Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 263 The magic array door opens, like a female...

Qingfeng is dead!

Beheaded, easily beheaded!

Qingfeng fell down slowly, his eyes were wide open, he couldn't believe it at all, and died with regret.

After Qin Chuan had the Profound Truth of Wind, it would be several times easier to kill Qingfeng, otherwise he would not have an absolute advantage in speed. After all, Qingfeng's strength is not much inferior to that of Fengxue Wuhen.

The people around were shocked at this moment. They saw a little golden beast before, but Qin Chuan killed Qingfeng, even the little beast was useless. How terrifying would it be if this speed matched the magical little beast?

After beheading Qingfeng, he was completely shocked.

"I don't want to kill too many people today, so take him and get out of here. By the way, send a message to the palace master of your Immortal Palace. Don't think that you can kill the Demon Sect with the most indiscriminate methods. Forget it, I dare to come here today to show off my power, I really don't know how to live, wash my neck at home and wait for me to cut it." Qin Chuan said.

This time, those people seemed to be pardoned, and the corpses with Qingfeng disappeared quickly, and the speed was so fast.

Zhen Yuezong naturally followed suit!

Even some people who had shouted their disapproval before sneaked away.

Many of the remaining people were very embarrassed, they didn't want to leave or stay, but many people who watched the fun felt at ease at this moment, and even came forward to congratulate and send congratulatory gifts.

A beginning, gradually more people.



The sound of firecrackers sounded, and the auspicious time had come. The Magic Array Sect was re-opened. The suzerain was Yuan Su, and the deputy suzerain was Qin Chuan.


"Everyone will take care of each other in the future. Our Sky Demon Sect hopes to become friends with the Demon Array Sect."

"The Chen family congratulates the opening of the Demon Array Sect. If you need anything in the future, you only need to bring a few words."


Behind the hustle and bustle is the deserted, superficial scenery...

After an hour, they left one after another, and soon there were only Qin Chuan and Yuan Su left here, a huge palace of the Demon Array Gate,

Only Qin Chuan and Yuan Su.

Yuan Su was very happy. No matter what, the Magic Array Gate was rebuilt. Even if there were only two people, she felt very satisfied.

"Girl, one day the gate of the magic formation will shine brightly." Qin Chuan hesitated for a moment, and gently stroked her head.

Yuan Su blushed, and immediately hugged Qin Chuan, without saying a word, just hugged him tightly.

Qin Chuan felt her attachment, and even a little bit wanted to make up for himself.

He also hugged her tightly, and the two young bodies hugged each other, filling each other's hearts. At this moment, the two of them seemed to feel very tight, close to each other, but more of the inner distance.

The chest wanted to stick, and even Qin Chuan's chest deformed Yuan Su's uprightness. The amazing elasticity, the wonderful feeling, and what's even more strange is that the heartbeats of the two people seemed to merge together, beating together, that kind of subtlety The melody is beautiful.


When it was dark, the two parted in a tacit understanding. Yuan Su took the initiative to peck Qin Chuan's face with his lips.

It feels indescribably beautiful to touch the water.

There is a general feeling of first love.

She blushed, looked at Qin Chuan, and found that Qin Chuan was looking at her. Yuan Su turned her head in a panic, her face was pink, her delicate face was blushing, and she was unfathomable. Qin Chuan was most attracted to her childlike posture, because of her temperament The reason is that if she doesn't meet the man she likes, she will never show this look in her life.

Qin Chuan happily hugged her horizontally, and then slowly walked around the gate of the magic formation with her in his arms.

The moonlight is like a veil, the shadows are whirling, and the surroundings are quiet, but sometimes there are crisp insects.

"Qin Chuan, what should I do next?" Yuan Su said softly.

She has always been self-reliant and doesn't trust anyone, but now she likes to let Qin Chuan decide for her.

"Next, I'll take you to the Immortal Palace and kill that pious villain," Qin Chuan said.

"Qin Chuan, Zhenxian Palace is also ranked among the top three sects in Xuanyu, it's too dangerous." Yuan Su said worriedly.

"It's useless to rank first, you man, I can step on Xuanyu now, it's too easy to step on the fairy palace." Qin Chuan said domineeringly.

Yuan Su gave him a light hammer on his chest. With her snow-white hands, she gently touched Qin Chuan's face, and pinched his straight nose mischievously: "I found that I really fell in love with you a little bit."

"Ah, what, I love you so much, but you only love me a little bit." Qin Chuan said angrily.

"How much do you love me?" Yuan Su said with a blushing smile.

"I love you so much, I love you to the bottom of my heart, I want to be one with you, I want to be one with your blood..."

"Disgusting, it's so disgusting." Yuan Su chuckled and buried his face in his chest.

"Susu, it is said that those who have cultivated for a hundred years are crossing the same boat, and looking back at five hundred years in the previous life can be exchanged for passing by in this life, and we are so ashamed to sleep together for a thousand years, how about tonight to prove our fate that has been cultivated for a thousand years, okay? "Qin Chuan said softly.

Yuan Su opened his mouth and bit his chest: "You pervert, you never forget to take advantage of me."

"Ah, if you bite me, I will bite you too!"

Qin Chuan lowered his head.

Yuan Su was stunned.

Qin Chuan was also stunned. Yuan Su was hugged by Qin Chuan, and his chest was naturally the most prominent. He didn't think much about it, and just took a bite. When he was with Su Ho, he seemed to be used to it. Subconsciously, he seemed very skilled. ...

The thin gauze garment didn't realize it was wrong until he bit it. Of course he didn't bite it, and even sucked it a few times out of habit. This made Yuan Su's body tremble, and he instinctively stretched out his hand to push Qin Chuan away. All kind of messy.

At that moment, there was a feeling that my heart was about to jump out, and my whole soul seemed to be sucked away.

Qin Chuan scratched his head in embarrassment, and didn't know what to say for a while, his skin was still not thick enough.

Yuan Su blushed and gave Qin Chuan a resentful glance: "Bad thing!"

Qin Chuan chuckled.

When Yuan Su thought of being eaten by this guy, she couldn't help feeling flustered, confused, and heartbroken. She had just begun to love Qin Chuan like a girl, and she accepted Qin Chuan in her heart. ...

So she wasn't angry, it was just a girl's instinctive shyness. Qin Chuan pulled her and walked slowly, holding her hand tightly, as if afraid of her disappearing.

This night Qin Chuan really wanted to sleep in Yuan Su's room, but Yuan Su firmly refused to let him, so they could only sleep in two rooms next to each other.

The next day Qin Chuan got up early for morning exercises.

Facing the rising sun in the east, slowly stretch, punch, dragon tiger golden tripod fist, the way of yin and yang.


Qin Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and broke through naturally.

Alchemy Realm Second Stage!

The golden elixir in the dantian has grown a lot bigger, becoming richer and richer, with a soft luster, it looks thicker and thicker, and the coercion it exudes is getting stronger and stronger.

The aura of the whole person has increased a lot again, and his strength has also increased greatly.

"Qin Chuan, it's time to eat!" Yuan Su came out and said.

A beautiful woman is always beautiful. Standing in the morning light, like a goddess, Qin Chuan stared blankly.

There was a hint of sweetness in Yuan Su's heart. She was fascinated by the man she loved, and she was naturally happy, so she yelled again angrily.

The two of them ate in the morning and evening, which was naturally very warm, but just after they were full, the sound of flying monsters came from outside.

Qin Chuan shook his head: "Su'er, maybe there is no need to go to the Immortal Palace outside."

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