Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 316 Yin and Yang, Master Canglan...

Leng Biao was slapped in the face by Qin Chuan, and immediately furious, he quickly drew out a long sword and rushed back to Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan stepped on it suddenly.

The divine cow collapsed the mountain!

A gully and a powerful shattering force rushed towards Leng Biao.

At this moment, Feng Yangqing, who had never made a move, suddenly stretched out his hand, and a needle as small as a cow's hair shot at Qin Chuan, almost covering Qin Chuan completely.


The sound of piercing the air was dense and low, one wave after another, making people panic. Qin Chuan's sky eyes can see clearly, and it is very easy for Qin Chuan to hide from them.

Seven Stars reversed!

Qin Chuan's figure moved and quickly appeared on another seven-star position, easily dodging the thin needles with a strange light.

At this time, Tang Ba also came, roared, and joined in.

A pair of big hammers are light against the wind, the huge hammer can be used as a shield, the meteor kills violently, and the pair of hammers smash out violently.

Feng Yangqing's body was extremely flexible, and he easily dodged it. Qin Chuan saw it and directly gave the five-flower god position to others.

At this moment, Leng Biao came to kill again, the long sword stabbed straight with sword energy, the long sword vibrated continuously, carrying a strange force, as if spinning.

Spiral Sword Qi!

This is also Leng Biao's trump card. This kind of sword energy can't be seen by ordinary people, but it can't be hidden from Qin Chuan's eyes.

Qin Chuan showed a smile on his face, and then stretched out his hand directly.

Big yin and yang handprints!

Qin Chuan's big yin and yang handprints can not only crush violently, but also display the yin and yang universe in the big yin and yang handprints.

Yin and Yang universe!


Huge handprints appeared all the time, and the gray handprints, like a bottomless pit, directly absorbed Leng Biao's long sword into it. Leng Biao was shocked and quickly backed away.

But at this time, Qin Chuan let go of his palm,

The violent big yin and yang handprints directly hit it.


Leng Biao flew out with blood spurting from his mouth.

He didn't die, but he must have been seriously injured. This is because Qin Chuan didn't use all his strength, otherwise he could have killed him instantly.

Leng Biao, who was ranked thirteenth in the inner sect, was beaten easily and vomited blood and lost.

Qin Chuan became more and more mysterious in the hearts of everyone. Many people gradually discovered something. Qin Chuan was calm. Naturally, even when facing Mr. Canglan, he was calm and calm, without any scruples...

Feng Yangqing is worthy of being the tenth disciple of the inner sect, even Tang Ba who has the Wuhua God position is still not his opponent.

Don't push yourself too hard to fight back.

Qin Chuan took out the mysterious heavy bow at this time, and shot an arrow at random.

The golden halo and violent aura made Feng Yangqing's face change drastically, and he dodged quickly.

But Qin Chuan's golden pupil can capture his trajectory, so he can only block this arrow, but he didn't even take out his weapon, did he block it with his bare hands?


An arrow pierced his thigh.


Qin Chuan looked at him coldly, and put away the mysterious heavy bow.

The battle is arguably over.

The outer disciples suddenly boiled over.

"What kind of strength is this? One arrow can almost instantly kill the tenth inner disciple..."

"If Qin Chuan wanted to kill Feng Yangqing with this arrow, it would be as easy as flipping the palm of his hand!"

"Qin Chuan is actually a good archer. This arrow is so handsome." A female disciple said with eyes full of light.

"It turns out that archery can also be so domineering and control the overall situation with such grace."


Feng Yangqing and the three of them took Leng Biao away in embarrassment, and Leng Biao passed out immediately.

"Brother, thank you!" Qin Ye said gratefully.

At the same time, he patted Qin Chuan and Tang Ba's shoulders.

If it wasn't for Qin Chuan's action this time, both he and Qianyan would be hurt, and Qianyan would even be hurt more deeply, such as language, and even draw another scar. This is not impossible. That's it.

"You're welcome!"

At this time, Qin Chuan looked at Qian Analysis, and then at Qin Ye: "Do you really like her?"

"Really, I like her very much, and I like her alone." Qin Ye said seriously.

Analysis of the eyes is a little moved but a little dim.

"If she lost that scar, would you still like her?" Qin Chuan asked after thinking about it.

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment with surprise on his face: "No matter what she looks like, I still like her."

Shallow Analysis was taken aback, and looked at Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan smiled and patted Qin Ye on the shoulder: "Come to me tomorrow to get the medicine!"

"Okay, thank you brother!"

"So trust me?" Qin Chuan smiled.

"Must believe!"

Qin Chuan returned to the stone house and started dispensing the medicine. Qin Chuan had the prescription in his mind, but he never found it useful. There are many people with scars. With some scars on his body, he looks more masculine.

Only some women would mind this.

There are many medicines for repairing scars, especially at the beginning of injury, they can usually recover. Warriors have a strong body recovery ability, and only poisoning or special methods will leave scars, and the scars in the preliminary analysis are also caused by toxins.

Prepare the medicine!

Qin Chuan began to practice, the art of penetrating yellow!

Now I am practicing Bagua step and Bagua sword!

The next day, Qin Ye came early.

He looked at Qin Chuan and laughed.

Qin Chuan took out a white jade bottle and handed it to him: "It may be very painful to apply this on her scar. You can tie her up first, and it is best to get her consent."

Qin Ye was taken aback, then nodded: "I'll discuss it with her."

Qin Chuan didn't care about the next thing. Now that Qin Chuan was concentrating on cultivation, he was always a little uneasy.

Three days later, Qin Ye appeared in front of Qin Chuan, with a face as clean as jade, and now she is definitely a first-class beauty, with a black samurai uniform and long black hair, glamorous and beautiful.

There was a softness in the eyes, and Qin Chuan bowed: "Thank you!"

"Sister-in-law, you are welcome. Brother Qin Ye and I are like brothers. I am very happy to see you are so nice." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

Qin Ye patted Qin Chuan on the shoulder gratefully: "Thank you for your kindness!"

"You're still being polite to me, by the way, does it hurt when you apply the medicine?" Qin Chuan asked with a smile.

"No matter how painful it is, I can bear it." Xiao Yan said with a happy smile.

Qin Ye smiled: "She was trembling with pain, and her clothes were soaked in sweat, so she didn't snort."

"Okay, cherish her well, it's a thousand years of fate for two people to meet each other." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"Qin Chuan, it's all because of you that Bei Xueyi didn't even see me." A sinister voice sounded.

Young Master Canglan brought more than ten people to the outer gate.

Qin Chuan smiled when he saw Mr. Canglan's distorted face: "That's because you are incompetent, you are not worthy of Xueyi."

Qin Chuan's words definitely added fuel to the flames, and Mr. Canglan looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Qin Chuan, I am not good enough for her, and I, Mr. Canglan, will not be worthy of her. It is because she doesn't know gold and jade, you What is it, how can you compare with me? I like her, and I am not as knowledgeable as her, but you must die today, and only after you die, Bei Xueyi will belong to me."

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