Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2407: Great Disparity

"So our side shouldn't be able to win," the woman said.

Qin Chuan nodded: "In principle, that's the case. We definitely won't win unless something unexpected happens, but don't rush to take action now, wait and see."

Qin Chuan wanted to see the opponent's situation through fighting. It is said that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. Only by understanding your opponent can you be targeted when taking action. This is very important.

Many times the battle is all about surprise. Two people are about the same strength. If one party suddenly makes a surprise move, even if it is not very powerful, it can often lead to unexpected results.

But if the opponent understands and targets it, not only will the result not be effective, but the opponent will even seize the flaw and target it, causing the opponent to be killed with one blow.

At the beginning of the battle, Qin Chuan saw the power of this Hunyuan Formation.

Qinchuan's Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation can be regarded as an integrated attack and defense, but in general it is an all-powerful one. It can be said that its power is absolutely strong when Qinchuan uses it.

The three-person formation in front of them, because there are only three people in number, the three of them have cultivated this three-person Hunyuan Formation to a good level.

The Hunyuan Formation also integrates offense and defense, and is extremely powerful, but it is different from Qin Chuan's acupuncture method and requires coordination.

The Holy Buddha Five Elements Formation is almost unnecessary in terms of coordination, because it is directly amplified. This is also the formation that many people dream of.

As the saying goes, there are advantages and disadvantages. The more tacit cooperation the Hunyuan Formation has, the greater its power will be. Likewise, coordination is not as simple as imagined.

Therefore, the shortcomings of such a formation are the same. It is easy for people to find weaknesses and defeat them one by one. But if they can't find the weaknesses, then the Hunyuan is unified and unparalleled in dominance.

The three of them were like a spiraling awl, killing the Tianzong leader to a point of defeat. The gap was obvious.

However, Tianzong seems to have been prepared. Although it seems to be defeated, it is gradually stabilizing, but the situation has been difficult to change.

The woman also watched, her expression still calm. After a while, the woman seemed to want to do something, but at this time Qin Chuan happened to see a key point.

He reached out and held the woman's wrist: "Wait a minute!"

Qin Chuan didn't look back, and kept looking at both sides of the battle. The woman frowned, instinctively wanting to do something, but she saw Qin Chuan's focused expression, frowning, and not struggling.

But there was someone on the opposite side who noticed what was going on here and was so surprised that his eyes did not fall down.

In his opinion, Qin Chuan, my woman's wrist, and the woman's lack of movement, was no less than the earth falling apart. He knew very well what was going on with this woman.

It didn't take long for Qin Chuan to see what he wanted to see this time. Strictly speaking, the formations of these three people were not superior to Qin Chuan's formations. It could even be said to be inferior.

But the so-called "inches are strong and feet are short" does not mean that you are useless if you are not as good as you. As long as you are good at discovering, you can learn a lot of useful things even from people who are not as good as you.

After coming back to his senses, Qin Chuan found that he was holding the woman's wrist. He was stunned and quickly let go: "I'm sorry!"

There was no explanation, just an apology. After thinking about it carefully, he still thought of his previous action to stop the woman.

The woman didn't speak, just shook her head slightly, and kept looking at the scene where the fighting continued.

At this time, the outcome between the two sides became more obvious. The Tianzong leader and others were already suppressed and beaten, and it could be said that they had no power to fight back.

If we don't take action, then the Tianzong leader and others may have a big accident, and these people will definitely not be merciful.

But at this time, it seems that it is better to hide one's strength. If it is exposed too much, there may be some new surprises.

"Is there any way to crack it, but don't expose too much of our details." Qin Chuan turned back to the woman and said.

"If something unexpected happens to the formation on the top of the mountain, they will definitely rush up at all costs, but this probably won't work," the woman said.

"Well, you can try it!" Qin Chuan thought that the formation-devouring beast was still in the formation.

So he directly gave the order to the Devouring Formation Beast to destroy the formation. Of course, the formation is not that easy to destroy. There is only a slight movement now. If these people feel it, they will definitely put down what they are doing and protect theirs at all costs. Formation.

After all, whether this operation can be successful or not, the formation is the most important.

As soon as the formation-devouring beast started to attack, this side immediately sensed it, and the attack of the formation-devouring beast should not be underestimated, so the other side suddenly panicked.

Especially the man who is the leader in the formation. Even if this man is not the leader among this group of people, he is definitely one of the top three.

His mind was greatly shaken. He couldn't tolerate any chaos at this time, so he panicked. This was a real panic, so the formation suddenly became chaotic, and its power was greatly reduced in an instant, and it even became ineffective.

The Tianzong leader and others were originally suppressed and could no longer pass through. If this continues, they will be slowly consumed by the other three until they die.

At this time, the pressure suddenly decreased greatly, just like a person who was about to drown, breathing fresh air. The feeling was extremely beautiful, and the whole body was full of strength.

They resisted quickly, but at this time those people were no longer interested in fighting. If there were no problems with the formation, then this operation could be said to have basically failed.

However, they knew that their formation was not easily destroyed, and there were people waiting everywhere, but they did not allow any problems with the formation.

So no matter when the formation is threatened, you must rush over immediately.

If the other party wants to leave, the Tianzong leader and others can't keep them. This battle has made them a little demoralized. The gap between the two sides is indeed a bit big.

The three people beat one of them and was almost unable to fight back. Although Fairy Qing did not take any action, most of the people on the other side did not take action.

The woman looked at Qin Chuan: "Did you do it?"

She was actually sure that Qin Chuan did it, but she didn't know how. She mentioned it before, and the man said she could try it.

"Scare them, I didn't expect them to care so much about this formation." Qin Chuan was also a little surprised.

"This formation is too important to them. Whether they can succeed or not depends entirely on this formation, so once the formation is threatened, they will definitely rush over." The woman said.

"Does destroying their formation now count as a stop?" Qin Chuan asked.

"It's still early, and this formation is not easy to break. Even if their formation is destroyed by you, it cannot be completely destroyed. It can still be repaired. Destroying their formation now will make them more vigilant." The woman thought for a moment and said.

"You mean to find a suitable time to destroy their formation and that's it."

Qin Chuan actually thought about it, but sometimes he still needed to confirm it.

"Have you seen their formation? Are you sure it can be broken?" The woman's beautiful eyes as bright as stars looked at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "I don't know now, I need time."

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