Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2487 Golden Divine Dragon Bone

Getting closer and closer, Qin Chuan said that he was really not that excited. Although he also longed for strength, he also knew that haste makes waste with things like strength.

Moreover, his current age and strength are already very good, and he has almost never met anyone who is better than him among his peers.

However, no one despises that he is strong and has endless martial arts. Qin Chuan naturally hopes that he will be stronger, but he does not force it, so now he can still maintain a normal mind.

The more you are in front of Jiyuan, the more you must stay rational and maintain your mentality, and don't be blinded by benefits, because opportunities are often accompanied by dangers.

This is the rule.

Qin Chuan was still stunned when he saw this thing that attracted him.


Dragon skeleton!

A shocking dragon skeleton.

Golden, brilliant golden dragon skeleton, it can be said that it is complete and flawless. This is a flawless dragon skeleton that can be confirmed at first sight.

Well, just talking about the keel, by the standard of the keel.

In fact, just from the perspective of this stone house, it is perfect. It looks good. This is the first feeling. The first impression is that it looks good.

At this time, I already knew from some induction that this was my chance, a perfect and huge keel, a golden keel, and even the breath of a baby dragon on this keel.

A scent similar to that of a baby dragon.

According to Qin Chuan's current understanding, the baby dragon is a baby dragon, and this golden dragon bone has a breath similar to that of the baby dragon. What does it mean? At least it is a dragon skeleton containing the blood of a dragon.

The dozens of meters long dragon skeleton is shining with golden light and is very spectacular, but to be honest, this size is much larger than the baby dragon, but the baby dragon cannot be measured by normal standards.

The baby dragon is actually just a toddler. 【…¥iQiLiterature #@novels are better and updated faster】

The skeleton in front of you is already in the shape of a real dragon. If this size is really based on the standards of a baby dragon, then it is actually only a child stage.

The divine and mysterious power it contains is very strong, and it also has a special induction attraction, as if it is a part of one's own body.

Nine divine dragons.

Qin Chuan knew that this was the reason for the nine dragon positions in his body.

The nine divine dragons have awakened, and even the dragon pills and many others have been absorbed, but this dragon skeleton containing the breath of the divine dragon is a great opportunity.

The spine and skeleton are so important. Without the skeleton and bones, it would be just a puddle of mud. The benefits of this dragon skeleton to Qin Chuan are immeasurable.

Because he has nine divine dragons.

Qin Chuan was not in a hurry to absorb anything. He had golden eyes and could see many things. It could be said that there was no danger in it, but it could only be said that there was no danger of any kind.

To be honest, there is still a danger. This danger lies in the skeleton, and this danger lies in the fact that when it is absorbed, there is still a weak will inside.

This can also be regarded as a test. If you cannot withstand it, you are likely to be directly brain-dead, your consciousness will be destroyed, in the least case you will become a fool, in the worst case you may die.

The dignity of the dragon.


Qin Chuan is still a little hesitant. If he can survive other tests, after all, he also has some life-saving abilities, such as substitute talismans and seal scripts.

The Five-Star Supreme God and Buddha also has a high probability of protecting it.

But all this is based on when the physical body is under a fatal threat.

But the immediate danger comes from the spirit, and it only causes you to do something. In principle, it is not life-threatening, so it is certain that some life-saving things will fail.

What's more, this may be the will of a divine dragon, and ordinary protection will most likely be ineffective.

It's good that Qin Chuan can see this. After all, he can be prepared. If he can't see it, he will often hit you when you are most vulnerable, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Now Qin Chuan is also a little hesitant.

After all, there is still a certain danger in this, and the danger can even be said to be quite large.

But it is also a huge opportunity, very big. Compared with the danger, this benefit seems to be greater.

Qin Chuan was not greedy, but to be honest, he was a little reluctant to let go when he turned away. This golden keel was too attractive to him.

The benefits of absorbing this dragon bone are unimaginable for him. His strength will definitely increase greatly. Although it is impossible to reach the level of God of War immediately, it can improve his terrifying actual combat strength and potential.

Potential is the most important thing. Many people have improved their cultivation very early, but their foundation is not good, which limits their development. Tall buildings rise from the ground, and the foundation is too important.

As long as this dragon bone is absorbed, it will not only improve the strength and magical power to a high level, but also stabilize the foundation. This benefit is unparalleled. It is this improvement that can 100% let Qin Chuan know that he can reach the God of War realm, and The time will also be greatly shortened.

Without this keel, Qin Chuan can have the confidence to break through to the God of War realm, but what time will it take after the God of War realm?

This dragon bone gives Qinchuan greater potential. If he could reach the God of War realm before, then after absorbing the dragon bone, it is very likely that he will surpass the God of War realm and enter a higher level.

There is also the physical constitution. You must know that many of Qin Chuan's cultivations are related to dragon power. Once he absorbs this dragon bone, the power of his moves and skills will be horribly improved.

The benefits are unimaginable, that's for sure, but there are also dangers.

There was no pie in the sky, so Qin Chuan still decided to try. If a warrior is timid, then the warrior's heart will be gone.

Besides, Qin Chuan's physical training is very strong, and his mental strength is also his strong point, so he thinks this test of willpower should be no problem.

After all, this is just a test, as long as it reaches a standard of independent consciousness of a dragon skeleton, so Qin Chuan feels that there is no problem with the possibility of passing the test.


At this point, no matter what, there seems to be no way out. Raise your state to its peak, fighting spirit, and Buddha spirit, and then start to reach out and slowly touch the golden keel.

A wonderful scene appeared. The entire gleaming golden keel, which was dozens of meters tall, began to follow Qin Chuan's arm into his body little by little.


It's very smooth and the speed is very smooth. In fact, the progress is not very fast, because at this speed, it can't be absorbed in two or three days.

He didn't know what that test was. Qin Chuan always felt that it wouldn't be that simple, but he was ready to accept the test.

Sure enough, it was the Nine Divine Dragons.

The absorbed dragon bones directly began to fill the Nine Divine Dragons. At this time, Qin Chuan could also feel that the bones of the Nine Divine Dragons in his body had the same shape as the dragon bones, but they were reduced many times.

This is really my own opportunity. Sometimes it is so wonderful. I came from Mingyue Palace and just happened to be here, so I caught up with this opportunity by coincidence.


In fact, it is understandable, because we met, it was a coincidence. After all, we don’t know what we missed or how much we missed.

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