Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2474 Immortal Dance

The medicine is the Immortal Dance!

The name is very nice, but people who know it are shocked by it. This is a highly poisonous thing. This thing is extremely precious. It is a poison. Legend has it that as long as you take this drug, you will really dance until you die.

Keep dancing until you die and never wake up.

When Qin Chuan knew the news, he could no longer remain indifferent. After all, Wumang had helped him. No matter what the reason was, since the opportunity came, he would naturally pay it back.

He didn't like to owe others unless he couldn't pay it back. Just like Master Chu Qingzhu, what Qin Chuan owed her was actually impossible to pay back.

Some people will say that one life is exchanged for another. You save my life, and I save your life. Isn’t that just repayment?

In fact, this is not the case. It is said that a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. It can be said that Qinchuan's family was saved by Chu Master Qingzhu. It was also because of Chu Master Qingzhu's intervention that Qinchuan became what he is now.

Of course, this depends on the person. Some people are willing to repay any kindness. Even a big kindness is a sin. If a kindness is too big, they become enemies. Big kindness turns into enmity.

There are too many examples like this. If the debt you owe is too great, you will feel very uncomfortable if you cannot pay it back. It will always make people feel that everything they have now was given by others.

So if you want to eliminate this feeling, you have to let the person you owe disappear.

Qin Chuan naturally would not have such thoughts. He has been running around for decades now. For an ordinary person, it can be said that he has been running around for half a lifetime. In fact, it is because of Master Chu Qingzhu.

This fairy-like woman is his belief, the pure land of his soul, and he cannot bear to be desecrated. Although the two of them are a little close, like lovers and relatives, Qin Chuan himself is not sure what the relationship is.

Maybe they are lovers, or maybe they are more like relatives.

After coming back to his senses, Qin Chuan went to find Wumang. He could no longer waste time.

The scenery of Mingyue Palace is very beautiful. It is really like a fairyland. In many places, there are birds singing, flowers fragrant, pavilions, carved railings and jade.

The air is charming and the fragrance is refreshing. The disciples of Mingyue Palace are all distinguished and look happy, and they are in groups. Some disciples even greet their senior brothers and sisters respectfully when they see them. These senior brothers and sisters also nod proudly in response.

That kind of superiority seems to be the biggest pillar that supports a person's life, a kind of belief and a kind of wonderfulness.

But they don't know that disaster is just around the corner.

There is a sharp sword hanging above his head, which may fall down and kill him at any time.

Qin Chuan shook his head and walked along the neat road to a building in Mingyue Palace.

Take the platform!

This is not a platform, but a building. According to the name, it should be very tall, but in fact it is not tall at all. It can even be said to be very short.

This is Wumang's residence. Seeing Qin Chuan's arrival, Wumang was surprised. Qin Chuan didn't say much nonsense and said directly: "Fifth brother, take me to see the palace master. If you are late, it will be too late."

Wumang's expression changed, and without asking any further questions, he directly said one word: "Okay!"

Wumang walked very fast and didn't ask any questions. Qin Chuan didn't say anything either, but followed Wumang forward quickly.

There are twists and turns, like a maze, but in Qin Chuan's eyes, these are really not worth mentioning, they are too simple. This is indeed a formation, and it is a good formation.

Well, right?

Qin Chuan suddenly realized something was wrong.

Because this Wumang is not Wumang, and at this time, Wumang turned his face and looked at Qin Chuan with a smile: "How did you see through it?"

Qin Chuan's things were very simple originally, but now it seems more complicated than he thought. Has Wumang been "swapped" by someone?


A holy blow!

Qin Chuan took action directly. The "five rays" in front of him were also in the void state, so Qin Chuan was not void at all, but now he had no time to entangle with the opponent.

The holy strike is only superficial. Qin Chuan is now powerful, but it is difficult to kill the person in front of him in an instant with only Qin Chuan himself.

So Qin Chuan greeted Baby Long. The sacred strike was just a confusion. The real trump card was Baby Long.

The "five-pointed" surprised expression turned into eternity. He never thought that this inconspicuous young man in front of him could kill him in an instant.

Qin Chuan tore off a piece of delicate dough from the man's face. It was made of real human skin and the workmanship was outrageous.

Otherwise, Qin Chuan wouldn't have discovered it now. He was too careless before and didn't think much about it. He was thinking about other things, so he was negligent.

This formation is a secret place set up by the Yanyang Sect's people who broke into Mingyue Palace. Perhaps this is a gathering point, for example, they can teleport directly with the Yanyang Sect.

This formation is nothing to Qin Chuan, but in fact, this formation is not bad. The most powerful thing is its concealment, which is not easy to detect. Even for formation masters, the difficulty of this formation is not to break the formation. But it's hidden, you can't find it, and it's useless no matter how clever the formation is.

After Qin Chuan disposed of the body, he did not break the formation. Perhaps this was a breakthrough point. Now he had to stop Wumang, the Lord of Mingyue Palace and others from using Immortal Dance in a short time.

Once the Immortal Dance is used, Qin Chuan doesn't think he can remove it. There are too many magical things in the mainland. Qin Chuan has some good abilities, but that doesn't mean he can do everything.

If the senior officials of Mingyue Palace are summoned, then they must be in the conference hall, because the person taking the medicine is the senior executive of Mingyue Palace.

Qin Chuan speeded up and reached the conference hall. He breathed a sigh of relief because now some elders, guardians and other senior officials were walking into the conference hall while talking.

Wumang was also there, and he immediately saw Qin Chuan. Wumang was stunned and walked over with a smile: "Brother Qin!"

Qin Chuan thought for a moment and said, "Fifth brother, do you know the Immortal Dance?"

Qin Chuan spoke in a very low voice that only two people could hear.

After Wumang heard this, his expression changed drastically. Qin Chuan knew that Wumang knew, so he said: "The Yanyang Sect has taken action. Today, Elder Song Yun will perform the Immortal Dance for everyone."

Wumang's face changed again and again. He believed in Qin Chuan. He trusted Qin Chuan without any doubts. He nodded: "Brother Qin, thank you. I'm going to see my father."

"Fifth brother, some things may be tactful." Qin Chuan reminded.

"I understand." Wu-Gang Gong cupped his hands and said seriously.

Qin Chuan nodded and asked if he wanted to stay. If Yan Yang Sect used Immortal Dance, wouldn't it be normal to directly push Mingyue Palace?

Isn’t Yanyang Sect the opponent of Mingyue Palace?

its not right!

Could it be that they don't want casualties, because there are not only Mingyue Palace around them, but also other sects. If there is a fight with Mingyue Palace and the casualties are large, then the mantis will catch the cicada and the oriole behind.

It depends on the situation. Qin Chuan decided to stay and see the situation. Maybe he is lucky today and can decide the outcome in a battle, then he can leave.

Mingyue Palace allows you to leave here and go to the real land of Nine Heavens.

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