Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2430: Battle


The mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake roared twice. Although Qinchuan's growth rate was limited, he could only increase it in actual combat, but could not increase it to achieve state changes.

But it seems to be easier to weaken now. It was originally suppressed by the pressure of heaven and earth. The ancient Longling was originally under the pressure of heaven and earth. Now Qinchuan's shock and weakening is even more powerful with the help of heaven's power.

Normally, it can weaken 20% of the entire strength, but in this ancient Longling, it seems that it is more than that, and it should be weakened even more.

There was a hint of panic in the scream of the mutated seven-headed demon dragon and snake. At this time, its combat power had completely dropped half a step out of the Void Realm Street.

It was originally the strongest realm of Tianzun Realm. Even if it is weakened, it is still the strongest. After all, it was the God of War Realm before, but now it has been weakened and fell directly out of the void.

This time Qin Chuan could also see the true strength of the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake, and the pressure emanating from it suddenly became much smaller.

Suddenly, he felt that the burden on his body was much lighter. Qin Chuan actually did not relax, because he knew from the beginning that the real danger was not the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake, but Taihou.

The feeling is even stronger now, because he can now feel Taihou's strong murderous intention towards him, which has exceeded the killing intention towards Yu Qing.

To this day, Qin Chuan would not be so kind to those who deserved to die, because that would be the greatest cruelty to him, so Qin Chuan is also ready to strike first and destroy Taihou if necessary.

But it cannot be killed before, because this mutant seven-headed demon dragon snake will never be that simple. Even if its realm is weakened, even if Yu Qing's current realm has surpassed the mutant seven-headed demon dragon snake, he will never be able to defeat the opponent.

To kill the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake, you definitely need some special means and abilities. He and Yu Qing did not have this ability by accident, but Taihou should have it.

The battle begins!

Qin Chuan did not participate in the battle, but was only responsible for plundering the formation. The baby dragon had been summoned by him. The existence of this little thing could suppress the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake.

In the eyes of the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake, the baby dragon is just a little thing, but as soon as it sees the baby dragon, its whole body tenses up and it stares at the baby dragon.

The baby dragon happens to be in the Tianzun realm, which is why Qin Chuan is very confident. You must know that the baby dragon in the Tianzun realm is particularly terrifying.

If I fight Tai Hou honestly,

Qin Chuan is not afraid of him, but he is afraid of something special that will kill you instantly without even a chance to resist.

Many of the killer weapons are too terrifying and overbearing. It is said that there is a legendary treasure that can kill gods and Buddhas. This kind of thing is usually disposable and can only be used once, or it can only be used once for a long, long time.

He is extremely domineering and ignores any ability to save his life, so he will definitely be killed.

However, there are some treasures that can save lives. They ignore all killings and will definitely save their lives.

These are all legends, but they seem to be real. However, Qin Chuan is very curious. If two such treasures confront each other, will they kill or save their lives?

There was no answer, so Qin Chuan just thought about it casually and stopped thinking about it. He should wait until he has such a treasure before considering it. Besides, it is basically difficult for such treasures to meet or collide.

After all, most of the time it is an accident, and there is no chance of confrontation at all. Even the legendary wise and strong existence may not have this kind of treasure, and if it does, it may not necessarily meet the existence of the same counterattack magic weapon.

Therefore, it is basically difficult to encounter an existence that is equally comparable to this kind of treasure. After all, treasures are rare, and this kind of treasure that defies heaven is even rarer.


The huge figure of the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake moved, circling gracefully. Following the rhythm of its body, the ground shook and the mountains shook at that moment, and the world seemed to be darkened.

That kind of strong oppression, that huge dragon head, let out a thunderous dragon roar, and a dragon tail swept over.


Mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, the ground shook, and this tail was almost a devastating blow.

Violent, powerful.

Qin Chuan's expression also changed. After being weakened to this extent, this simple blow was actually so powerful.

These should be some passive magical powers. This physical body is much more powerful than many real dragons. Think about it, after all, this mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake has eaten many real dragons.

Qin Chuan and several others evaded one after another. This one that swept through thousands of troops was too violent. While dodging, Qin Chuan tried it and attacked the mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake.

But this attack is really unsatisfactory. The mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake's ability to resist is too strong.

However, Qinchuan has the general trend of the world, and his attacks will continue to increase. As long as time permits, in principle, he can hurt this mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake.

Of course, the premise is that the other party gives him enough time.


But what surprised Qin Chuan was that the baby dragon's small claws could break through the opponent's defense. However, the baby dragon was too small. The mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake was too big. The extremely thick dragon skin was scratched by the small claws. It was opened to a depth of more than half a foot, but it had not yet penetrated the dragon's skin.

It's too big and too thick. The dragon's skin is very tough. The baby dragon can cut it open, just like a mosquito staring at a person. The largest wound is only an eye, which is not considered a substantial injury at all.

This is embarrassing. Baby Dragon's lethality is very strong, but I don't know if this shortcoming can be resolved.

There are still benefits to being a huge monster. The huge body itself is a kind of damage dispersion, and it can even be said to be a huge ability to resolve damage.

A normal sword would be seriously injured or even fatal to a human, but it could be ignored when it came to the huge mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake.

However, being small also has small advantages. For example, if you can break through the opponent's defense, you can get in and give the opponent a fatal blow.

Of course, not all monsters can use this method. Ordinary monsters with poor bloodline can break through the defenses and get in, but they will only end up being swallowed up by the blood and vitality in the opponent's body.

There are also some powerful monsters that want to get into the opponent's body, which is very difficult. The body's own defense reaction also has some powerful countermeasures.

The existence of Baby Dragon actually disdains this method. Although Baby Dragon is small, what he likes most is hard hitting.

Baby Dragon's bloodline is noble, and his level of strength is also much lower. Although this mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake has been weakened to the Heavenly Realm, it is still almost a level higher than Baby Dragon.

If it is an ordinary Tianzun Realm, even the highest level of Tianzun Realm will still be vulnerable to the baby dragon who has just entered the Tianzun Realm.

But this mutated seven-headed demon dragon snake is a powerful person who has been suppressed by the God of War. The realm of strength has been suppressed, but there are still some supernatural powers and other abilities that can still be used, but they cannot exert the effects of the peak realm.

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