Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 264 Wushuang 1 hit, substitute talisman...

"Su'er, maybe we don't need to go to the Immortal Palace."

Qin Chuan's golden eyes turned, and he saw the people outside. Many of them were from the Immortal Palace. It seemed that this time it was a laborious effort to take down the gate of the magic formation.

Yuan Su smiled calmly, and the two walked out.

Qin Chuan saw dozens of people coming outside, in uniform Taoist uniforms, the youngest was also a middle-aged man, and the leader was an old man, wearing a golden Taoist robe, with a stalwart figure but a clear face.

At this moment, he frowned, his face was ugly, and he looked directly at Qin Chuan and Yuan Su.

When Yuan Su saw this old man, her face was also icy cold, and she said directly: "Mo Qingping, in order to get the eye stone of my Yuan family's divine beast array, you actually killed my family and used indecent means, I am ashamed of you! Those who claim to be righteous, those who are righteous are all corrupted by beasts like you."

Qin Chuan was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that the eye stone of the Divine Beast Formation was the reason for the destruction of the Demon Formation Gate.

Mo Qingping, a golden-robed Taoist, looked at Yuan Su with a livid face: "Witch, it's useless to let your tongue be as smooth as a tongue, a witch is a witch, and today is your death date."

Qin Chuan smiled, looked at the golden-robed Taoist and said, "You are indeed a hypocrite. You do bad things, but you still want to set up blame and use the name of justice to do that mediocre thing for you. Aren't you afraid of retribution, aren't you afraid?" Have you seen it with the eyes of heaven and earth?"

"Hmph, I didn't ask you to discuss these things. Today, Zhenxian Palace is here to subdue demons and eliminate evil for the people. Set up the formation!"

The Palace Master of Zhenxian Palace simply gave the order.


Dozens of people, all of them strong men, spread out their battles and were extremely skilled. Mo Qingping was in the middle, holding a three-foot sword, watching Qin Chuan and Yuan Su.

The other party seemed to be very cautious this time, and directly wanted to attack them in groups, cut through the mess quickly, and wanted to end quickly, otherwise things would change if it was too late.

But how could Qin Chuan let them succeed, he stepped on them suddenly!

The divine cow collapsed the mountain!


The ground was cracked, and a ravine spread directly away, and then he took out the mysterious heavy bow, bent the bow and set an arrow, and shot directly at a group of people.

The golden light suddenly appears, and the golden dragon rises!

exudes a horrible smell,

Terrifying coercion.

God Pupil Xianwei!


When an arrow is released, the situation changes!


The loud dragon chant shook everyone's minds, as if their souls were about to leave their bodies.

With a flash, Mo Qingping slashed at Qin Chuan's arrow with his sword.

Swing the Demon Sword!


Circles of rippling sword energy spread from Mo Qingping's long sword, rushing towards the golden arrow like waves.

bang bang bang...

Mo Qingping walked on clouds and flowing water, and his speed was several times faster than that of Taoist Qingfeng. This speed was faster than that of Fengxue Wuhen, which made Qin Chuan frown, but Qin Chuan thought of that mysterious little Fengxue Wuhen. Tower, probably that thing can make Fengxue Wuhen on par with this Mo Qingping, or even slightly better.

Slash towards Qin Chuan with a sword!

Circles of ripples spread, his swordsmanship is the Swinging Demon Sword, a very powerful swordsmanship, continuous and strong, with a sword coming out, like a surging river, wave after wave.

Fantastic and powerful swordsmanship.


Qin Chuan slashed out with a sword, and his figure retreated. A terrifying force forced Qin Chuan to retreat.

Golden pupil.

Hunyuan burst of energy!

Mo Qingping gathered the energy of all the people here on him alone, no wonder it is so terrifying, how much stronger the strength of so many people is on him alone.


Qin Chuan rushed to Mo Qingping again, relying on his body skills and speed, and with the profound meaning of the wind, he could use the rhythm of the wind to advance and retreat freely.

Because of Mo Qingping's strength, his speed is also extremely terrifying. With this strength, even the current Qin Chuan can't do anything about it. With that terrifying strength and the opponent's extraordinary Swinging Demon Sword, he can't get close at all.

Hunyuan Yiqi Formation is one of the unique skills of the Immortal Palace. The resistance of this formation is similar to that of Tiangang Eighteen Zhuxian Formation, and its defense ability is stronger, while Mo Qingping is not only strong in defense ability, but also stronger in attack ability. , the formation can almost be said to be impenetrable, but extremely sharp.

This is the unique skill of Zhenxian Palace, and now it is used by some of the most powerful people in Zhenxian Palace, and its power can be said to be astonishing.

It has to be said that the determination to kill Qin Chuan and Yuan Su in the Immortal Palace this time is definitely a big scene. Although there are only dozens of people, these dozens of people can definitely turn Xuanyu upside down.

The Four Flower Gods!

Qin Chuan gave the Dragon Leopard Beast and Yuan Su.

Call out the colorful dragon bird, reach out and send her up.

"Qin Chuan!" Yuan Su looked at him reluctantly.

"Just watch the show from above and see how I kill them." Qin Chuan smiled.

Yuan Su smiled: "You are not allowed to have an accident."

"You bastard hasn't cultivated a thousand-year relationship with me, so I don't want to die." Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

Yuan Su glared at him: "When is it, you're still so dishonest."

Yin and Yang steps!

Qin Chuan put away some golden swords, rushed over, and stretched out one hand!


The four-meter-long Jiuyou Earth Fire Whip appeared.


Nine steps against the sky!

Two steps!

Qin Chuan stared at Mo Qingping!

Mo Qingping's complexion changed drastically, completely changed, he was well-informed, and at first glance he saw that this was the fire seed, and it was also the fire seed of the metamorphosis realm, not the original fire seed, and its power was immeasurable.

Three steps!

At this step, Qin Chuan's blood flowed backwards, and his whole body became extremely violent.

At this moment, Mo Qingping is at war between heaven and man, and his life is facing the most dangerous moment.


A golden figure appeared from a tricky angle, aiming at Mo Qingping's throat.

Dragon Leopard Beast!

With the speed of the Dragon Leopard Beast and the cooperation of the four flower gods, even Mo Qingping, who is in the Hunyuan Qi formation, is slightly inferior in speed.

Dodge, draw the sword!

At this moment, Qin Chuan stepped forward.

the fourth step!

Nine steps against the sky and the fourth step, this step filled Qin Chuan with violent vitality, as if it could destroy the world, and the stellar energy spread like a mighty statue.


One step directly appeared beside Mo Qingping, and at the same time he drew it with a whip.


There was an explosion in the air, like ghosts crying and wolves howling, like the end of the world, and the world seemed to change color.

Mo Qingping retreated recklessly, and at the same time drew out his sword to block Qin Chuan.



Qin Chuan's blow, a violent blow, can be called his current unparalleled blow.

Mo Qingping was hit by a whip, but at this time a layer of golden light appeared on the opponent's body, and the whole person retreated, unscathed, but looked extremely embarrassed, sweating profusely, and his whole body was soaked.

A piece of jade pendant under his feet fell to the ground, and it had been shattered into countless particles.

Substitute talisman jade pendant!

Qin Chuan was not surprised. At this level, the lord of the first palace, and the master of the formation, it is strange that there is no life-saving thing.

It is said that powerful warriors not only have stand-in talismans and jade pendants, but also stand-in puppets. Some powerful people can even have several lives, and there are various means of escape, because everyone knows that living is the most important thing. hope.

Mo Qingping's eyes rolled, and cold sweat broke out on his head. At this moment, he was really scared.

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