Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2429: Mutated 7-headed Demonic Dragon Snake

This time, Qin Chuan felt something more.

The strength of this mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake is indeed powerful. You must know that Qin Chuan's physical body is definitely comparable to the existence of a divine beast. In such a situation, he can feel his energy and blood boiling. If this strength is not weakened, who knows what will happen. Will not be injured.

There was something special about Taihou, or some kind of skill. Now he had returned to his natural state, and his brows were furrowed, which seemed to be beyond his expectation.

But now it's hard to get off the tiger, or it doesn't count, but it's just that we don't know yet what powerful trump card this mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake has.

"Everyone, be careful. Be careful of its main head. It will spray out terrible mist. It is not an ordinary poison. Even those who are immune to the poison cannot bear it." Taihou reminded.

Now he didn't want Qin Chuan and Yu Qing to die. He couldn't kill the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake by himself. Even if Qin Chuan and Yu Qing died, he doubted that he would not even have a chance to escape.

This time, the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake targeted Qin Chuan, and the two huge eyes between them flashed red, directly covering Qin Chuan.


At that moment, Qin Chuan felt as if he was trapped in a swamp. His body was stiff, his legs were out of control, his movement was slow, and his body was heavy, as if he was carrying a mountain on his back.


This is not the first time Qin Chuan has encountered this magical domain. Qin Chuan also has it, but it cannot be regarded as a real domain.

It's just an extended version of the Golden Divine Prison, but it's not weaker than ordinary domains, or even stronger. Of course, if it's the domain of some powerful people, that's another matter. Qin Chuan is just compared to those who just have domains. People are not weak, even a little stronger.


The mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake sprayed a colorful mist directly towards Qinchuan, and the water droplets enveloped Qinchuan like a drizzle.

Yu Qing's expression changed and he rushed towards Qin Chuan without hesitation.

"Don't come over, I'm fine!" Qin Chuan quickly stopped Yu Qing, but Yu Qing didn't listen at all. Qin Chuan was moved in his heart.

What a proud woman this woman is, and she can be so emotional now. The aura on Qin Chuan's body suddenly exploded.

His physique is very special,

The ability is also very special and cannot be suppressed. This is an absolute ability of the divine eye.

Even if some special super strong people may be able to suppress Qin Chuan's aura, they can only suppress it to a limited extent.

However, the current state of the mutated seven-headed demon dragon and snake cannot suppress Qin Chuan at all.


Qin Chuan dodged and hugged Yu Qing by the way. Because Yu Qing entered this sphere of influence, he was suppressed a little, and finally dodged in shock.

"Don't be so reckless in the future. If you make a mistake, what can I do if you turn the sky around?" Qin Chuan was a little angry, but at the same time moved, he reached out and flicked his straight nose.

Yu Qing's face suddenly turned red. This guy had always been like this. She never thought that one day she would be so close to a man.

There was not even strong rejection, and she was even a little panicked but also a little inexplicably happy. This idea was somewhat unacceptable to her.

Taihou looked at the two intimate people not far away, with a hint of crazy jealousy in his eyes.

Normal men would definitely like a fairy-like person like Yu Qing, very much, especially a man who considers himself to be outstanding.

The first time I saw Yu Qing, I was shocked. It was every man's dream to get such a woman. Now that he met her, he naturally couldn't give up.

So this trip to the ancient dragon vein, in addition to getting the treasure, is to let Qin Chuan stay there forever, and it is best for Yu Qing to abolish her cultivation, so that she can only be her own woman.

He knew that Yu Qing's cultivation level was very strong, and even if he got the treasure, he might not be better than Yu Qing in terms of realm. If that were the case, he would really not worry about being with Yu Qing.

Qin Chuan and Yu Qing didn't know Taihou's inner thoughts, but they knew that Taihou had murderous intentions towards them. They just didn't know the specific reasons, but they could make a rough guess.

Fame and fortune!

There is almost no fame, it can only be profit. For example, this time there are three treasures of the ancient dragon vein. If one person wants to own them all, it is naturally best to get rid of the other two.

This is one factor, and the other must be Yu Qing. A woman with unparalleled beauty is actually no less attractive than a treasure, and even more attractive than a treasure.

There are too many people in this world who do not love the country and love beauty. After all, the ultimate life that many people pursue is nothing more than superiority and enjoyment.

Superiority is a status, enjoyment is the ultimate, enjoyment includes many things, and sex is indispensable.

This is something inherent in all things and is only suppressed by reason. Once it cannot be suppressed, it will become like this. Therefore, self-control is also an important practice.

In the practice of martial arts, this is the state of mind. If the state of mind is strong, you can resist the temptation of external objects and be less likely to get carried away and lose yourself.

Taihou's state of mind is actually very strong, and his self-control is also very strong, but it is said that self-control is strong because the temptation of external objects is not strong enough. As long as the temptation is strong enough, there is nothing that cannot be tempted.

Yu Qing is very tempting to Taihou. Even if he is told that provoking Yu Qing may put his life in danger, Taihou will never back down.

It's not that he's not afraid of death, and it's not that the temptation is big enough in Taihou's opinion, it's just that he doesn't believe that he will die. This is the basis.

In fact, it's just that you don't admit it. If you tell another woman that her life may be in danger, then he will shrink back because he feels that risking his life is not worth it.

This means that there is not enough temptation, and one does not like to take a little risk on things without temptation.

It is said that the greater the benefit, the greater the risk. This time the benefit is unprecedented for the Queen Mother, so it is normal to take a little risk.

The ancient dragon veins are very good, and Yu Qing is also very good, so the risk is worth taking, and he doesn't think that he will die. If he knows that he will definitely die, then he will not take the temptation no matter how big it is.

One of the trump cards of the mutated Seven-Headed Demonic Dragon Snake has been neutralized. In fact, this trump card was so powerful before that few people could avoid it unscathed in the Ancient Dragon Tomb.

Although Taihou was relieved, although he didn't want Qin Chuan to die now, seeing Qin Chuan unharmed made him feel more murderous, and he didn't like that Yu Qingfen went to save Qin Chuan regardless of his own safety.


Qin Chuan's hammer of the Forged God Sword hit the vulnerable spot of the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake, causing the huge body to tremble violently.

The power of the general trend of the world continues to accumulate, and now Qin Chuan's attack is already very terrifying.

At this time, Yu Qing took action, and a white lightsaber-like sharp blade directly cut open the vital part of the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake.

The halo flickered, and the second life was gone.

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