Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 247 Go to Fengxue's house first, Fengxue is heavy...

"Nian'er, take me to the Tianzhen Tower!"

Qin Nian and her grandparents talked a few more words before walking towards Qin Chuan. (Baidu search m)

"Qin Chuan, are you going to the Sky Tower?" the old man asked.

Qin Chuan raised his head and looked at the old man. He is not young anymore, but a warrior still has a long lifespan. He has a majesty, an aura of being in the top position for a long time.

"I want to rescue my mother," Qin Chuan said.

"Son, no one has been in or out of the Sky Array Tower for five hundred years. If you want to save your mother, you have to go in by yourself. Have you ever thought about whether you can get in or not?" said the old man.

"I must go in, and I must bring my mother out." Qin Chuan said firmly.

"Child!" The old woman who had been silent all this time spoke.

Qin Chuan looked at this kind-hearted old man. She actually had a low level of cultivation, but she had a serene aura about her, kind and easy to get close to.

"The Helian family is sorry for you. I am old and I am about to enter the earth. A big family will inevitably have some obsessed people. The survival of a big family is very difficult. Sometimes everyone has to make sacrifices for the family. Prepare, child, we are also very sad. There are no parents who do not love their children. She used to be the jewel in our palm, the little princess of my Helian family. I said these are not to shirk, child, you and your mother are too similar , their personalities are so stubborn, they refuse to bow their heads, and they refuse to look back..."

Qin Chuan did not speak, nor did he leave immediately.

"Son, listen to me, think twice, we also hope that Wu'er can come out, but if you make a mistake, will your mother feel better?" The old man said softly.

Qin Chuan was silent. No one could go in and come out of the Tianzhen Tower for five hundred years. He was really not sure that he would be able to come out.

He must go in, but he is not sure that he can come out.

If he can't get out, then Qin Nian is still in danger outside, it is impossible for him to take her into the Sky Array Tower.

Qin Chuan paused for a long time, and said slowly, "Go to Fengxue's house!"

This decision shocked the Helian family even more. The Fengxue family is one of the largest families in Fengxue City. In the eyes of many people, it is an evergreen tree, and it is an unshakable existence.

The old man sighed this time and said nothing.

Qin Chuan's decision was to go to Tianzhen Tower after leveling Fengxue's house.

Fengxue's house was fifty miles away, Qin Chuan was riding a colorful dragon bird, Qin Nian insisted on following, Qin Chuan did not refuse.

Fengxue's manor is very big. At this time, snowflakes are flying in the sky, and the world has turned into snow white. After a while, Qin Chuan has stopped in the sky above Fengxue's house. He just parked there quietly, watching Snowstorm below.

Soon the members of the Fengxue family came out, many of them, the leader was a handsome and elegant middle-aged man, he looked very mature, elegant and unrestrained, with an excellent temperament, exuding an air of calmness in his gestures, this is a perfect man The man, at least looks like a perfect man.

"Qin Chuan, you are too deceptive." Feng Xue Wuhen said.

"Nian'er, don't come down from the top." Qin Chuan said softly.

"Well, brother, you have to be careful!"

Qin Chuan nodded, jumped off the colorful dragon bird, and landed directly in front of those people.

"Too much deception?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Abolish my son and kill my fifth brother, what else do you want?" Feng Xue Wuhen said coldly.

"Your son is looking for death on his own. I didn't kill him because I was soft-hearted. You are a bastard like your fifth brother. You have the nerve to say it. As for what you say I want, then I will talk about what I want. If you can agree Me, I won't kill people either," Qin Chuan said.

Fengxue Wuhen's patience is very good today, he looked at Qin Chuan and said, "Let's listen first, as long as it's not too much, I promise you."

"Abolish your cultivation, Fengxue family's property will be wiped out, and then you will be exiled for twenty years." Qin Chuan spoke very slowly, and his words were extremely clear.

Feng Xue Wuhen was taken aback, this kid came here to treat him in his own way, to return everything Qin Feng had, even with high interest.

"Brother, what nonsense with him, kill him." Feng Xuebiao said coldly.

Qin Chuan stared at this sturdy man with both eyes. He was born with a ferocious aura. Although he was not as big as Tiangangzi, he looked even more ferocious.

Feng Xue Wuhen raised his hand to stop Feng Xuebiao from speaking.

He looked at Qin Chuan: "Do you feel like I'm settled? Do you really think that Feng Xue's family can come whenever they want, leave when they want, step on when they want?" Fengxue Wuhen looked at Qin Chuan playfully at this time , eyes full of disdain and teasing.

"It seems that if you don't agree to my conditions, then there is nothing to say." Qin Chuan still said flatly.

"Kill him, what, what, don't look at where this is, come here to put on a show, and kill him."

"Destroy him, tear him into pieces!"

"Let's take the initiative, everyone, let him know who he can't afford."

"Ignorant, sitting in a well and looking at the sky, ignorant and fearless, a bumpkin, a country bumpkin who has never seen the world, really thinks that he can become invincible in the world after a few strokes."


Qin Chuan didn't say a word, just looked at the faces of these people, that was the pride of the children of aristocratic families, the pride in his bones, he would not let them see him like this at all, they felt that their blood was noble, And people like myself can only be regarded as nouveau riche at best.

"Okay, Qin Chuan, if you're still fighting with me, you don't even know how I killed you." Feng Xue Wuhen shook his head and said.

"Are you talking about the big wind and snow formation of your Fengxue family? Do you think I didn't know anything about your so-called Fengxue family before I came here?" Qin Chuan said coldly.

Fengxue Wuhen's face changed slightly, and he said directly: "Let's fight!"


The surroundings changed, and Qin Chuan came to a place of ice and snow.

There is nothing here, only a world of ice and snow that can't be seen at a glance. There is ice and snow everywhere, and it is bitingly cold.

Qin Chuan stood there motionless, watching the formation around him, Qin Chuan was the most fearless.


The ice under Qin Chuan's feet shattered, and a figure rushed out, slashing at Qin Chuan's neck.


Qin Chuan punched out, directly blowing up that figure.

This is a real phantom.

The real energy body can really kill people.


A swallowing beast appeared, Qin Chuan smiled, this is too fake, I saw a monster bigger than the hill appeared in front of it, it looked very magical, with a huge body, no limbs, and Like a gigantic worm, it has only one big mouth on its head, it seems that there is only one mouth on its head, a terrifying bloody mouth.

This is a legendary beast. Qin Chuan has a very clear consciousness. Knowing that he is in the formation, he naturally does not believe it is true. If he is mentally weak, he will probably be scared to death when he sees this.


The cry was like thunder, and the bloody mouth rushed towards Qin Chuan. The figure was so fast that it was indescribable. It was crushed like a hill, and the bloody mouth produced a huge suction.

Golden pupil!

Golden magic knife!


Qin Chuan ran quickly, breaking a piece of ice and snow with his feet from time to time, yin and yang steps, making him constantly empty and real, and suddenly Qin Chuan jumped.


Qin Chuan went straight out of the snowstorm, and happened to be in front of a person.

Feng Xuebiao!

Feng Xuebiao trembled, and punched Qin Chuan.


Qin Chuan also punched Feng Xuebiao in the heart.

Nine Nether Earth Fire Seeds!

Tinder out of body!


Qin Chuan's punch directly punched a hole in Feng Xuebiao's heart!

Feng Xuebiao looked down at his heart, couldn't believe it, then fell down limply.

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