Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 259 Shy Yuan Su, reopen the magic circle...

Being able to break through to the Alchemy Realm is something that many people dream of. Yuan Su also thought about it, but she knew that this requires a certain chance. Although he has already reached the ninth level of the Transcendent Realm, it is not enough time to break through the Alchemy Realm.

Yuan Su was a little dazed, she looked at Qin Chuan, and found that he was more like a mystery now, she couldn't understand it at all, he seemed always so fresh and natural, like a big boy, but now he was a little bit bad.

"It looks good, do you want to touch it, kiss it..." Qin Chuan turned around and smiled.

Clear eyes, exuding a comfortable natural atmosphere.

Yuan Su didn't speak, but was in a daze.

"What's the matter, what are you thinking again?" Qin Chuan asked with his arm around her shoulder.

"It's my parents' wish to rebuild the Demon Array Gate. I don't know if I can succeed. If I fail, I'm afraid you will..." Yuan Su looked at Qin Chuan worriedly.

"Live and die for you, okay?" Qin Chuan said softly.

Yuan Su stared blankly at Qin Chuan, and suddenly felt that the whole world was bright. With him alone, he would not be lonely, and he would not be lonely. He was his everything and his backbone.

"I'm very happy, Qin Chuan, but I don't want such a day to come. I've made up my mind, don't get involved, and leave!" Yuan Su said seriously.


Qin Chuan slapped that round buttocks with a slap, and his whole hand seemed to be sunk in, amazing elasticity, soft touch, and slippery...

This slap was very loud, and the sound made people think. Yuan Su felt hot, but it was not particularly painful. There was even an indescribable strangeness. He looked at Qin Chuan angrily with a blushing face. This guy actually dared to hit him .

"This is the family law. If I say such irresponsible words in the future, I will take off my clothes and spank my butt." Qin Chuan smiled softly, but Yuan Su knew that this guy would definitely do it.

She has a feeling of being cared for and cared for. Sometimes he is a rascal, a bad guy, and sometimes he is domineering, even unreasonable.

"Does it hurt? I'll rub it for you." Qin Chuan hugged her and rubbed her gently with one hand.

The way of yin and yang, the hand of yin and yang!

Yuan Su's body trembled, his whole body was limp.

She wanted to escape,

But she found it very comfortable, that kind of numbness, a little itchy, this feeling is very comfortable, the kind that is comfortable to the bone.

In fact, Qin Chuan didn't intend to take advantage of her at first, the previous slap was actually a bit strong, but she is a warrior after all, a powerful warrior, so it doesn't get in the way, rubbing her is also distressing, comforting her, and keeping her in mind pity.

But when Yuan Su groaned slightly, Qin Chuan seemed to realize something only when Yuan Su was pressed softly in his arms.

This yin and yang hand seems to have a good massage effect, and combined with Haoran's domineering body, it can really make people's bones rot.

Qin Chuan smiled, still keeping his composure, kneading, scratching, and massaging the yin and yang hands to the fullest. He didn't speak, for fear of disturbing her, this proud woman would definitely run away.

The suppressed cooing finally couldn't be suppressed.

A soft moan rang in Qin Chuan's ear, and he hugged Qin Chuan's neck tightly, his body tensed.

Finally, he pushed Qin Chuan away and ran away.

Qin Chuan smiled, he really wanted to see what this proud woman would look like when she came out...

After a long time, Yuan Su came out, changed her clothes, and said directly: "Didn't you tell me to break through, let's go!"

She didn't look at Qin Chuan, but Qin Chuan kept looking at her.

Although Yuan Su didn't look at Qin Chuan, she knew that Qin Chuan was looking at her, and her pink ears turned red all of a sudden.

Thinking about how ashamed she was before, she actually confessed like that, this bad thing must be intentional, this made her walk a little flustered.

Qin Chuan felt a great sense of accomplishment. A woman who was as proud as heaven, with such an expression and such a shy expression as a child, made him very happy. He didn't tease her any more, and took her directly to the mountain where the performance was performed. go.

Yuan Su was blown by the wind in the air, she also calmed down, and gradually returned to her natural state, then glared at Qin Chuan angrily.

Qin Chuan laughed.

This smile made Yuan Su a little overwhelmed, after all, thinking about it before, she was really ashamed...


Find a mountain top, Carp Yuelong Pill and Chaos Droplets, plus acupuncture.

After half an hour!

puff! Break through!

Alchemy Realm!

Yuan Su's breakthrough was very smooth, and it was very stable. This is the benefit of accumulating steadily.

Yuan Su was very happy at this time, and seemed to have forgotten the embarrassment before, and was very happy to pull Qin Chuan. After all, she is not very old, and now she has reached the alchemy state, and she will naturally go further in the future.

Then came to Yunyue Mountain!

The Yunyue Mountain Range is very large, and the Immortal Array Palace is on this mountain range. The original Demon Array Gate is also there, but it is far away. This time, the location is not very far from the original Demon Array Gate. There are quite a few people.

Qin Chuan and Yuan Su stood at the mountain pass. At this time, there was a huge stone standing there.

"Qin Chuan, it's up to you to write the words "Magic Formation Gate!" Yuan Su said.

Qin Chuan looked at it and didn't refuse. He walked over with a smile, took out a golden sword, and wrote three words directly on the boulder.

Magic Gate!

Iron painted with silver hooks, tough, incomparably sharp, the only thing that makes people comfortable is that although the sharpness is sharp, there is a trace of naturalness, and it feels comfortable to look at it all at once. This seems to prove something. , there is justice in it.

At this time, a group of people came out from the inside, ten people, eight women, and two men. They should be close to middle age. At this time, they all bowed when they saw Yuan Su: "Miss!"

"Spread out the news of the reconstruction and opening of the Demon Array Sect. Three days later, there will be a big banquet here." Yuan Su said.

The leader was a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman. The two of them exchanged glances and nodded.

After everyone left, Qin Chuan and Yuan Su walked into the gate of the magic formation.

"Are those people reliable just now?" Qin Chuan asked as he walked.

"I don't know, they used to be members of the Demon Array Sect." Yuan Su said.

"Have you ever thought that they are unreliable?" Qin Chuan asked.

"Think about it, but there is no way out." Yuan Su said.

"Hey, silly woman, your sect is not easy to open." Qin Chuan sighed.

"I know!" Yuan Su laughed.

"Then why are you still driving?" Qin Chuan asked.

"I just want to do my best to obey the destiny." Yuan Su said.

Qin Chuan knew that it was difficult to change her stubbornness, so Qin Chuan would not let her change when Qin Chuan came.

Time flies and three days have passed. On this day, firecrackers have been hung up here at the Demon Array Gate. The sun is three poles, and people are coming one after another. Fengyue City has many forces, both good and evil. With congratulatory gifts, some people even held their hands empty, some with smiles, some with cold faces, and some with weird smiles.

It was almost noon, and most of the people who should have come also came, and even many who shouldn't have come, and it was extremely lively for a while.

"Su'er, am I the deputy sect master now?" Qin Chuan asked with a smile.

"If you want, the master of the main gate is also yours." Yuan Su smiled.

"That's okay, you're all mine."

Yuan Su glared at him, another person came from a distance, her eyes were cold, and she walked over.

Qin Chuan was taken aback, and followed. There were hundreds of people in this group, and there were several signs among them, the most conspicuous one with three words on it.


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