Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2422 Deciding to Go

Although this situation has been thought of, if something unexpected happens, in the realm of the God of War, they probably won't be able to escape even if they want to. [Please remember urban literature]

This opportunity is very dangerous, although Qin Chuan feels that this Taihou is not a treacherous person, and it is impossible that he is specifically harming himself.

You must know that you have just arrived in this land of nine heavens, but you cannot rule out that the other party has been looking for the right person and a stepping stone.

It's not impossible to happen to meet yourself. After all, in the face of huge interests, everything is an illusion.

However, opportunities come with dangers. Opportunities are for those who are prepared. If you encounter them, it would be a pity if you don't give them a try.

So Qin Chuan was very hesitant at this time. Although he didn't know what this opportunity was, it was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for dragon cultivators.

But it was also very dangerous. Qin Chuan was in a dilemma whether to go or not.

Taihou didn't urge him, he just waited quietly. He knew that he would do the same thing if it were him. After all, this was indeed a difficult choice.

Yu Qing didn't say anything, but would look at Qin Chuan from time to time. He would not persuade Qin Chuan to go, nor would he persuade Qin Chuan not to go. If he wanted to ask himself, then he would definitely persuade him not to go.

After a while, Qin Chuan looked at Yu Qing: "Madam, do you think I should go or not?"

"If you want me to say it, then I'll stand on my side and say, I won't go. But if you want to go, I will support you and I will accompany you." Yu Qing said with a smile.

Qin Chuan smiled and then said to Taihou, "I'll think about it again."

"Okay, there is still time. If you figure it out, you can go to Taihou's house to find me." Taihou said with a smile.

After Taihou left, Qin Chuan and Yu Qing also left and continued to wander around Zhenwu City.

"Do you want to go?" Yu Qing asked after walking out.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "I don't know!"

He didn't really want to go, but he was still a little moved, mainly because he wasn't too eager, so now he felt like it didn't matter whether he went or not.

That's why I asked Yu Qing. If Yu Qing didn't like him going, he would definitely not go. If Yu Qing wanted him to go, he would go and have a look.

Although it is very dangerous,

But Qin Chuan felt that he still had the ability to save his life, so he told Taihou to think about it.

However, sometimes the changes in many things are unexpected and unprepared, because on the next day, Baby Dragon conveyed a message to Qin Chuan that there was something very important in the ancient Dragon Tomb.

Just this piece of information made Qin Chuan have to go in, because this thing not only has a great effect on him, but also on the baby dragon and the dragon and leopard beast.

He didn't want to go at first, but now he felt it was necessary to go. Last night, Qin Chuan and Yu Qing stayed in her mansion.

This is also the first time that they are under one roof, but only under one roof, because the two of them are not in the same room.

Although Qin Chuan shamelessly took advantage of him, he was still kicked out in the end. Yu Qing was not completely ready and could not take the last step. She hoped Qin Chuan would give her time.

Naturally, Qin Chuan would not force her, but making jokes and taking advantage was also a way to quickly enhance the relationship.

When they went to Tai's house, Yu Qing also accompanied Qin Chuan. After Qin Chuan told her the situation, she supported Qin Chuan, but she wanted to go with Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan knew that it would be difficult not to agree to her, so he simply agreed. What was communicating with Baby Long? Baby Long's response to him was also very vague.

The baby dragon has already gone in. I have to say how scary this little thing is. He went in and came back unscathed.

It brought very important information to Qin Chuan, such as there really was an extremely powerful mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake inside.

But what that important thing is, Qin Chuan doesn't know, he is very curious, but he is sure that it can be useful to himself, the baby dragon, and the dragon leopard beast.

Tai family!

This is the big family of Zhenwu City, and it is also the leading big family, but it is not the master of Zhenwu City. The master of Zhenwu City is very mysterious.

Although I have only been here for a day, I have learned a lot about some things, such as the real controllers of the Tai family and Zhenwu City.

The Tai family is a big local family with a long heritage. It is deeply rooted here and its strength is unfathomable.

However, many of the city rulers in the Mingyue Kingdom are not local big families, but the existence of these people makes the local big families have to step back.

Because the people who dominate each city are all members of the royal family of the Mingyue Kingdom, in general, the strength of the local big families in a city can only account for three to four points, and the remaining six or seven points are all of the master.

The Tai family is considered a big local family, and Zhenwu City is the royal city of Mingyue Kingdom, second only to the Imperial City, so the city here is more controlled by the royal family.

The Tai family only accounts for one point at most in Zhenwu City, and is nominally the most powerful family in Zhenwu City.

The relationship between the local big family and the royal family is very delicate. Both sides stand on the same interest point, but it is also a conflicting balance.

If there is an invasion from a neighboring country, then the royal family and the local big families and powerful forces will fight against the outside world. But when there are no foreign enemies, the two sides will compete with each other.

This is an unspoken rule. It is also a battle between the two sides. If the local strength is strong, then the initiative in the city can be won. Otherwise, it will completely fall into the hands of the person sent by the royal family.

The strength of the Tai family is not good, mainly because the people sent by the royal family are too powerful to suppress the Tai family. The Tai family has been accumulating strength over the years, but it still doesn't work. The gap is too big.

This time the ancient Longling is an opportunity, and Taihou is the hope of the Tai family. It depends on Taihou whether he can regain control of Zhenwu City.

Of course, this cannot be achieved in a short time. If this opportunity can be obtained, then the hope can be increased by two points.

This is the glory of the family, and this is true for all big families.

Knowing that Qin Chuan was coming, Taihou was very happy and came to greet him from a distance. When he knew that Qin Chuan was coming, he expressed Qin Chuan's consent.

The Tai family is very big. This manor group has one gate, a very big gate, and it is also the only gate. There are many vehicles coming in and out, and the Tai family has to use this gate to come in and out.

I followed Taihou to his manor, which was not big, but not small either. After all, he was the hope of the family and the leader of the younger generation.

With mountains and rivers, bamboo forests and streams, the Tai family is full of momentum. This mansion is also extremely luxurious, which is a symbol of status.

"Brother Qin has thought about it." Taihou said with a smile.

"I've thought about it, I can go, but I want to know some specifics." Qin Chuan said.

"Of course, there are no questions about this. You ask me to answer, or should I tell you everything I know directly."

"Then please tell Brother Tai directly!" Qin Chuan smiled.

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