Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 243 King Kong Road, kill Fengxue again...

Qin Chuan was very anxious. If he had known earlier, he would not have brought her here. If he had known earlier, he would have the Dragon Leopard Beast by her side...

It's a pity that there are not so many assumptions. If something goes wrong with Qin Nian, he would rather not come to this treasure.

Must get out as soon as possible.

The more you walk forward, the more you will feel that the golden King Kong Buddha in the main hall is getting brighter and brighter.

Qin Chuan felt more and more strange as he walked. Suddenly, the golden Buddha in his body moved, leaving his body directly. Then Qin Chuan was stunned to find that the little golden Buddha was frantically absorbing the golden light from the shining golden Vajra Buddha.

Qin Chuan's body had a wonderful feeling. This little golden Buddha seemed to come back to life. It was extremely aura, full of spirituality, and exuded supreme pressure.


Qin Chuan felt that his body had been opened up. It was a mysterious feeling, as if the whole body seemed to be extended...

King Kong Avenue!

Qin Chuan was stunned, and made another one.

King Kong Avenue.

It is also because of this little golden Buddha, which is really a treasure. The two times he got the Dao is related to this little golden Buddha, the mysterious little golden Buddha.

Foshan Diamond Seal, Buddha Light Bound Wisdom Seal...

Qin Chuan found that these Buddhist handprints have undergone tremendous changes, their power has increased a lot, and even the abilities of Yin-Yang Hands and Yin-Yang Steps have also improved a lot.

The King Kong Avenue is like King Kong, where all poisons and evils cannot invade, but it is only the threshold of the Tao, and it cannot reach the real King Kong realm. Perception, perseverance and opportunity.

But even so, the physical ability has been doubled. This is the King Kong Dao, and countless people will never be able to enter this gate in their entire lives.

He felt that his body seemed to be opened up, as if it had been extended. This was a kind of vajra energy, which merged into himself, increased the resistance to attack, and merged into the protective cloud, greatly increasing the ability of the protective cloud.

The King Kong Dao belongs to the powerful way of the human body. Qin Chuan thought of his Nine Dragons Divine Power Kung Fu. It seems that his cultivation in the world can continue to advance. Maybe in the future, he can really use his physical body to fight against those fairy beasts, fierce beasts, and real dragons. class war...

come to my senses,

Qin Chuan let go of these Bai Rumeng thoughts, let's practice down-to-earth now.

You must get out quickly, Qin Nian is still in danger.

After getting the King Kong Avenue, Qin Chuan searched here and found only one golden book.

Diamond Sutra!

Qin Chuan directly took the mustard seeds and walked out of the hall.


The surroundings collapsed immediately, and then Qin Chuan found himself outside, the colorful dragon bird was singing continuously, Qin Nian had disappeared, the colorful dragon bird's figure swooped down, and Qin Chuan appeared on the colorful dragon bird's back in a flash.

"That kid got the treasure, everyone quickly surround him." Suddenly a voice sounded.

Many people around were staring at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan was also shocked at this time. These people actually knew that there was a treasure here? How could he not understand how these people knew? No one knows that I came here by myself.

"Hey, that kid, what treasure did you get? Take it out, and everyone who sees it will have a share. Don't tell me you want to eat alone?" A rough man shouted at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan frowned. He didn't have time to fight with them now, so he didn't bother to talk to them.

The four-flower god was given to the five-color dragon bird, and the golden pupils opened, flying directly in one direction.

"Hurry up, don't let this kid run away, hurry up."

"Everyone surround him and block him."

Qin Chuan directly took out the mysterious heavy bow, and shot at a huge monster bird.

Qin Chuan, who once again comprehended the arrow, actually carried a ray of diamond energy, a kind of suppression and precious energy, and the dragon shape on it gleamed, becoming more and more substantial, and then flew out with a beast roar like a dragon chant.

The golden light is shining, and the dragon shape can be clearly seen, majestic and domineering!



When these people came to their senses, Qin Chuan had disappeared.

They were shocked by Qin Chuan's arrow. What kind of strength is this?

"It's so strong, if this arrow shoots at someone, who can avoid it, who can withstand it?"

