of those people, and to hit a meteorite. It was impossible to rely on the strength of a single person for such a huge meteorite.

At least it shouldn't be possible at the moment, otherwise Renjun and the others wouldn't have planned to stop it. If they had that strength, they probably wouldn't have the power to stop it.

The ability to knock down stars with a snap of a finger is something that Qin Chuan has not yet been able to touch. This is just a legendary existence. Whether it is real or not, Qin Chuan can be sure at this time that it definitely exists.

But that should be in the land of Nine Heavens.

And even in the Land of Nine Heavens, such people are probably rare, and the one here is just a huge meteorite, not a star, not a small star.

Knocking down stars is something only people have heard of. It is unimaginable. According to legend, in the endless starry sky, there is an ancient wild beast that can destroy the stars, sun and moon with just one breath...

The world they live in is even more unimaginable. To some beings, the stars are just like lanterns in this world, which can be broken with a wave of hands.

Putting aside these thoughts, Qin Chuan will go to the Land of Nine Heavens after everything here is over.

It's just that the Jiutian Land is definitely bigger and wider, and it's not necessarily possible to find Chu Master Qingzhu and the others there.

But no matter what, this step must be taken.

Time passed unconsciously, and soon half a day passed. Those people stared at Qin Chuan from a distance, as if they were afraid that Qin Chuan would run away.

As long as Qin Chuan doesn't leave, these people will keep watching from a distance. If Qin Chuan is nearby, they will follow him at a short distance.

Until the afternoon, a group of people, about thirty people, came. These people were dressed in fancy clothes, but Qin Chuan still shook his head slightly when he saw it.

The people these guards can call are really not good. They are much stronger than them, but at Qinchuan's level of strength, they are still too low to be worthy of attention.

However, Qin Chuan also breathed a sigh of relief. If these people came to relax, it should be no problem to delay it for a day or two.

"Whoever eats Bear Heart Leopard and dares to kill people here without knowing whether to live or die, let me catch him."

The leader is an old man with a pair of eagle eyes, ruthless and cold, tall and strong body.

After he arrived, he was very neat and didn't say a word nonsense. After he finished speaking, the people around him surrounded Qinchuan, each holding a curved short knife in their hands, glowing with a green and cold light.

There is strong poison on it, and this kind of ice blade is very strange. Dozens of people have this kind of weapon, and they work together perfectly, and they form their own formation during their actions.

The formation was exquisite and made Qin Chuan's eyes light up. This formation was very clever and coordinated very well. He also understood why the other party was so confident and could easily win over him.

If Qin Chuan didn't understand the formation, it might be really troublesome this time because of the opponent's formation plus the strange weapons and the poison on them.

This poison is extremely poisonous, but Qinchuan himself is almost invulnerable to a hundred poisons. Of course, being invulnerable to a hundred poisons does not mean that he will not be poisoned to death, but it just means that most of the poisons are useless.

But there is no absolute in everything. The reason why it is immune to all poisons is because the poison is not poisonous enough. As long as the poison is enough, no one can be poisoned.

However, when these people met Qin Chuan, they could only be regarded as unlucky.

But Qin Chuan's biggest gain today was their formation.

It is said that when three people walk together, there must be a teacher. Sometimes, you don’t just have to learn from people who are better than you. In fact, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses.

Even if you are not as good as yourself, as long as you can find it, you can still find something that you can learn from.

This formation is novel, weird, and strange, but the exquisite power of the formation is actually not as good as Qin Chuan's formation.

But Qin Chuan can be inspired by this formation, extract some magical things from it and integrate it into his own formation, which can enhance the power of his formation.

Qin Chuan moved around casually, weaving in and out of formations, dodging the opponent's attacks with ease. He wanted to study the opponent's formation carefully, so he couldn't deal with these people immediately.

"Young man, don't think that you can fight against us if you know some formations and formations. You're far from it. Don't be so short-sighted in the next life." The man said with a sneer.

Qin Chuan casually summoned the precious beast Diamond Rat, and then waved his hand to throw it while dodging. The speed of the Diamond Rat itself was extremely fast, and it also used the divine burrowing ability.

The magical skill, coupled with Qin Chuan's throwing speed, is not even a bit fast.


The man didn't even react, and the diamond rat went directly through the other man's throat.


Qin Chuan also later discovered that he used the diamond rat as a hidden weapon, and the effect was unimaginable. Let alone the people in front of him, even those who were much stronger than Qin Chuan could not stop this move.

The man's eyes widened and he looked at Qin Chuan, full of shock and disbelief. He did not expect that he would die, or die in this way.

It can be said that I will never die with my eyes in peace.

The man was the leader here, and now that he was dead, the formation was temporarily panicked, but it quickly continued to maintain its position and launched a fierce attack on Qin Chuan.

Half a quarter of an hour later, everyone around Qinchuan fell.

It was peaceful after that, and no one came to disturb Qin Chuan again. However, Qin Chuan had to take precautions, so he set up a enchantment array at the foot of the mountain.

Not counting this, he was also planning to go up the mountain to take a look. Maybe he could do some tricks there in case of emergencies, and Qin Chuan felt that there was a high possibility that it could be used.

However, it is not difficult to climb this mountain, but the difficulty lies in the dangers at a certain height, such as the rules of the world, natural damage, and even some unimaginable monsters and the like.

Qin Chuan stood on the back of the colorful dragon bird, with several precious beasts such as the dragon baby and the dragon and leopard beast beside him in case of unexpected occurrences.

The colorful dragon bird flew towards Tongtian Mountain, flying very fast and getting higher and higher. The clouds were all under its feet, and later, the clouds were no longer visible.

It's getting colder and colder, biting to the bone. With Qin Chuan's physique, he can feel a hint of chill. Anyone else would probably feel the cold wind as sharp as a knife.

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