Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 317 Buddha's Wrath 1 Sword, Fierce Demon Blood Bead...

Young Master Canglan was a little frenzied at this time, full of murderous intent. (starting)

He roared crazily, as if he would feel comfortable only when he yelled. He fixed his eyes on Qin Chuan, and behind him were nine people, not very old, but not young, close to middle-aged.

Qin Chuan looked at Young Master Canglan calmly, and said calmly, "Do you want to fight alone with me?"

Master Canglan showed a cruel smile on his face, and then said: "Although it is easy for me to kill you, I don't like to fight alone with you. I will kill you today with the White Tiger Ten Kill Formation."

Qin Chuan looked at the other party, this guy was scared by himself last time, this time he just wanted to kill himself, but he didn't think about doing it himself, at least he wouldn't fight him alone.

"You're not a man, no wonder Xueyi doesn't like you, you're a coward." Qin Chuan laughed.

This sentence is definitely adding fuel to the flames. Young Master Canglan's face is as ugly as possible, staring at Qin Chuan: "Hmph, the smile is the last one. From now on, she can only accompany me and be my woman. I don't care about anything else."

"You don't have that chance." Qin Chuan said calmly.

"Do it, kill!" Young Master Canglan said coldly.

Qin Ye and others wanted to help Qin Chuan, but Qin Chuan refused because the gap between the two sides was too great.

God Pupil Xianwei!


A golden light flashed in Qin Chuan's eyes, and a thick and majestic aura swept away, making these people feel that their strength had dropped a bit.

Twenty percent of the full strength, this weakening is really terrifying.


Earth Golden Dragon Bear, and Dragon Leopard Beast.

The five-element array of the holy Buddha, the five-flower god!

The domain of gravity!

The Earth Golden Dragon Bear roared, and the gravitational force of the surrounding earth rapidly increased by as much as eight times. Coupled with the god pupil Xianwei, these people on the other side felt extremely uncomfortable, and that feeling was very uncomfortable.


There is also a hazy shadow on the opposite side.

Master Canglan used formations.

White Tiger Ten Kill Formation!

This phantom is like a huge tiger, deadly and sharp.

Eyes of the Gorefiend!

The eyes are blood red, like two blood whirlpools, strange and terrifying.

Mr. Canglan didn't dare to be careless. The weakening of Qin Chuan made him tremble in his heart. Qin Chuan's ability was too mysterious. He could threaten him back then. If the other party didn't hold back, he would have died.

Qin Chuan drew out some golden swords, and with the Dragon Leopard Beast beside him, Qin Chuan gave the little guy the golden seat of the Five Elements Formation of the Holy Buddha.

The ground position was given to the Earth Golden Dragon Bear. Its defense is already strong. With the increase in the soil position and its body can shuttle through the ground, there is no problem with safety. Qin Chuan only needs him to use the domain of gravity and the use of the Earth Golden Dragon Thorn. Cooperate.


A faint roar of a tiger came out, rolling like thunder, low and depressing, it was the phantom white tiger of Master Canglan's formation.


It seemed that against the roar of the tiger, a sound of Buddha's moo came out, which was cool and high, and dissolved the low roar of the tiger.

"If there is no accident today, if no one protects you, you will die." Qin Chuan said coldly.

The Dragon Leopard Beast lay on Qin Chuan's shoulders, the delicate and mighty little dragon head was indescribably beautiful.

"Hmph, you're not ashamed to speak out!" Young Master Canglan drew out his long sword.

Golden pupil!

Qin Chuan's footsteps moved!

The seven-star yin and yang steps to cross the world!

The golden point sword in his hand was directly shot out with a seven-star heavy wave sword.

The sword light overflowed, like water waves, swaying around.


The circles of halos on the white tiger's ten kills resisted, and the golden pattern of Qin Chuan's Seven Star Heavy Wave Sword was constantly resisted.

"Qin Chuan, it's useless. Your attack can't break through my White Tiger Ten Kill Formation. It's easy to kill you. You only have to be killed." Master Canglan rushed towards Qin Chuan with a grin.

Master Canglan struck out with a sword.

A ray of light stretched out from the formation and slashed at Qin Chuan.

A bright sword, the sword of Tianjiao!

