Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 246 Vajra body Tiangangzi, go to heaven...

"The benefactor stay here, Tiangangzi is here to ask for advice!"

The sound shook the whole field, and the loud voice was like rolling thunder.

Qin Chuan looked at the great monk. This great monk was almost a combination of the previous Kuangjian bamboo pole and the bloody winter melon. He was about the same height as the Kuangjian bamboo pole and about the same fat as the bloody winter melon.

But this Tiangangzi couldn't see a little fat, his muscles were like steel, and he stood like an iron tower wherever he stood.

He held a wrist-thick stick in his hand, a golden stick with a faint halo.

Qin Chuan was stunned when he saw the great monk. This guy actually had a trace of Buddha's light in his body. This kind of cultivation should be considered very strong. The most important thing is that he is righteous. Why would he stop himself.

"Master, why did you stop me?" Qin Chuan frowned, he didn't want to use force with this great monk.

"You can't help yourself, do it, don't show mercy, or you will be cruel to yourself." The great monk swung the golden stick in his hand.

A strong breath emanated.

Qin Chuan shook his head, raised the golden sword in his hand, and then dropped it from the colorful dragon bird's back.

Don't move like a mountain!

The great monk stepped forward with a strong breath like a mountain.

Qin Chuan was taken aback for a moment, this great monk can actually be as immovable as a mountain, this is nothing, there should be quite a few people who can be as immobile as a mountain, this is a kind of warrior ability, although it is brilliant, but it is not so rare, it is just the great monk's Immovable as a mountain is stronger than Qin Chuan.

King Kong demon stick!


The great monk's golden stick slammed down.

Qin Chuan remained motionless.


The golden long stick fell in front of Qin Chuan, the rock on the road broke into a gully, and the violent gravel rushed towards Qin Chuan.

Protective God Cloud!

At this moment, Qin Chuan moved, and the golden sword slammed down violently.

Surrounded by golden light, sword energy is like a rainbow,

This sword is as violent as Mount Tai.


The great monk's golden stick blocked Qin Chuan's golden sword.


A huge phantom on the golden stick pressed directly towards Qin Chuan like a divine pillar.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up, and this great monk actually had a rare physique.

Diamond body!

The diamond body of Buddhism.

It can actually easily catch its own attack, and its strength is infinite.

Qin Chuan was shocked, and the great monk was not shocked. This was the first time he saw a person who could be as good as him physically, not weak at all, and he was still a young man. What he was best at was his strength and invincibility. Vajra demon stick.


A ray of light emanated from Tiangangzi's body, as if possessed by a divine light, and his whole body seemed to grow taller, exuding a wave like a mountain, like an invincible god and Buddha.

The golden stick seemed to be getting heavier and heavier in his hands.


Lifting the golden stick, Tian Gangzi stepped out in one step, the ground under his feet spread out like ripples, and the raised golden stick hit Qin Chuan directly.

Qin Chuan narrowed his eyes, and this stick actually had his own artistic conception of martial arts. He felt that his whole body seemed to be restrained.

Golden pupil.

One-handed seal!

Buddha's Light Binding Wisdom Seal!

A bright golden rope wrapped around Tiangangzi.

Big yin and yang handprints!

A huge handprint, gray and simple, changing the color of the world, directly suppressing Tian Gangzi.

Tiangangzi just broke free from the Buddha's Light Binding Wisdom Seal, and his face changed when he saw the big Yin-Yang handprint.


At the same time, Qin Chuan stepped on it.

The divine cow collapsed the mountain!


A gully passed under Tiangangzi's feet, and the big Yin-Yang handprint landed directly on Tiangangzi almost at the same time.


Tiangangzi was directly shot into the ground by Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan didn't stop, and then another big yin and yang handprint was raised.

At this time, Tian Gangzi had just rushed up, his whole body was extremely powerful, and his whole body was full of anger, but he hadn't had time to make a move.

The familiar big handprint fell again.


He was blasted directly into the ground again.


This time, although Tiangangzi was extremely strong, he was still injured internally. Qin Chuan's Yin-Yang method could beat Yin-Yang. For the first time, the Great Yin-Yang Handprint had disrupted the balance of Yin-Yang in his body.

The second time he hit Yin and Yang directly, that powerful body couldn't resist this kind of dismissal like beating a cow across a mountain.

Still hurt.

"Master, you have tried your best, please go back!" Qin Chuan stopped and said.

With blood on the corner of Tian Gangzi's mouth, he let out a long breath: "It's fine, it's fine, I hope the benefactor will listen to my persuasion."

"Master, please speak!"

"Killing people is not the only way to solve the problem. I hope the butcher's knife in the donor's hand is less stained with blood." Tian Gangzi turned and left after speaking.

Qin Chuan didn't reply, nor did he speak.

Qin Chuan and Qin Nian continued to move forward.

The mansion of Helian's family has already been seen, and the colorful dragon sparrow stopped at the door of Helian's family.

Qin Chuan put away the colorful sparrows and looked at the gate of Helian's mansion, which can be regarded as magnificent, prosperous and rich.

This is my mother's home, but such a gate blocked my father. The big family of Xuanyu couldn't see a young man from a village in Mortal Domain. It was this gate that blocked my father.


Qin Chuan stepped on it, and the door of Helian's house collapsed.

Since your threshold is high and your father can't get in, then lower the threshold for you.

Qin Nian looked at it puzzled, and looked curiously: "Brother, why did you break this gate?"

"The threshold is so high that even my father can't get in, it's not good if it's too high." Qin Chuan smiled softly.

The gate of Helian's family collapsed. Helian's family is also a big family. Many people rushed out. The leader was a pair of old people, followed by some middle-aged people and even young people.

Qin Chuan didn't see the two Helianba brothers.

"Nian'er!" The old man cried out in concern when he saw Qin Nian.

"Grandpa, grandma, did they let you out?" Qin Nian ran over in tears.

"Good boy, you are fine, as long as you are fine, he is..." The old man looked at Qin Chuan.

"He is brother Qin Chuan." Qin Nian said.

"He is the child that Wu'er left behind..." the old man said tremblingly.

"Where is my mother?" Qin Chuan asked softly.

The scene was silent, very quiet, so quiet that no one spoke.

"Where is my mother?" Qin Chuan's voice was like a roar, which could be heard almost a hundred miles away, rolling like thunder, and the hatred in it was soaring.

At this time, Feng Xue's family also heard it, and even Feng Xue Wuhen couldn't help trembling, looking up at the sky, the bad feeling became stronger and stronger.

But he didn't believe that a bastard in a small place, no matter how evil you are, how defiant you are, at the age of twenty-two, how can you defy the sky?

"Brother, brother, grandpa, they are all innocent." Qin Nian said softly.

"The Helian family is a big family. My mother can't get the protection of her own family, so what's the use of this family? Not only that, but she also persecutes her own family with outsiders. My father can't enter the Helian family. If it is dismantled, whoever sent my mother into the Sky Array Tower, I will let him die." Qin Chuan said lightly.

"Brother, Grandpa and the others are also helpless." Qin Nian said.

"Nian'er, don't talk about it. We were wrong at the beginning. We didn't do the right thing. This is all sin. Your mother has been depressed. When I changed my mind, there was nothing I could do." The old man sighed Take a breath.

"Nian'er, take me to the Tianzhen Tower!" Qin Chuan said softly, he will not recognize his relatives, he will not recognize his relatives until the matter is clear.

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