Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 2488: Test, Fourth Level of Nothingness, Wish

Qin Chuan was not in a hurry. Among the people who could come up here, it could be said that it would be difficult to find anyone other than himself. After all, it had been so many years. If it was so easy to come up, it would not be his turn.

So there is no need to worry about this, but Qin Chuan still released a few monsters and treasure beasts.

A strange phenomenon is that my own monsters seem to have considerable benefits in this temple. If you think about it carefully, many of your monsters also have the blood of dragons.

However, this benefit is relatively different from my own.

Time passed bit by bit, and Qin Chuan gradually entered a state of selflessness, no longer thinking about those messy things, and even forgot about the test of will.

The brain also entered a state of emptying, as if it was an empty city. At this time, if it were really tested, the result would be unimaginable.

Qin Chuan didn't mean to do this, he just concentrated on it and entered an excellent state, which is also a rare state.

It can be regarded as a state that can only be encountered but cannot be obtained, but it has a danger. In principle, it is not good to have this state at this time.

Qin Chuan actually thought about going all out to defend against the test at first, but then he thought about it, since it is a inheritance, it might be best to understand it well.

But it doesn't mean that if you are good, you can enter the state of selflessness, so this is a very good, rare, and a state that warriors dream of.

But it doesn't seem to be suitable for Qin Chuan at the moment.

One day passed.

The test did not appear, and one-third of the entire keel was taken away by Qin Chuan. At this time, Qin Chuan's entire body was full of dignity and domineering.

Qin Chuan's state lasted for a long time, and he didn't seem to wake up, but he didn't know that at this moment, a brilliant light appeared on the golden keel.

This ray of light was like a sharp sword, entering Qin Chuan's body in a flash with an extremely sharp aura.

But at this time, Qin Chuan opened his eyes, and a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

But Qin Chuan had a smile on his face.

Because what saved him this time was not his own cultivation, but his state of selflessness, and being recognized by this skeleton, he was a person who could accept the inheritance.

But the test of the acceptance process is actually very strict.

How can I say this inheritance? It is not prepared for the realm of nothingness.

Because it is estimated that this dragon never thought that people from the Void Realm could come here, so at least they are from the God of War Realm.

This test is also prepared for the God of War realm.

But I don’t know why at the time, and the requirements for talent qualifications were set for one day, that is, if the talent qualifications are very high, the power will be reduced. If the state is special, such as the state of selflessness, the power will be greatly reduced again, and you will almost not be injured.

After all, Qin Chuan's strength was only in the realm of nothingness, and he had just reached the realm of nothingness, so he was injured, but he experienced this test in a very dangerous way.

After Qin Chuan understood it, he really became more and more frightened as he thought about it. If he hadn't entered this state of selflessness this time, he would have really been stupid.

The kind of fear that gets more and more scary the more you think about it.

But think about it, luck is really important, and this time it can be said to be luck.

After the test, everything became faster and smoother. Originally, it would take almost two days to finish, but one day later, it was completed just after one o'clock in the day.

The realm of strength has broken through several small realms.

The fourth level of the void realm.

This was also expected by Qin Chuan. The Void Realm broke through several small realms in a row. After all, in the Void Realm, the opportunities for such continuous breakthroughs were really too few.

But such a big opportunity, from the first level to the fourth level of the void realm, is really not that big. The benefit of this inheritance is only a small increase in the cultivation level. This benefit is actually negligible compared with all the benefits of Zhen Zheng.

Realm can be improved through practice. As long as you have potential, you can slowly improve it over time as a pharmacist. However, some things cannot be achieved by studying hard and practicing hard.

Those things are the things that limit a warrior's growth, and Chance's first choice is something that can break these limitations, just like a container.

The size of the container determines how much water can be filled, and the amount of water now is only temporary. Even if there is no water in a water tank, it is infinitely better than a teacup full of water. It is not on the same level at all.

The Nine Divine Dragons have changed.

The color of Qin Chuan's bones has always been yellow. It felt a bit like golden before, but it was only now that he felt that it might barely be considered golden at this time.

The body is full of endless power, and the strong bones have caused subtle changes in the entire physique. At this time, Qin Chuan's physical attainments are definitely beyond imagination.

There is also the actual combat strength, magical power, and Qinchuan's Shenlong Avenue has once again broken through.

The breakthrough of Shenlong Avenue can be said to be the strongest improvement for Qin Chuan so far. This is the powerful foundation of all dragon bloodlines.

Among all abilities, Dao is the most powerful, followed by magical powers and skills. Bloodline is the foundation. When this is not available, for example, the blood of Shenlong can be comparable to the Dao of Shenlong.

After all, it is the foundation, the premise of everything.

The relationship between the two is that without the blood of the dragon, one cannot understand the path of the dragon.

When Qinchuan finished absorbing it, the pressure here disappeared instantly, and the Shenlong Temple was reduced to ashes, as if it had never appeared.

Qin Chuan was standing on the top of the mountain, and the old monk didn't know when he had appeared on the top of the mountain, looking at Qin Chuan with a smile on his face.

Qin Chuan now really owed the old monk a favor, a big favor.

"Thank you, Master, for your advice." Qin Chuan said seriously.

Ha ha!

The old monk smiled happily and waved his hand: "Don't be burdened with anything. I am not a person who wants to repay kindness. It is fate that you and I met."

Having said this, the old monk continued: "The donor is the most talented person I have ever seen. His future achievements are limitless. Old monk, I have fulfilled my wish."

Qin Chuan looked at the old monk and thought for a while and said, "Master, do you have any wishes that I need to fulfill?"

Those who owe others always owe others, or in other words, it is not the case that one owes one, but one has to repay a favor. Qin Chuan just wanted to repay him, so he asked.

The old monk was stunned.

He seemed to be thinking very seriously. He looked back at Qin Chuan and shook his head. He didn't know whether it was because he had no desire or because Qin Chuan couldn't do it...


"Do you really want to say your wish? There is one, that is the City Lord's Mansion. The City Lord is my son, but I can't help him. If you really want to help me, go to the City Lord's Mansion and stay for a while. It just so happens that the Babel Tower is also there. It's turned on." The old monk sighed and said.

Qin Chuan looked at the old monk, and added to what he said before, he just didn't know how the old monk could be sorry for his son. What could father and son be sorry for?

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