Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 258 Give me 10 and 8 fat babies...

"I miss you too, why are you here?"

Yuan Su hugged Qin Chuan and said softly. The gentle tone and a trace of exhaustion made Qin Chuan feel distressed. He hugged her tightly: "How are you doing recently?"

"Okay, very good, it's even better to see you. "i Dedication"" Yuan Su said softly.

"Think of me that much?" Qin Chuan smiled.

"I want to, I really want to!" Yuan Su said.

"Why don't I give myself to you tonight and let you do what you want, I want to be your man." Qin Chuan said softly.


Yuan Su twisted Qin Chuan's waist with one hand, and spun vigorously.

In fact, it doesn't hurt, but Qin Chuan wants to cooperate with her.

"If a dog can't spit out ivory, it knows nonsense." Yuan Suyi snorted happily.

Although I couldn't see her expression, I could still think that the anger that belonged to her must be pretty.

"Su'er, the weather is so nice, I want to accompany you for a walk." Qin Chuan took her umbrella and walked in the hazy drizzle holding her plain hand.

Yuan Su came back to his senses after walking a few steps, and glared at Qin Chuan: "You bastard, you know how to take advantage of me."

"Then do you like it?" Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

She is beautiful, very beautiful, as beautiful as a poppy flower. It is said that the combination of beauty and danger will exude a fatal attraction. Yuan Su is such a woman, and Qin Chuan fell in love with her hopelessly.

"Hey, you are a rascal." Yuan Su sighed and walked slowly with Qin Chuan.

In fact, she was very happy in her heart. Qin Chuan came, and she felt that her heart was not so empty.

In front of the family of three, a young couple held a three or four-year-old boy, and each held the little boy's hand. Qin Chuan thought of Su Ho and the baby, and his eyes became a little empty.

Seeing Qin Chuan's eyes, Su Ho gently shook his hand: "What? You like children very much?"

Qin Chuan was taken aback for a moment. She should have thought that she was envious of the family of three in front of her. Thinking of this, Qin Chuan was a little embarrassed. After all, he was thinking of other women by her side, so he smiled embarrassedly.

A little apologetic in general.

This kind of expression caught Yuan Su's eyes, but she felt a little guilty, maybe it wasn't too much, after all, the relationship between the two was very wonderful, and she wondered if she could be with Qin Chuan.

"If I marry you, I will definitely give birth to you..." Her voice was very low, but such words could make a man's blood boil. For a woman as proud as her, to be able to say such words willingly, would be a blessing to a man. A deadly satisfaction.

Only when a woman loves a man will she willingly give birth to him.

Qin Chuan smiled, and hugged her happily, causing Yuan Su to exclaim. Many people around looked at her, and Yuan Su buried her face in his arms in embarrassment, and refused to come out.

"Crazy, there are so many people, let me down." Yuan Su said softly.

"Oh, the little girl will be shy too, come on, let me show my husband how my little Susu is doing now?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Get out, go to hell!" Yuan Su broke free and gave him an angry look.

She really found that there was no way to take Qin Chuan, but she was not angry, not at all. Although she was angry on her lips, she was very happy in her heart, and she liked to see him like a rascal. She tightened his hand and walked gracefully with.

"Qin Chuan, I want to rebuild the magic gate." Yuan Su said softly.

Qin Chuan knew that for someone as persistent as her, she would definitely rebuild the Demon Array Sect.

"Okay, I'm here to help you. Didn't you ask me why I came here? I know that Zhenxian Palace is here, so I'm here to wait for you." Qin Chuan smiled.

Yuan Su's heart is very warm, she can only accept Qin Chuan's help now, because it is love.

"Thank you, thank you for meeting you." Yuan Su looked at Qin Chuan with a smile.

"You're welcome, just make a promise with your body, and then give me ten or eight fat boys." Qin Chuan laughed.


"Go to hell, return ten or eight, you treat me like a pig!" Yuan Su couldn't help laughing.

"That's also the most beautiful little fragrant pig." Qin Chuan probed and bit the jade-like Qiong's nose.

"You are the pig! A big-colored pig!" Yuan Su said angrily.


Mingyue Restaurant!

This is Yuan Su's foothold, and she has always lived here, contacting the remaining members of the Demon Array Sect.

Qin Chuan didn't open any more rooms, Yuan Su wanted a living room and two bedrooms, which could accommodate Qin Chuan.

But even so, she felt a little uneasy, after all, she was under the same roof.

Walking in, there is a bright living room with a faint fragrance, a large sofa that can seat three people, and a tea table.

As soon as Qin Chuan came in, he took two deep breaths: "The little girl's room smells like a fragrance."

Yuan Su gave him a sideways glance, she was already a little girl, but she stared at Qin Chuan: "How many little girls' rooms have you been to?"

"It can't be counted. Everywhere I go, widows and daughters-in-law are fighting for me to enter their room. I know it's a wolf's den, so I firmly refuse. I just like my little Susu's room... "

Before Qin Chuan finished speaking, Yuan Su went directly into his room.

Qin Chuan smiled, sat down in the living room, and then thought about what to do with Yuan Su, the magic array gate.

The Demon Array Sect belongs to the arch-rival of the Immortal Immortal Palace, and the Demon Array Gate should have a bad reputation, as I said that I am willing to be enchanted by him.

However, when Qin Chuan thought of Zhenxianzong, those guys under the banner of justice were not good people, and they were even more hateful than bad people, so he felt that this Zhenxian Palace was not a good person, because Zhenxian Palace was standing on the side of Zhenxian. The powerful force behind Zong.

Let's rebuild the magic array gate first!

Qin Chuan took out the treasure map obtained three months ago, and looked at it for a while, but there was no clue, and he couldn't see where it was, but what was certain was that it was definitely a treasure map.

After a while, Yuan Su came out, wearing loose pajamas, her hair didn't seem to be completely dry, and the fragrance hit, Qin Chuan's eyes straightened when she saw it, causing Yuan Su to stare blankly.

Charming, aloof, glamorous, dangerous and deadly.

Qin Chuan doesn't care about her now, and he has become more courageous, maybe because of Su Ho, his self-control is not enough.

He picked her up and let her sit in his arms.

The thin pajamas were extremely slippery at this time, and the exposed skin was crystal clear, like the most beautiful suet warm jade. Yuan Su was very courageous, and looked at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan found that he still couldn't resist, so he kissed her directly, but she still opened her eyes.

Qin Chuan kissed his lips, cheeks, and directly kissed her eyes, and now she had to close them.

Yuan Su blushed, because she was sitting in Qin Chuan's arms, and suddenly realized that there was something warm, very hot, and it belonged to this bastard.

Qin Chuan gave her a painful kiss and ran away.

Qin Chuan knew that she had something on her mind, and she was not ready. He loved and pity her Qin Chuan, and would never let her do something she didn't want to do, so let her do it.

The next day, Yuan Su woke up very early, and when he saw Qin Chuan, he still gave him an angry look: "Go with me today to see if the place I chose is suitable, and if it is suitable, choose It’s time to re-establish sects.”

"Your cultivation level has reached, how about forming alchemy for you first, and then go to see the top of the mountain?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Yuan Su was stunned for a moment, and her beautiful eyes lit up: "Okay!" (Nine Realms God Emperor../24/24642/)--( Nine Regions God Emperor )

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