Seven Star Sand!

With a flick of Qin Chuan's long sword, a golden star shone towards the sword.


Qin Chuan retreated, Master Canglan's attack was still very sharp, the level was too poor, and this strength alone was not enough.

But now Master Canglan has the White Tiger Ten Kill Formation, knowing that Qin Chuan's fire attack can't kill him, so he fights against Qin Chuan unscrupulously.

"Breaking the formation is actually very simple!"

After Qin Chuan finished speaking, a smile appeared on his face, and this smile made Master Canglan feel uneasy.


With a solemn and sacred sound of Buddha mooing, the huge Buddha shadow on the five-element array of the holy Buddha seemed to be alive at this moment. He swung the long sword in his hand. This long sword is an enlarged version of the divine weapon Wisdom Sword, but now it is just a golden one. phantom.

The meaning of the Buddha slaughtering all living beings!

A sword of Buddha's wrath!

An unrivaled golden glow, a huge long sword swung down directly.


The White Tiger Ten Kill Formation was directly cut in two sections.


Jiuyou earth sparked the fire whip, and Qin Chuan rushed directly to the dazed Master Canglan.

The seven-star yin and yang steps to cross the world!


Master Canglan was shocked, and retreated in a daze, the long sword in his hand blocked the fire whip of Jiuyou earth fire.

The Profound Truth of the Wind!

Qin Chuan's Nine Nether Earth Fire Whip can be controlled at will, can be whipped, entangled, and rotated. The four-meter-long fire whip can fly like a wind wheel at a very high speed.


At this time, the Dragon Leopard Beast also moved, rushing towards Young Master Canglan from the side.

This time Master Canglan was completely scared, if he had the chance to escape now, he would run away without any hesitation.


A halo flashed on his body!

This is the effect of the stand-in talisman seal jade pendant.

"Qin Chuan, you can't kill me, listen to me." Master Canglan shouted hoarsely.

Because Qin Chuan's Nine Nether Earth Fire Seed Fire Whip wrapped around his neck again.

This scene is so similar to what it used to be, it can be said to be exactly the same.

This time, Mr. Canglan's face was even paler, and his body was swaying. He couldn't care less now, he didn't want to die, he couldn't die, and he suddenly realized how stupid it was to provoke Qin Chuan.

"Why can't I kill you? If you want to say it, say it quickly. If you don't say it, I will do it." Qin Chuan urged.

"I won't compete with you for Bei Xueyi." Young Master Canglan said hastily.

"If you kill you, you won't be able to argue with me anymore." Qin Chuan smiled.

At this time, the outer disciples were all shocked, looking at all this in disbelief, the ten members of Master Canglan used the White Tiger Ten Kill Formation to be forced to such an extent by Qin Chuan.

The surroundings were very quiet, and looking at Qin Chuan one by one at this time was like looking at a god.

"I still have a lot of things, all for you, all for you." Young Master Canglan said again.

"Kill you, these things are naturally mine, and you don't need to give them to me. If you can't tell me why I'm moved, I won't give you another chance to speak." Qin Chuan looked at him with a sneer.

Master Canglan took out a fist-sized thing in the shape of a blood-red droplet. It was blood-red and blood-red, and the streamer flowed ten times on it. It was ghostly, terrifying, and tempting...

"Qin Chuan, you forced me, you forced me."

Qin Chuan's face changed, he saw what this thing was.

Fierce blood beads!

This is actually a ferocious demon blood bead, which is formed by the blood essence of the ferocious demon. There are mysterious blood-colored patterned talismans on it, shining...


Young Master Canglan had a sinister smile on his face, his whole body was surrounded by blood, and he looked fierce. He looked at Qin Chuan: "I'm waiting for you in the spiritual realm, waiting for you..."

After speaking, Master Canglan disappeared.

The vicious blood bead is actually real. Young Master Canglan will definitely become a vicious existence, even a peerless vicious one. Qin Chuan thought of his Gorefiend Eyes, and this guy will be his strong enemy in the future, bewitched, Fierce, his cultivation speed will be faster than his own...

Mr. Canglan might not want to completely become a ferocious demon, but he was forced by Qin Chuan to make up his mind and use the ferocious demon blood bead.


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