Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2450 The Crown Prince was defeated


The spy didn't come back, and the prince already knew the result, so something must have happened. But now if he directly kills the families of Gordon's people, it will only arouse their anger.

The prince actually didn't know if people like Gordon were still alive. If they were dead, he would kill their families, and if the people left here were not good enough, they might directly rebel.

But the other party is not dead. Now he is directly passive, and time will be very tight next, and the possibility of dying here is very high.

"Surrender without killing. You have also seen the character of the prince. It is said that those who know the current affairs are heroes. Surrender. I will not treat you badly if you follow me." The group of people walked up the city wall, and the Northern King said slowly downwards.

This sentence has caused a commotion among the people below. There are tens of thousands of enemies, but they know very well that there is a super strong person here in Beiwang Mansion, who can easily kill them in an instant, and there is no chance of a fight.

I don't want to die, especially for a warrior who has reached this level. He enjoys life with glory and wealth. Besides, in this war-torn world, sometimes there is no shame in surrendering. Good birds choose trees to live in. This is the right of a strong man.

The prince's behavior chilled them. They followed him when they had no choice. Now that they had a choice, under these circumstances, they still used their scalp to tell others that they had backbone. That was a fool.

No one will admire you because you have backbone. A man’s backbone is reserved for when it is useful, such as working hard for his family, for his children, or for righteousness. But like today, no one will feel that you are valuable, not even foolish loyalty. Not on.

This was just a sentence. There was already a little commotion below, which was also a hint. This time the prince was completely panicked.

"I am the Crown Prince. If you betray me, I will kill all nine of your clans. I am the True Dragon Emperor." The Crown Prince became angry and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Mr. Qin, I am the prince. If you help me, I can give you the supreme honor. As long as I become the emperor, you will be the emperor's master, one person is inferior to ten thousand people." At this time, the prince shouted to Qin Chuan on the city wall. said.

At this time, they still wanted to recruit Qin Chuan. The previous recruitment failed, so they sent bloodthirsty assassins, but in the end they all died.

But now he is determined to try again and work hard. What if he succeeds? He now knows very well how terrifying Qin Chuan is.

If there was Qin Chuan, he even felt that he could easily unify the Mingyue Kingdom. He now envied his brother. With the help of Qin Chuan, the Northern King could not only unify the Mingyue Kingdom, but even return to the peak period of his ancestors.

Unwilling, envious, jealous, and crazy, he is the prince, why is this happening? At this stage of his life, he wants to destroy the world.

It is obvious that if one person helps you, everything you want will be at your fingertips, but the other person will not help you. You can give Bei Wang double what you can give him, but the other person will not help him, but instead help his opponent.

If no one helps, King Bei will definitely not be his opponent, it will all be him, so now the prince hates Qin Chuan deeply.

It is said that people can hate Jiuquan, and the prince felt that if he died now, he would definitely hate Jiuquan, and he would not let Qin Chuan go even if he died.

"You have also seen that the 800,000-strong army has no resistance. You all should know that I say it again, put down your arms and surrender. This is the time for me, the King of the North, to employ people. I will let each of you do it in the future. A prosperous and prosperous life will bring prosperity to the descendants." King Bei spoke again.

"I surrender!" This was a captain suddenly shouting.

When the prince was about to give the order to kill this man, it was already too late, because this sound would be the beginning.

It is said that everything is difficult at the beginning, but once you get started, you will find that it is actually easy, really easy.

"I surrender, I surrender!"

"I surrender too, I surrender too!"


The weapons were thrown on the ground, and then they knelt on the ground. Even these people who were against ten thousand people hesitated for a moment, threw down the weapons, dismounted, and knelt down on one knee.

"I surrender!"

Surrendering without shame, ignorance of current affairs, and unclear understanding of the situation will harm others, yourself, and your descendants. Since ancient times, the winner has been the king and the loser. It has always been the case when two armies are fighting without killing the envoys who surrender, and those who surrender are not killed.

Especially when two armies are fighting, each has its own master. Once they surrender, they will not be killed, except those who have committed heinous crimes and are not qualified to surrender.

There are also some who make mistakes, but some can be punished with meritorious service. In short, most surrender is not shameful.

In history, many generals changed their masters several times before finally realizing their ambitions and becoming famous throughout the ages. Therefore, the king chooses his ministers, and the ministers also choose their king.

The prince no longer even had the thought of scolding, and stood blankly among the thousands of troops. Now he was the only one standing, and a feeling of betrayal and alienation arose.

With all his thoughts in despair, everything was over. He looked up at the North King on the city wall, his younger brother, who was full of energy, and his body seemed to have a strong and kingly aura for a moment.

It felt like seeing the past when his father and grandfather were in their heyday, with an imperial aura, and he succeeded.

The prince was so confused that he picked up the sword and killed himself directly, because he did not want to be a prisoner, and he could not accept being a prisoner of the Northern King.

It's better to die than to live in such a tone. Anyway, there is nothing in this world that I miss anymore, so why bother living, it will only increase the sadness.

King Bei did not expect the prince to be so decisive, and the sadness on his face could not be concealed. This was not an act. He had no intention of killing the prince, nor did he intend to make him a prisoner.

He can be a free and easy prince, he still has this ambition, but it is too late to say anything now, Huangtu Hegemony does not know how many people will die.

Qin Chuan looked at the change in Bei Wang's expression, and gradually felt that this person was quite good. At least he liked Qin Chuan in terms of human nature. He didn't like people who were unsympathetic, unjust, and cruel.

After reorganization and acceptance, the Northern King suddenly had more than one million troops, close to two million, which was still very small compared with the millions of troops in other vassal states.

But he already has the qualifications to compete.

What's more, Qin Chuan and Yu Qing are not afraid even if there are several times the number of enemies. The main thing now is governance. It is said that it is easy to conquer a country but difficult to defend it.

It is true that it is relatively easy to conquer, but to manage a big city, you have to manage all aspects, such as the order of the city, public security, and all aspects of it including aristocratic families, sects, etc.

It requires a lot of management talents, giving full strength to the family, sect privileges, and maintaining balance. Otherwise, they will secretly do some harm to you, and the entire city may riot...

But there is no need to consider these Wang Xu. He just needs an identity and a stage to step on. If the Mingyue Kingdom is strong, he can rise to one circle after another and enter the circle of the Nine Heavens. 1

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