Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 242 Shocking Snow Wind City, Hostage Qin...

This shot was considered to be the beginning of a contest with Feng Xue's family.

In addition, Fengxue Baiyi and these guys were sent to the door to be beaten, but after thinking about it, you can understand that they are also the pride of heaven, and knowing that Qin Chuan is a young man, they naturally refused to admit defeat.

Every genius is proud. Fengxue is a genius in white clothes, very proud, and is supported by Fengxue's family behind him. The journey has been smooth and smooth, without any setbacks, and his heart is proud. It is this kind of mentality that gives him Today, one failure ruined the whole person.

Feng Xue Wuhen had already told him that he was not allowed to go to Qin Chuan privately.

He agreed on the surface, but came secretly behind his back.


At this moment, Feng Xuebaiyi was devastated, the people around him were only injured, and their cultivation bases were still there, but he had his cultivation bases abolished, and his face was pale.

"Master, we..." a young man said carefully.

"Go back, let's go back!" These words seemed to exhaust all his strength.

Several other people didn't dare to say anything, their mounts were killed, and they could only take turns wearing Fengxue Baiyi.

When the few of them returned to Fengxue's house exhausted and embarrassed, the whole Fengxue City was shocked, and Young Master Fengxue's cultivation was abolished.


In the hall, an elegant and handsome middle-aged man smashed the table in front of him with one palm, and walked out with a livid face. As soon as he came out, he saw several downcast figures under the stone steps in front of the hall.

"Father!" Feng Xue Baiyi burst into tears directly.

"I specifically told you not to go to him. You ignored my words. You have to blame yourself for falling into this situation. You have made my Fengxue family ashamed. You are a sinner of the family." Fengxue Wuhen said coldly Said.

Fengxue's white clothes are dumbfounded. A warrior's cultivation is more important than his life. With cultivation, he will have a lifespan much higher than ordinary people. With cultivation, his body will be stronger and he can enjoy more fun. He is the eldest son of the Fengxue family, rich and powerful, with the highest honor, beauties, money, and noble status, accompanied by a stunning beauty at night...

But now there is nothing left, and he has become a useless person. The resources of the family are gone, and the physique is gone. Nothing is gone, an ordinary person's physique, no matter how many beauties there are, they just have more than enough energy, and they can take their lives if they are in a hurry, let alone a man, without cultivation, he also has no self-confidence.

Feng Xue Wuhen felt very sad, this is his son, this is his best son. Everything is good, but I have never experienced setbacks, and I am a little ignorant. Now that setbacks have come, once, there is no chance to experience second setbacks.

"Did he say anything else?" Feng Xue Wuhen looked coldly at the people around Feng Xue Baiyi.

"He said to ask Patriarch to wait, he will come to Feng Xue's house soon." One of them said tremblingly.

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. Go down!"


Fengxue Wuhen frowned slightly at this time, the so-called good people don't come, and those who come are not good, he dared to speak nonsense, he must have something to rely on, he can abolish one of Helian Ba's arms. This kid is cruel and decisive.

At this time, a man in white came over.

"Brother, don't worry, he's just a brat." The man reassured.

"Old man, this kid is in Jinlang Mountain now. He has been wandering here for a long time. You should go and have a look. By the way, spread the rumor that there is a treasure in Jinlang Mountain. The location is where the kid is. Also, Find an opportunity to hold Qin Nian hostage, and you'd better succeed." Feng Xue Wuhen thought for a while and said.

"Brother, I know how to do it." The handsome man in white smiled coldly.


At this time, Qin Chuan and Qin Nian were still searching in Jinlang Mountain, almost halfway through the search. At this time, Qin Nian fell asleep leaning against Qin Chuan's arms.

Seeing her peaceful sleeping posture, Qin Chuan also smiled.

Fate is magical, Qin Chuan never expected to have such a younger sister and meet her, and at the most critical moment, he was very happy and content.

Another three days passed in a flash.

Qin Chuan frowned, because there were some flying monsters not far away, and the trend was still increasing.

Qin Chuan was sure that these people followed him, but he didn't know why.

If Qin Chuan knew that these people followed him in search of treasure, he would be shocked. Feng Xue Wuhen spread a rumor casually, but it turned out to be true by mistake.

Qin Chuan didn't care about these things, let's find the treasure location first.

huh huh...

I don't know how many times I heard the sound of running water. Qin Chuan would be excited when he heard it at first, but he was disappointed again and again and had given up hope.


Qin Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and then was shocked. The picture of Zang Baoru in his mind merged with the surrounding environment seen by the golden pupil.

found it……

Qin Chuan was a little excited, the treasure location was marked on the treasure map, so Qin Chuan slowly approached, and at this time the monsters around him also approached, staring at Qin Chuan.

Just when Qin Chuan took out the treasure map for comparison.


Qin Chuan disappeared, leaving only Qin Nian standing on the colorful dragon bird.

He panicked a little.

At this moment, a man in white riding a golden flame bird rushed towards Qin Nian.


The Colorful Dragon Sparrow flapped its wings suddenly, and the two rows of wind blades rushed directly towards the Golden Flame Bird and the handsome man in white.

Qin Nian was shocked, she knew this man, Feng Xuelang!

He is Fengxue Wuhen's fifth younger brother, Fengxuewolf, who is very handsome, but has a heart like a poisonous wolf, vicious and cruel.

Qin Nian panicked.

But Qin Chuan didn't know where to go, she looked at Feng Xuelang in horror.

"Go back with me obediently, or I will torture you all the way, and make you suffer unimaginable torture." Fengxue Wolf showed a crazy sinister smile, this kind of smile makes people feel creepy.

Burning flames!

The Colorful Dragonfinch opened its mouth, and a stream of fire rushed towards the Snowstorm Wolf.

"This mount is not bad, but it's a pity that its strength is still a little weak. When I stretched out my hand to form a seal, a ferocious and pitch-black animal head appeared directly, and directly hit the colorful dragon bird.


The pitch-black animal head melted into the body of the Colorful Dragon Sparrow, and then the Fengxue Wolf jumped up and rushed towards Qin Nian who was on the Colorful Dragon Sparrow.

"Ah, get out!" Qin Nian drew out his long sword and stabbed Snow Wind Wolf.

Dang, poof!

Qin Nian fainted immediately after being pointed at the back of the neck by Feng Xuelang.

The Colorful Dragonfinch actually fell into a short-term coma, and then fell directly from a high altitude, but it recovered after a certain distance, but it couldn't see Qin Nian's figure at this time, and it screamed anxiously.

Qin Chuan felt the cry of the colorful dragonfinch, knew that something might have happened to Qin Nian, and was flustered, but now that he was out of the hall, he didn't know how to get out.

There is only one hall here, not very big, but it feels very old. The hall is old, exudes the atmosphere of history, and is spotless. The innermost part of the hall is a three-meter-high stone statue, shining golden, like Buddha King Kong.

Qin Chuan walked in step by step. He needed to find a way out. If something happened to Qin Nian, he would regret it to death, and he shouldn't have brought him to Jinlang Mountain. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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