Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2404: Tongtian Peak, Grand Formation

The power of nature is really terrifying, and Qin Chuan can feel it best at this time. It originally felt that after a warrior's physical fitness reaches a certain level with his cultivation, he must be immune to certain temperatures, wind and cold.

But as my cultivation became stronger and stronger, my understanding of nature became deeper and deeper, and I realized that I was so wrong.

The power of nature is endless. Yes, a little wind is nothing and it is very comfortable. But when the wind is strong, it can make it difficult to breathe. If it is too strong, it can be blown away. If it is too strong, it can tear everything apart.

A little cold is nothing. When the cold reaches a certain level, the metal of weapons can freeze and crack. If the cold is so severe, it can instantly freeze into ice sculptures, real ice crystals, and then shatter and dissipate.

Wind, thunder, fire, hail, rain, snow, etc., any one of them can have unlimited power as long as it is strong enough.

Fortunately, Qin Chuan's body strength has reached a very high level. Even those who are much higher than Qin Chuan's cultivation realm are not as good as Qin Chuan's body.

Since those people want to do something on the top of Tongtian Mountain, they must be able to withstand the power of nature.

Qin Chuan believes that he can do it too, and it should be much easier than those people. As for the treasure beasts and baby dragons, needless to say, they can definitely bear it.

Time passed little by little. Qin Chuan had already activated the formation and divine position. His body felt very relaxed, and he even gradually felt warm without any discomfort.

This is the strength of Qin Chuan.

It is getting higher and higher, but Tongtian Mountain seems to have no top, it is still very high. This is not surprising, after all, meteorites can be intercepted on it.

Suddenly Qin Chuan was startled and seemed to understand something. The reason why they took action in Tongtian Mountain was to make the meteorite collide with Tongtian Mountain...

Of course, if they could collide, then these people would not have to do anything, and the method of killing would not be of any help to them because of this collision.

Because this is a natural disaster, not a man-made disaster, and they will not have the understanding of killing in their hearts. Only by participating in, changing, and killing by their hands can they truly understand the essence of the way of killing.

Therefore, this time the meteorite should pass through here, but it will not collide with Tongtian Mountain. These people use special power, traction, and interference to cause the meteorite to collide with Tongtian Mountain, thus destroying this world.

Although Qin Chuan didn't know how big the meteorite was, it was definitely not small. If he wanted to interfere with the towing of the meteorite, he could be sure that the other party would use a formation, which was also the key.

Since they had to use the formation, Qin Chuan had a certain degree of confidence. As long as they tampered with the formation, their plan would definitely fail.

Although he has not yet reached the top of the mountain, Qin Chuan has already guessed the possibility of the matter. Although he is not sure whether it is the case, he feels that he is inseparable.

He was sure.

Time passed by, and Qin Chuan was very fast, but even so, he still couldn't see the top of the mountain.

You must know how fast Qinchuan was, and he also used a scale in the middle. In fact, the difficulty of climbing Tongtian Mountain is not the height of the mountain, but the harsh conditions.

No matter how high it is, as long as you have a flying mount, it is not difficult to climb up. The reason why it is so difficult is the harsh environment and dangerous existence.


A huge roar interrupted Qin Chuan's trance. A colorful giant python, Qin Chuan didn't know how big it was, rushed toward him with a biting chill and fishy stench. The figure was extremely huge, and it seemed to have the appearance of a dragon.


The baby dragon roared. Although the dragon roar was a bit immature, as soon as the dragon roar came out, the huge colorful python trembled and almost fell. It reflexively retracted into the huge cave on the stone wall. middle.

Qin Chuan continued to walk upwards, and similar situations occurred several times, but the baby dragon was there, and the monsters did not dare to come over at all, and some were even scared to the point of peeing.

The power of the divine dragon is so terrifying, that kind of suppression can directly make those monster beasts lose their master, and even their cultivation level will be greatly reduced.

I don’t know how long it took, but it was getting dark.

Qinchuan finally reached the top of the mountain. The mountain was rugged, with strange rocks, white snow, and ice...

This is the first time Qin Chuan has been to a place like this. The temperature here is very low, so low that it is hard to estimate. Warriors with lower cultivation levels will die instantly if they come here.

It's too cold. The cold wind can blow the stones into dust. However, the stones in Tongtian Mountain are unusual. Perhaps the mountain was bigger and higher in the past. Tempered by such wind, it has changed. The density of the stone is estimated to be I don't know how many times higher than other stones.

The stone here is harder than steel.

Um? Someone!

Qin Chuan was stunned and quickly hid his figure. Qin Chuan's hiding ability was still very good. He guessed that those people must have arranged something here, such as a formation.

After all, a large formation cannot be set up in a day or two, and the time is only three months, so it is impossible to say that the other party may have set up here very early. After all, some large formations take a long time to set up.

Soon Qin Chuan saw the other party, and was slightly startled when he saw that there were hundreds of people.

Hundreds of people are dividing the work and setting up the formation in an orderly and methodical manner. The progress is already more than half. It seems that it will be completed in a month at most.

Qin Chuan hid himself and watched with his golden eyes. He was surprised that the other party must be from a large formation sect.

This arm is really too big, so many people are really knowledgeable about this formation. Qin Chuan observed it and was amazed again and again.

Big deal, big inheritance!

Qin Chuan could understand it, and it could even be said that he felt enlightened. Qin Chuan's formation had reached the realm of spiritual formation.

But after seeing it this time, my horizons suddenly broadened a lot, and many things that I didn't understand suddenly became clear.

If you are well-informed, everything in the world is connected. Many times, two unrelated things can be understood and the truth behind them can be understood.

Although they are both formations, the two formations are completely different, but this does not affect the roots of them. They are inseparable from their origins, and they all have roots.

Qin Chuan quietly released the formation-devouring beast and threw it into the formation, looking for flaws in the formation, preferably the critical flaws.

But you can't take action now, you must inflict a heavy blow at the most critical moment. You can't alert the enemy now, but if you can't find a flaw and cannot destroy it at the critical moment, then you must take action in advance.

If they destroy the formation early, they won't have time to set it up.

But we still have to wait until Renjun and the others arrive before making any plans.

But now Qin Chuan doesn't plan to leave. He wants to see the formation here. As for whether he will be discovered, he is still confident.

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