Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2421 Ancient Longling

The other party smiled: "It's a great honor, please!"

The three of them found a restaurant nearby, sat down in a corner of the hall, and ordered drinks and food. [Please remember urban literature]

"To tell you the truth, brother, our husband and wife have just arrived here. Let me tell you straight." Qin Chuan said straight to the point.

"Brother, I am the inheritor of the God of War. After all, we are in the same camp, and you are also a dragon cultivator. We are also of the same blood. I believe you!" the man said seriously.

"Do you believe me based on these points? You have to know that there are many fathers, sons and brothers who kill each other. Who do we think we are? Heirs of the God of War, there are so many people who cultivate dragons. Do you think they are closer to each other than fathers, sons and brothers? ." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Of course, I understand that these are only one factor. The other is temperament. I can still see it with my eyes. The credibility of both of you is more reliable than that of my family." The man looked at Qin Chuan with a smile.

"That's a real bonus."

"My name is Taihou, what do you call me brother?" the man introduced himself.

"Qin Chuan, this is my wife Yu Qing. Nice to meet you, brother." Qin Chuan is also very good at reading people. There is nothing wrong with the person in front of him.

Just like what he said, both of them are dragon cultivators, and both are inheritors of the God of War. The probability of these two coming together is actually not high.

Coupled with the two people's personalities, even if they can't become close friends for a while, there is still no problem in being friends.

In addition, Taihou's strength level is very strong, and he is very young. It is not difficult to infer that the power behind him must not be underestimated.

Immortal Emperor Ninth Level!

Qin Chuan has only become the Immortal Emperor not long ago, and he will stay in this realm for a long time.

"There is a fortune, and I want to share it with my brothers. Don't doubt me. This inheritance cannot be entered by one person, at least two people, and there must be at least two people who cultivate dragons. The minimum threshold is the realm of the Immortal Emperor." Taihou Said slowly.

If he hadn't been here in person, he wouldn't have believed it. After all, there is no free lunch in the world, and if there was, it would be difficult to get his turn.

There are not many people cultivating dragons, but there are also many. It is difficult to find the Immortal Emperor realm, but at Taihou's level, it is not difficult to find a dragon cultivator at the Immortal Emperor realm.

Why are you looking for yourself?

Just feel that you can be trusted?

Taihou seemed to notice Qin Chuan's doubts, shook his head and said, "To be honest, it's a bit dangerous. I've approached two people, but they didn't dare."

Qin Chuan smiled: "Then do you think I dare to go?"

"you dare!"

Qin Chuan really dares. As long as this creation is attractive enough, if he wants to gain a foothold in the Nine Heavens, he also needs to find Master Chu Qingzhu and the others, and fight against the 1.2 billion Demonic Dragon Palace, the Nine-Headed Demonic Dragon Palace, etc. He must improve his strength. .

The world here is more dangerous, and I don't know if my current strength really counts as reaching that level.

"Where?" Qin Chuan asked curiously.

"Ancient Dragon Tomb!" Taihou said looking at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan frowned slightly because he felt that Taihou had not fully told the details. The place had been told, but the danger was not yet clear.

Taihou looked at Qin Chuan and frowned and spoke again: "This is not the real Dragon Tomb, it should be a place where dragons have fallen. The dragons here have all been killed, so where is the powerful angry dragon energy formed? Where is the being who killed so many dragons? This is the real danger."

Qin Chuan was stunned. What could kill a dragon? He also understood why only those who cultivated dragons could enter.

Because too many dragons died here, the angry dragon's energy would be a harm to anyone who entered here, but only the dragon cultivators would not be affected. Not only that, they would even be blessed.

But all the real dragons have fallen here. To be honest, Qin Chuan doesn't want to provoke such a terrifying thing. It's not because he is cowardly, but because it's not worth it.

"That's a mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake. He has the blood of dragons and snakes in his body. He has mutated. With seven heads, his combat power is super terrifying."

Qin Chuan was also a little dazed. There is no doubt about the power of dragons. According to legend, there are only two mythical beasts that can eat real dragons. One is Roar and the other is Dapeng, which is also said to be the legendary Kunpeng.

Of course, there are others of the same kind, and the gap between dragons is also huge. There are also weak ones among the real dragons. Now a mutant dragon snake has actually killed many dragons. No wonder there is a strong angry dragon spirit here.

However, strictly speaking, this seven-headed demon dragon snake has absorbed the strengths of both dragon snakes, especially after the mutation, it has undergone huge changes, so that it can have such a strong combat power.

Originally, the dragon snake would definitely not be able to defeat the dragon. After all, the blood was not pure. How could a dragon snake with only the blood of a dragon defeat and kill a pure blood dragon.

In fact, they are pure-blooded real dragons, and their combat power is also divided into many levels. According to legend, there are only two creatures that can kill dragons. What we are talking about here is killing very powerful dragons.

If there is a legendary dragon, even Kunpeng and Hou may not be able to defeat it. There are even some unknown mutated creatures that are very scary.

The legend of chaos beasts is no less than the existence of Kunpeng and Shenlong, as well as the colorful divine phoenix, the nine-day demon dragon, the twelve-winged sky-eating demon snake...

Many ferocious beasts have their own creation, devouring and evolution, and have completely exceeded the limits of species. Therefore, they can only be stronger, not the strongest. Besides, there is a certain restraint relationship between all things. Maybe an existence that is not very eye-catching, but He accidentally killed the most powerful being.

But you can't say it is the strongest, because it doesn't rank at all.

Qin Chuan asked Taihou: "What is the strength of this mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake?"

This Qin Chuan is very concerned. If he is too strong, he will not provoke him. It is not a wise move to seek death in that way.

"The first level of the God of War realm."

Qin Chuan shuddered and almost cursed.

He is now in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and Taihou is also in the realm of the Immortal Emperor. After the Immortal Emperor realm is the Heavenly Lord realm, after that is the Heavenly God realm, and after the Heavenly God realm is the God of War...

Qin Chuan and Taihou are both inheritors of the God of War, but now they want to kill the God of War. The gap is too big, and they are missing several major realms. In this level of strength, even a small realm is a huge gap.

However, Qin Chuan knew that Taihou must have something to say, otherwise the other party would not rush in so stupidly. After all, in the face of absolute strength, everything is fake.

Also, in the realm of God of War, plus this is a mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake, its actual combat strength is absolutely terrifying, and it must have its own trump card, and it is definitely not an ordinary trump card. It should be able to restrain the dragon clan, otherwise it cannot be killed. So many dragons.

"Every year, this mutant seven-headed demon dragon snake is weak one day, and its strength is reduced to the realm of Tianzun, but I don't know what level it is." Taihou said.

Qin Chuan was not surprised by this statement, and even thought about it. Otherwise, in the realm of the God of War, there would be no need to consider it at all.

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