Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2408 Quiet Night

"I don't know yet, I need time!"

Qin Chuan didn't dare to say it to death. Although he had good attainments in formations, there were people outside the world and there was a world outside the world. The more he walked along the way, the more he felt his own shortcomings.

Especially where I am now, and where I am going to the Nine Heavens Land next, my strength is still not enough.

The Tianzong leader and his party were very disappointed. They didn’t know how to proceed in the next battle. If their formation hadn’t been threatening, they wouldn’t have known how to escape.

It was not good for Qin Chuan to see them like this. If they continued like this, they would collapse without fighting. He thought for a while and said, "There is no need to be depressed. Overall, it's not bad."

After finishing speaking, Qin Chuan realized that what he said was inappropriate, so he said directly: "I saw that everyone's battles were not much different before. I have ways to make up for it, and I shouldn't lose to the opponent."

The leader of Tianzong is actually not very angry. He is just very powerless now. Even if others say something to him, he is not in the mood to care about anything.

After hearing what Qin Chuan said later, he still asked: "Little brother, is there any way to make up for it?"

The woman looked at Qin Chuan. In fact, she already knew what it was. It should be a formation, but she was still curious. After all, the formations used by the previous Tianzong masters were already very powerful. Even Qin Chuan's formation was a little stronger. So what, how much stronger it can be will not change the outcome at all.

But she didn't know why she always felt that this young man was a little different and seemed to be able to create miracles, so he just watched and said nothing.

Qin Chuan didn't say much, and directly used the Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation, inspiring dozens of people here to surround it.

The Holy Buddha's Five Elements Formation is definitely a god-level formation, and it is the most stable and strongest overall increase. As long as it is given a position in the formation, it does not require cooperation to function.

Of course, as for cooperation, it belongs to the strength of cooperation increase, and has no direct relationship with the formation. This kind of formation is the favorite.

As for the Hunyuan Formation, which requires cooperation to exert greater power, this requires talent and time to break in.

It's not suitable for Qin Chuan. After all, many people are improvised and there is no time for running-in.

The increase in Qin Chuan's formation was more than a star and a half greater than the increase in the previous formation. If there had been an increase before, they felt they could definitely compete.

I was hit too hard before,

Now Qin Chuan's formation seemed extremely precious, so the head of Tianzong and others were very excited.

Qin Chuan also gave the woman the formation boost. After feeling Qin Chuan's formation ability, she was still surprised. After all, it was completely beyond her expectation.

She originally thought that Qin Chuan's formation would definitely be better, but she didn't expect it to be so much better, which was beyond her expectation.

This made her feel like she might be able to fight them face to face, but not sure.

She looked at Qin Chuan, but she was lost in thought, while Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile, and the two seemed to be looking at each other lovingly.

Qin Chuan also knew that the other party was distracted, but he didn't know why he wanted to tease her. Looking at her calm look, he wanted to see if she would panic.

The people around were also stunned. Others were not sure whether the woman was in a trance, because most people would not look into the woman's eyes, but even when they looked at the woman's eyes, they could only feel that the woman was looking at Qin Chuan.

He was indeed looking at Qin Chuan, but he was lost in thought, but the look in his eyes did not change much.

The woman who came back to her senses saw Qin Chuan's warm eyes, which were very clear and without impurities. Then the woman saw the eyes around her with great surprise, and she quickly understood what was going on.

She did not panic, but smiled softly: "You are not a good person!"

This was said to Qin Chuan. With a gentle word and a slight smile, that moment was really full of charm, and it was all her own.

Qin Chuan was slightly in a trance. This woman's beauty was very unique, especially the beauty that bloomed at this moment directly hit her face and was pervasive.

However, he quickly came to his senses and shook his head with a smile. He didn't know whether this shake of the head was to throw the kunoichi away, or it was a sign of helplessness.

However, with this little episode, the two people were not as alienated as before, and there was a small feeling, like a feeling of sympathy.

Very strange, very light, but very warm.

Although they have Qin Chuan's formation, they are not relaxed. It can only be said that they have a little resistance now.

But now they feel that Qin Chuan is special. After all, being with someone like Fairy Qing makes people not feel awkward.

Invisibly, Qin Chuan's status has improved a lot. Before, when he was young, he was only regarded as Renjun's sworn brother. Now it can be said that it is Qin Chuan's own personal charm.

A few people did not go to the top of the mountain and found a place to camp at the foot of the mountain. Qin Chuan took out his wooden house. Now he is very calm.

Many things cannot be forced, just try your best. Now he is still digesting the Hunyuan Formation. This formation is very clever. It can be regarded as the absolute top formation, and it is also a spiritual formation.

Qin Chuan saw a lot of mysteries in it. He needed to digest and deduce it. It would be better if he could absorb it and make it his own.

At night, he was lying alone in his cabin. He was not sleepy, and the night was getting deeper. But at this time, he felt someone coming to the door of his cabin.

Qin Chuan was stunned because he already knew who it was. He stood up and walked out curiously. Not far from the wooden house, a woman stood there.

The moonlight is like water, the silver sand falls to the ground, and the world is quiet. The surroundings are quiet, except for the occasional sound of insects.

The woman under the moonlight was beautiful, really beautiful, with that kind of demureness, that kind of coolness, that kind of fairy coldness, she smiled slightly when she saw Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan also smiled: "It's so late, Fairy Qing didn't come to me to have a romantic relationship with me, right?"

Seeing the woman's smile, Qin Chuan couldn't help but make a small joke. He also wanted to see where this woman's tolerance limit was.

The woman gave Qin Chuan a slightly disgusted look. She couldn't be said to be angry or not angry, and she didn't seem to take Qin Chuan's words to heart.

"You are indeed not a good person." The woman said softly.

Qin Chuan smiled: "I never said I was a good person!"

"I know you should have something. You have more than one trump card. I want to talk to you." The woman said straight to the point.

Qin Chuan originally felt a lot of pressure. After all, it is not easy to prevent such things, but now he is relaxed. One is because of his mentality, and the other is because of the woman.

This woman is unfathomable. It may be difficult for the woman to stop her, or if she is separated, but if she can cooperate with this woman, the probability of success will be greatly increased.

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