Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2420: Mingyue Kingdom, Zhenwu City, Dragon People

Half a month later, Qin Chuan and Yu Qing set foot on the teleportation formation heading to the Land of Nine Heavens.

Qin Chuan's heart was very complicated at this moment. He finally wanted to go to this place. He didn't know how long it had been, but this place had always been imprinted in his heart.

It's not that I yearn for this place, but because there are people I care about, Master Chu Qingzhu, Tantai Huangqing, Yu Luoqing...

However, I have been restricted and have been unable to go. Now I can finally go, and I am still a little excited.

Yu Qing's cultivation is very strong. After all, she is the empress and ruler of this place. But now she has to leave this place. She has no worries. As for her nostalgia for this place, it is just a habit.

This is just like when a person stays in a place for a long time, he will feel close and familiar, and he will feel melancholy. This is a normal feeling.

Qin Chuan had no sense of belonging here. Yu Qing took one look here again, shook his head slightly, and used the teleportation array.

This is the teleportation array that is teleported to the Land of Nine Heavens.

He was in a trance for a while, which seemed to last for thousands of years, but it felt like a moment. When he came back to his senses again, he had appeared on a huge teleportation platform.

In the center is a huge teleportation array, and there are people everywhere on the teleportation platform.

The people who were teleported here left to the surroundings, and some people walked towards the teleportation array in the center. The sky was very high and blue, the air was fresh, the wind was gentle and the sun was bright, and the clouds were white like snow.

It's beautiful, feels very comfortable, there are people coming and going everywhere, and it's a thriving place, which makes people feel very good in an instant.

It's lively, but not chaotic, and orderly. It makes people feel that the world is beautiful.

The land of nine heavens!

Qin Chuan breathed a fresh breath. This magnificent world had finally arrived. He knew that he was still far away from the person he was looking for.

But this is the land of Nine Heavens after all. It is considered to be in the same world. It can be said that people from the same world now.

It’s just that the world may be very big, too big.

The vastness is unimaginable. It is difficult to find a few people here, but it is not difficult. No matter who you are looking for, fortunately, what Qin Chuan is looking for is the Nine Heavens Mysterious Goddess Temple.

This won't be difficult,

They should be some of the most powerful and top beings in the world, but whether they are strong enough or not is what they should worry about.


A huge dragon roar sounded, and then Qin Chuan looked up at the sky in surprise. A giant dragon more than two thousand meters long passed through the sky.

Real dragon!

Qin Chuan was sure that this was a real dragon, a pure-blooded dragon. He was a little surprised, after all, it was rare to see a real dragon before.

Moreover, it is someone else's mount. Although it is not a real dragon with noble blood, it is still a real dragon with a noble status. It is difficult to tame it if you are not a real strong person.

The land of Jiutian is really extraordinary. This world is so terrifying that it is unimaginable. He also longs for the life here and Yu Qing to accompany him.

Yu Qing was very calm. Although he looked at the real dragon in the sky, he didn't look back until the real dragon disappeared, but he was not surprised.

"You've been here before." Qin Chuan smiled.

Yu Qing nodded: "Well, sometimes I come here to stay for a few days, but I have never left this Zhenwu City."

"This is Zhenwu City." Qin Chuan finally knew the name of this city.

Yu Qing nodded and smiled: "Well, this city is called Zhenwu City. It is a very large city. It is the royal city of a country. It is even the second largest city in the country, second only to the imperial city."

"What is the name of this country?" Qin Chuan asked casually.

"Mingyue Kingdom, Zhenwu City!"

The name of the country is not distinctive. It is estimated that there are not 10,000 but 8,000 people named Mingyue Kingdom in this world. As for Zhenwu City, it is estimated that there are even more.

After all, there were countless Qinglong City and Phoenix City that Qin Chuan encountered before. Their names were just code names. Most people would never be able to leave the city they were in.

As long as you know what your city is called, it's okay if you don't know. After all, Zhenwu City is too big, so you just need to know where you are.

"Madam, where are we now?" Qin Chuan asked casually.

"Let's go, I still have a farm here." Yu Qing looked at Qin Chuan with a smile.

Qin Chuan was stunned and couldn't help but smile on his face. He just felt happy. This woman has become too much now than before.

Yu Qing was stunned when she saw Qin Chuan, and her face turned slightly red. She knew what Qin Chuan was thinking. This feeling was very clear, as if she had a telepathic connection.

This is a subtle state that can also occur to ordinary people. They can clearly feel each other's thoughts. The feeling is very subtle and very enjoyable.

It's not far away, and the manor isn't big, but it's not small either. The scale can't be compared with her previous Empress' Palace, but it can be considered a luxurious manor here.

For the strong, these are nothing, they are easy to obtain. There are many people in this world and the land is vast. Manors are property, and adding one is not cheap. This is just for ordinary people.

The most valuable thing for a strong person is force, and the most valuable thing is treasures and skills, and these are things like villages and shops, which are actually not valued at all.

There are pavilions, carved railings, bamboo rockeries, stone bridges and pavilions. They are not particularly big, but the layout is very exquisite.

After seeing this place, Qin Chuan asked Yu Qing to take him to see Zhenwu City and learn about the world structure of Jiutian Land.

Yu Qing's temperament and appearance are second to none, and Qin Chuan is also a rare person, especially the temperament of the two of them is a perfect match.

Dressed in white, Qin Chuan and two strands of silver hair on the temples, walking together, they feel a bit like they are related by gods.

Wherever he went, he attracted many people.

One person can attract many people, but two people create a greater sensation. You must know that the most beautiful thing for human beings is not the scenery but the people.

"You two are truly gods. I wonder if I would be honored to be friends with you."

A voice came. A man stood not far from Qin Chuan and Yu Qing, looking at them with a smile.

Qin Chuan thought it was the product of some dandy. This product can be found everywhere. There are small dandy in small places and big dandy in big places. It is impossible to disappear.

However, Qin Chuan was slightly startled when he saw the other person, because the other person was not a human being, but he was still a human being. To be precise, he had a quarter of human blood in his body.

And what's left is the blood of the dragon.


Qin Chuan had met the Dragon Man before, and Qinchuan had received some benefits from the incident in Langyuan. The young man in front of him was the Dragon Man.

Cultivation of the dragon, Dragon Formation Pill, and even the ability to transform into a dragon in the future, the fighting form is a dragon, of course, the premise is that the realm is sufficient.

Qin Chuan can be regarded as a dragon cultivator, but he is not a dragon person. Qin Chuan even doubts whether he will be able to transform into a dragon in the future.

Qin Chuan thought: "Nice to meet you, why not find a place to have a drink?"

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