Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2428: The pressure of heaven and earth is completely weakened

After listening to Taihou's words, Qin Chuan looked at him with a smile, looking at those sincere eyes, but Qin Chuan found that he had no idea what he really thought. +++ +++

Now that Yu Qing saw it and told himself, and he also noticed it, he didn't even know if it was a real gap before.

This is enough to show Taihou's hidden ability. Since he has such a powerful disguise, there are naturally people who have the eyesight to see what he and Yu Qing saw.

The reason why I am telling myself these things now is actually not to show off my cards to myself, and then say I am moved by myself or something like that.

Yu Qing reminded himself before that people like Taihou will not change. For the purpose, since he had such an idea before, then this idea will definitely be implemented.

"I believe it!" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Then why did you give me the elixir? It's such an expensive elixir." Taihou looked at Qin Chuan in confusion.

"I just feel that Brother Tai is a trustworthy person." Qin Chuan was telling the truth, at least that's what he thought when he gave the pill.

If it were now, Qin Chuan really didn't know whether he should give it to him. Besides, in the current situation, it would be best for the other party not to doubt him and be wary of him.

Only in this way can you better deal with some of the other party's trump cards, and maybe even have a chance of making the other party give up the idea of ​​attacking you.

"The reason why I said this to Brother Qin is because of Brother Qin's character. I hope brother can forgive me for my villainous heart." Taihou said seriously.

"I understand. In fact, Brother Tai doesn't need to say it. I really haven't felt it. Brother Tai is a truly magnanimous person in my eyes." Qin Chuan flattered him.

"I am speaking out in the hope that it will relieve some of my guilt."

If Taihou hadn't said anything, Qin Chuan might still have had the slightest idea that the other party wouldn't take action against him, but now he had no idea at all.

Qin Chuan's golden pupils could clearly capture some of the other party's inner fluctuations at this time. There are traces of duplicity, even if the other party hides it deeply.

I didn't pay attention before, and the other party revealed it accidentally. Now I can hide it. This is often the case. The more deliberate it is, the easier it is to reveal the truth. Under the golden eyes, this kind of disguise becomes even more ridiculous.

But Qin Chuan didn't say anything more.

He just told himself to be careful in his heart. Now that he knew his inner plan, Qin Chuan still had the confidence to deal with it.

Before he knew it, more than half a month had passed, and that day was approaching. Qin Chuan was also a little excited. After all, he would soon see the mutated seven-headed demonic dragon snake.

This is an existence in the God of War realm. He will only be weak on a specific day. Even when he is weak, he still has the strength of the Tianzun realm.

Although Qin Chuan has not reached the Tianzun Realm, he is really not afraid of the Tianzun Realm now. For example, Taihou is at the Tianzun Realm, and now that he has used the Yin Yang Dragon Snake Pill, he is even more powerful in the Tianzun Realm.

But even so, Qin Chuan still feels that it is not that difficult for him to deal with Taihou now, not to mention that there is Yu Qing who has at least surpassed the Tianzun realm.

It's just that many times the level of strength cannot make a decision. Many times the boat capsizes in the gutter, and many strong people may end up dying in the hands of some very weak people.

Of course, these weak people either relied on some special means or some special treasures and used dirty tricks, but no matter what, the weak people eventually killed the strong ones.

The time has finally arrived. The sky and the earth are gray, a magical world, with strong winds, flying sand and rocks, and no light from the sun and moon. The three people from Qinchuan who have been in it these days still feel more terrifying and intimidating than before.

At this moment, even at Qin Chuan's level of strength, he felt the insignificance of human beings. It is said that what a warrior pursues in his life is nothing more than to seize destiny and create fortune. To put it bluntly, it is to fight against heaven, but in the end, the warrior still fails.

It is said that man can conquer heaven, but this is just a beautiful belief and an encouragement. Even gods will fall sometimes.

The investigation here has been very clear these days. If we can't kill this mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake in just one day, we will have to wait a long, long time next time.

Besides, Qin Chuan can't stay here for that long, so the opportunity is only this one. If he can't succeed today, he can only give up.

There is something Qinchuan needs in this ancient Longling, which attracts Qinchuan. If he can't get it, it will be a huge loss.

Taihou was very excited, with crazy thoughts hidden in his eyes, which meant that there was something inside that attracted him, and it was also a crucial thing.

The dragon clan, and this is the ancient Dragon Tomb, is normal, but Qin Chuan doesn't know if what attracts him and what Taihou needs are the same.

The people who can come here are all people with dragon blood, and they are also people with pure dragon blood, so the existence that attracts the dragon people should attract all people with dragon blood.

I want all the good things, but there is only one, and I can't deal with it alone, so I have to find cooperation, but there is only one good thing, so I can't divide it.

The best way is to take it yourself, and the other person will stay here forever. If you die in the hands of the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake, it will be even more perfect, and there will be no guilt.

A huge Dragon Palace was first selected in the distance, standing between heaven and earth, like a huge mountain range.

Qin Chuan was surprised. This was the first time he saw such a majestic and huge Dragon Palace. The palace was directly made of a huge mountain range.

There are many dragon patterns carved on it, which are lifelike, mighty and domineering, and extremely sacred. They come in various shapes and forms, but each one is majestic.

There was a little halo of light on the palace, with a strange and evil charm, and an evil and cold air.


The thundering roar faintly came out.


Qinchuan's golden eyes saw that the sky seemed to have a big net of five elements, covering the entire Dragon Palace. Yu Qing said to Qinchuan at this time: "On this day, all the existences in the ancient Longling will not exceed the Tianzun realm. "

Qin Chuan looked at Yu Qing, her strength exceeded that of Tianzun Realm, and her realm was also weakened, weakened to the level of Tianzun Realm Sister.

Qin Chuan has no impact, because his strength has not yet reached the Tianzun realm, so it naturally has no impact.

Taihou's face was calm, his eyes staring at the huge dragon palace.

Although his strength has used the Yin and Yang Dragon Pill, it has not exceeded the Tianzun realm, so he may not know that not only the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake has been weakened, but also any existence will be weakened.

Maybe he also knew it, he had known it for a long time, because in this way, he, who was in the Tianzun realm, would have the absolute confidence to deal with Yu Qing who was beyond his strength.

Qin Chuan's level of strength did not disappoint Taihou.

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