Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2473 The storm is coming

Time flies and half a month has passed. Qin Chuan is not in a hurry to find out anything, but is consolidating his own strength.

Today's weather is very hot, the sky is red and the sun is like fire, and there is a hot breath in the air. However, the plants on the ground are still jade and tall, and they don't seem to be affected by the hot breath at all.

Qin Chuan's void realm was very stable. He didn't know why, but he always felt that something was going to go wrong today.

His pet has been released and he is paying attention to everything around him. After all, Wumang has helped him a lot, so now that he knows something, let's see if he can help them.

Although it was determined before, if the strength gap between Mingyue Palace and Yanyang Sect is too big, it will really be impossible to make up for it and there will be no way to save it.

However, Qin Chuan's ability is really special. As long as the gap is not too huge, even if it is a big difference, Qin Chuan feels that he can try to make up for it.

In principle, this is true. After all, Qinchuan's increase and decrease, powerful formations, and magical monsters that don't play according to the rules, the comprehensive strength is really likely to influence a key battle.

"Are you worried?" Yu Qing asked softly, looking at Qin Chuan's uneasiness.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "I don't know why, but I always feel like something is going to happen today."

After saying this, Qin Chuan smiled and looked at the beautiful woman beside him. The red sun was like fire, but she was still as beautiful as cold as jade.

Qin Chuan felt very calm when he saw her, and the restlessness before disappeared.

The soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth will cover up. Although I am not the strongest now, I don't have to be afraid of anyone now as the God of War.

As for the God of War realm, Qin Chuan neither dared nor wanted to speculate. There was no way to speculate. After all, that realm was a bit unbelievable. With the word "God", his strength also changed drastically.

Today happens to be an exchange match in Mingyue Palace, but it is not an external exchange, but an exchange match between the inner and outer cities of Mingyue Palace.

It's not a big event, and many people actually don't care. Only those who have increased their strength and want to find someone to compete with gather here to compete.

This kind of competition is very casual, but there are two elders here to maintain order, but basically there are no rules, as long as no one is killed, feel free to do so.

Qin Chuan wasn't interested either. He just felt weird today, that something was happening, but this kind of intuitive thing was the least convincing.

And Qin Chuan felt that he was also careless.

Because Yanyang Sect is much stronger than Mingyue Palace on the surface, if something really happens, it will definitely be done openly and openly to destroy Mingyue Palace. Under normal circumstances, they disdain to use any conspiracy.

As for the Yanyang Sect having spies in Mingyue Palace, in fact Yanyang Sect must also have informants from Mingyue Palace.

But to what extent can the internal agents of both parties mix together? For example, if the Yanyang Sect's internal agent in Mingyue Palace is a disciple from the outer city or a disciple from the inner city, or a teacher or elder?

This all depends on ability. If you reach the core, there will naturally be no secrets.

It is too difficult to detect internal agents and spies. Some of them are obtained indirectly, and some are even double agents. It depends on which of the two parties provides the higher benefits. Even if the informant of Yanyang Sect is also the informant of Mingyue Palace.

But this is more difficult.

The most important ability to do this is disguise.

And now Qin Chuan heard the voice of a spy. Well, it wasn't Qin Chuan who heard it, it was Qin Chuan who heard it through his monster.

The Yanyang Sect's internal staff has been prepared, and the medicine is ready. The Yanyang Sect's people are on their way, in less than two hours...

This is the news that Qin Chuan got. He also got the name of the drug. It has to be said that Baby Dragon is very powerful.

Baby Dragon's ability is too powerful. The divine dragon bloodline, even those with a much higher level than Baby Dragon, are suppressed by its bloodline. Therefore, the potential of lurking, attacking, and the terror of Baby Dragon are much more powerful than Qin Chuan's.

This is also an unimaginable trump card for Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan's weakening increase, combined with the dragon baby, can almost easily sweep through the void realm.

After getting the information, Qin Chuan knew that he could not wait any longer, time did not allow it.

Storm is coming!

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