Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2449: Dominate the battlefield, the situation is over

The army approached, and the gates of Beiwang City were wide open. There were no guards, and no one could be seen on the walls.

Empty city!

The prince's army stopped in front of the city gate. They were stunned for a moment when they saw the wide open city gate and the empty scene on the city wall.

This seems a bit unexpected. I thought about many possibilities, but I didn't expect this to be the case.


Impossible, the news from the spies has not left. Is this a conspiracy or is there an ambush in the city?

But soon the prince decided to let the 600,000 people attack the city and send another 200,000 people to supervise the city. If the 600,000 troops did not fight to the death, then he would have to think about the consequences himself.

He didn't believe that 800,000 people on his side could not fight to the death against 200,000 people on the other side.

The previous surrendered generals felt very uncomfortable and threatened the lives of their own families. At the same time, the families of those captains of thousands, captains of ten thousand, and even some centurions were also controlled.

These people had to work hard for their families, but in their hearts they no longer felt any gratitude or loyalty to the prince. They were forced to do so due to the situation.

The prince didn't know why he felt uneasy. It was obvious that his side had the absolute advantage, but why was he still uneasy?

Eight hundred thousand troops entered Beiwang City one after another, but the city was very quiet. Not only was there no ambush, there was not even a single person.

There must be something wrong if something goes wrong. After all, the other party has not retreated, but there is really no one in sight. It is obvious that there is something fishy about the other party.

In addition, the prince was very uneasy at this time. This uneasiness made him very uncomfortable and uneasy, but he could not think of any solution at the moment.

These people had surrendered before, and in his opinion, they were unreliable people. This time, they used their families to intimidate them, treating them as cannon fodder. It would be best to die together with the other party.

He didn't want to return in vain today, because he felt that these people were unreliable. He knew that one of the scary things about his brother, King Bei, was that he had a good command of people. These people had surrendered to him, but now he was treating them like this. Contrast, the contrast is too great.

The prince can be sure that as long as there is a chance, these people will definitely defect directly with their families, so this time he only has one chance to use them. After this time, it is basically impossible to control them.

So this time we must capture the North King and make him disappear. It would not be bad if we can make these hundreds of thousands of troops suffer heavy losses. As long as we succeed, then the royal family will be stable. It is not a bad thing to think about it this way.

There are mixed joys and sorrows, and we all share weal and woe. The so-called seeking wealth and honor in danger cannot be without any danger. Just like King Bei, the prince felt that he had put himself in the other person's position. At this time, he also felt a headache and no solution.

Similarly, my current situation is not foolproof. It can even be good or bad. At this time, I feel that luck is very important.

The need to bet is to bet on the hearts and minds of these 600,000 troops to see which side these 600,000 troops favor.

On the surface, these 600,000 troops were coerced by the prince to attack the Northern King. However, they had already been surrendered by the Northern King before, but were let go. Now they are going to attack the Northern King again. This is the second time.

People's hearts are made of flesh and have feelings. It doesn't hurt if they don't compare. When they compare themselves, they feel like they are not human.

In addition, the reputation of King Bei is much better than that of the prince, and he must be superior in all aspects of ability. Otherwise, there are so many princes. As a prince, why would he try every means to persecute one prince.

Because he was afraid of losing his position as prince and the throne in the future, he wanted to get rid of all threats to this morning.

Qin Chuan actually assumed a lot of scenarios for this battle. He is now a little bit more scripted, capturing the thief first and capturing the king. This ability should be said to be possessed by Baby Dragon.

This is a real person who can take the head of a general out of a million soldiers, just like picking out an item from a bag. You must know that this ability is very strong. He can be the first to kill the opponent's coach, leaving the opponent without a leader, or even collapse directly.

This was Qin Chuan's last resort, but he didn't want to use it. He hoped to use other methods. This method was naturally for the 600,000-strong army.

Gordon was the strongest among the 600,000-strong army, and he was also considered the commander. He was very conflicted at this time, and now he was confused.

There are still 200,000 troops behind him. These people are actually sent by the prince to supervise his people. If he doesn't fight, his family can die in an instant.

Go ahead and use your group as cannon fodder to kill the North King's 200,000-strong army.

But the last battle was still vivid in my mind. My group had no ability to resist in front of that beautiful golden beast, and they were instantly killed in one move.

Now it is useless even if he has 600,000 or 800,000. Last time, it was 600,000 and he was defeated easily.

If he is beaten to death, the prince's side will definitely be defeated, and the prince's temperament will not bypass his family...

He knew that if he was smart, he would never be an enemy of King Bei. Besides, King Bei gave them a choice when they left last time. This time they came, the choice was still in their hands.

This is kind enough. He actually seems to have the initiative and choice in his own hands, but in fact he knows and knows very well that he has no choice.

They continued along the long and widest main road of Beiwang City. Since there was no one on this road, they pushed directly towards Beiwang Mansion.

The prince became increasingly uneasy, and suddenly his expression changed: "Not good!"

I had always thought of forcing Gordon and others to fight together with Bei Wang Mansion. Although the other party had an existence that could kill ten thousand enemies in an instant, they only needed to fight to the death of Bei King and Bei Wang's fault.

But now he suddenly realized a problem. It seemed that he could no longer control Gordon.

And the 200,000 troops that he entered are going to be lost.

"The person who came sent me a message and asked them to withdraw quickly." The prince shouted loudly.

It's just that he didn't know that fighting had already started in the Beiwang Mansion at this time.

Gordon and others directly attacked the prince's 200,000 troops. At the same time, troops from the North Palace appeared behind the prince's 200,000 troops, attacking from both sides.

800,000, fighting 200,000, there is no suspense at all, the battle is very fast, within a quarter of an hour, everyone is dead and surrendered.


An arrow pierced the sky, piercing the spy who was about to return in the distance.

This was a spy sent by the prince to deliver the order. Unfortunately, it was already too late when he got here. He wanted to run away to report the news, but unfortunately he didn't have the chance.

The battle was over. The combined casualties on both sides exceeded 50,000. Rivers of blood and limbs were broken for a while. War is cruel and inevitable.

The tens of thousands of enemies in the Prince's Mansion also surrendered, so now they attack from the North Prince's Mansion. This attack can defeat the Prince in one fell swoop.

The tide is gone and the outcome is doomed.

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