The big man who lost his mount wiped the sweat from his head, and his clothes were drenched in cold sweat for a moment. This time, he saved his life. He is so young but so powerful. From now on, Xuanyu will be trampled under his feet. The more he thinks about it The more afraid.

The speed of the colorful dragonfinch is very fast, and its body is flying across the air, faster than an arrow that leaves the string.

Half a day later, a sneer appeared on Qin Chuan's face, and a golden flame bird appeared in the golden pupil.

Flying ahead, flying fast.

He saw Qin Nian on Jin Yanniao's back. At this time, he was sleeping on Jin Yanniao's back, and a handsome man in white was looking around.

The speed of the Colorful Dragonfinch is too fast, at least several times faster than that of the Golden Flame Bird.

In less than half an hour, it was already in sight.

The man in white seemed to have seen Qin Chuan and looked at him vigilantly.

Qin Chuan directly maintained a constant speed, and then released the Dragon Leopard Beast.

The Dragon Leopard Beast had a golden dragon cloud, its figure fell down in a flash, and then ran fast on the ground, approaching the Golden Flame Bird. The current speed of the Dragon Leopard Beast was faster than that of the Colorful Dragon Sparrow.

A treasure beast, indeed it is a treasure beast, and it is also a dragon leopard beast of the blood of the dragon.

Qin Chuan was afraid of alarming him, if he got too close, if the other party threatened him with Qin Nian, he would tie his hands and feet.

However, Qin Chuan was still closing the distance between him and the other party.

"Little brat, you're courting death!" The man in white yelled and slapped Qin Chuan.

The jet-black mysterious beast head rushed towards Qin Chuan like a jet-black smoke.

Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes. This guy has some skills. He has cultivated to this level as an evil skill. This skill should be of a high level.

Qin Chuan sealed with one hand.

Great Bright Seal!

A golden Buddha shadow directly faced the black evil animal head.


It was purified directly and easily.

The expression of the man in white changed, this young man was actually practicing the supreme Buddhist technique, and his strength didn't seem to be weak, he couldn't love to fight, so he hurried back to Fengxue's house.

Qin Chuan took out the mysterious heavy bow.

"If you dare to move again, I'll kill him." The man in white pointed at Qin Nian.

Qin Chuan was taken aback, and put away the mysterious heavy bow.

The man in white seemed to be very happy, looking at Qin Chuan: "You are much better than your useless old man, by the way, what are you doing here? Looking for your mother? It's late, I entered the Tianzhen Tower, and it is impossible to come out again .”

Qin Chuan's eyes became colder and colder.

"It's a pity, such a beautiful woman, beautiful and chaste, she is unwilling to commit herself to my elder brother even if she dies, let alone cheap me, and she challenges my elder brother's bottom line time after time, challenges my Fengxue family's bottom line, and enters the Sky Tower , if she doesn’t go in, Feng Xue’s family won’t tolerate her anymore.” Feng Xuelang laughed.

"Have you ever thought that you will die?" Qin Chuan looked at Feng Xuelang calmly, Feng Xuelang must die.

"Die, haha, Fengxue's family is not as simple as you imagined, not everyone can come to kill people, as long as you dare to enter Fengxuecheng, you will die." Fengxue wolf said with a playful smile.

"You can't see that. The worst thing you did was not using her to blackmail me, and spraying dung in your mouth." Qin Chuan stared at Feng Xuelang with cold eyes.

"I'm threatening her, what can you do, as for spraying dung, haha, your mother is indeed a great beauty, she has entered the Sky Array Tower, otherwise I won't let her go, and this little girl, really watery, tonight She's mine now..."

"You bastard, killing you would make my hands dirty."

"Look, Snow Wind City is here, you will die in an ugly way, I will make your death in an ugly way, if you have the ability, you kill me, waste, killing me will dirty your hands, then if you have the ability, don't use it Kill me with your hands..."


With a golden afterimage, Feng Xuelang covered his throat with his hands in disbelief, blood gushing out.

Dragon Leopard Beast!

The ability of the Dragon Leopard Beast in the Alchemy Realm and the Dragon Cloud is really terrifying, almost like a nightmare in the Alchemy Realm.

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