Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 321 The Patriarch’s Sad Past, Blood and...

"Boy, all ears!" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"When I was young, I was a cultivator. I spent almost all my time on cultivation. In addition, my talent and aptitude were good, and my strength left my peers far behind. Slowly I walked out, and my seat became more and more popular. The higher." The old man fell into deep thought when he spoke.

Qin Chuan listened quietly, he knew that the old man brought up the past.

"The ninth level of the prefecture level, Qin Chuan, how long have I stayed in the ninth level of the prefecture level? It has been a hundred years. When I reached the ninth level of the prefecture level a hundred years ago, I realized that I was alone, really alone. At that time, I had already taken over The head of the inner sect of the Yuntian Sect, I also realized one thing at that time, one is very lonely, and most of my peers are married and have children, and some even have grandchildren."

The old man sighed softly, with a look of nostalgia on his face: "That year, I got married, and with my status, it was very simple. I liked her very much, and my married life was very happy. She gave birth to a son in 2010, and the family was harmonious and beautiful, and that was the happiest period of my life."

Qin Chuan listened carefully, and Bu Fan also listened quietly.

The old man sighed again: "Maybe the child came late, his mother and I were too spoiled for him, basically he could do whatever he wanted, so he developed a lawless appearance since he was a child, when we realized it was already It’s too late, he’s grown up, he’s lazy, he’s not self-motivated, and he’s lecherous, but his mother and I just hoped that he could live a safe and simple life, and didn’t think about how he would make a fortune, so he caused a lot of trouble, and I didn’t give too much away He wiped his ass, and for my sake, he was able to get by."

"He likes to stay in the place of fireworks. In order to contain his temperament, I arranged a marriage for him a few years later and let him get married. I hope that marriage will make him mature. A year later, Honghu was born. He My old problem relapsed, and I started to go out and fool around again, and the years passed by in a hurry, when Honghu was eight years old, my son was framed and got into trouble with an untouchable force."

The old man's cloudy eyes were full of helplessness, but there was also a trace of unwillingness. It was a kind of deep pain. What happened to him made this happen.

"The Yueyang family and Yuntianzong have always been in a competitive relationship. In order to suppress me, the great elder Qing Changfeng of Yuntianzong contacted the current head of the Yueyang family, Yueyang Rusong. He was not the head of the Yueyang family at that time, and they would usually fight with my son Drinking together, we can be regarded as good friends, but this time they know that a group of Tuoba family passed by here, one of them is very beautiful, Qing Changfeng colluded with Yueyang Rusong to set my son up, and caused a big disaster."

"My son molested that young lady of the Tuoba family without knowing how deep she was, and was injured by the other party and then brought to Yuntianzong. The other party gave me a choice to kill my son with my own hands and let Qing Changfeng, the head of the inner sect, otherwise They just wiped out my whole family." The old man said, trembling here.

"In front of my wife, son, wife, and Hong Hu,

I slapped my son to death, that was my only son, but I slapped him to death with my own hands... and my wife and son-wife committed suicide on the spot, Honghu's eyes were bloodshot, and he bit his lip tightly. The old man's body trembled, his cloudy eyes were full of pain and struggle.

After a while, the old man calmed down.

"The whole family, only me and Honghu were left in an instant. I gave up my seat to Qing Changfeng, and brought Honghu to the outer gate. Since that day, Honghu has never called me grandpa again, and I will never call me grandpa again in my life." It will transcend the low-level cultivation base." The old man said softly.

Qin Chuan didn't speak. He knew that the matter was not over, because the current head of the inner sect was his grandson.

"Honghu has grown up. He is very good. When he was thirty-five years old, he killed Qing Changfeng forcefully. Back then, Qing Changfeng flattered the members of the Tuoba family. The young lady spoke for him. Honghu killed Qing Changfeng and became the inner sect master of Yuntianzong by himself, but he hated me, hated Qing Changfeng, hated the Yueyang family, hated the powerful Tuoba family, He even hates my son who doesn't live up to expectations."

"Sometimes things are so unbelievable. Honghu fell in love with a woman and married her. Later, he found out that he was the daughter of Yueyang Rusong from the Yueyang family. Outsiders saw it as a marriage. After all, Qingchangfeng colluded with Yueyang Rusong back then. Few people know about Song. This is a method of Yueyang’s family, the purpose is to destroy the foundation of Honghu’s cultivation, because that woman has almost become Honghu’s everything. Seeing that, Honghu was so angry that he slapped the man to death with one palm, and the young lady of the Yueyang family vomited blood with another slap, and was seriously injured and dying, but at this time she told Honghu that she loved him very much, but she couldn't help herself, and finally said I'm sorry for three words."

"These three words have completely ruined Honghu's cultivation foundation. Just like me back then, he was empty. He hated everything, me, and this world. He was in a daze. The young lady of Yueyang's family was killed. Honghu's condition is not good. Well, the Yueyang family colluded with the Tan family to destroy Yuntianzong..."

Qin Chuan can be considered to have a general understanding of the matter. This old man is really suffering enough, and Honghu, the master of the inner sect, is also suffering enough. He was forced to kill his favorite son with his own hands, and his wife and children committed suicide on the spot. It was watching his grandfather being forced to kill his father himself, while his mother and grandmother committed suicide in grief...

"Old man, if you need me to do anything, I will help you. Maybe some things can't be done right away, but I promise you that I will try my best to do it for you." Qin Chuan thought for a while and said.

"Qin Chuan, I hope you can help Honghu get through this crisis." The old man looked at Qin Chuan.

"Old man, if you don't say this, I will do it." Qin Chuan said.

"I don't have any expectations for revenge or not. I only have one hope, to let Honghu recover and come out." The old man sighed.

Qin Chuan hesitated, letting Honghu recover and come out is to make his heart knot disappear, but his heart knot is too big, or it is difficult to do it, such as defeating the Yueyang family, the Tan family, and even the Tuoba family , but that woman is dead, and people cannot be brought back to life after death, but at this moment, Qin Chuan still nodded: "I will do my best!"

"Thank you!" the old man said happily.

This was the first time Qin Chuan saw the old man smile, and he was also curious. The old man just believed in him.

"You always trust me that much?" Qin Chuan couldn't help asking.

"I have a hunch that you can do it." The old man said lightly.

But Qin Chuan knew that the old man must have some unique features in his rough life, how many things and tribulations he has gone through.

Qin Chuan and Bu Fan bid farewell to the old man and walked towards the outer door. Bu Fan didn't speak until then, "Qin Chuan, are you sure?"

Qin Chuan smiled: "If it was not very sure before, but now that we have this holy jade fruit, there is still hope. It should not be too late. I want to improve my strength. I feel that there is not much time left for us."

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