Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 322 4 Dao Holy Qi, Mysterious Level 2 Heavy...

Qin Chuan did not go to the stone house, but found a clean place, where he set up a formation, and then took out the holy jade fruit. (starting)

Qin Chuan ate the Snow Jade Spirit Fruit directly, and the sweet juice was like fine nectar.

Although Qin Chuan didn't know what the taste of fine nectar and jade liquid was, but now he felt that it tasted like the legendary fine nectar and jade liquid...

A cool breath rises in the body, it is very gentle, not overbearing, and slowly walks in the body.

After half an hour!


Ninth level yellow realm!

After washing himself a little bit, Qin Chuan was also very calm at this time, as if he had no expectations or surprises, as if everything was going to happen naturally, extremely natural.


After another hour, he broke through. This time, he broke through a big barrier. After the ninth level of Huang level, there is a big barrier of Xuan level. This barrier can trap 90% of people to death, but Qin Chuan broke through so easily.

Break through!

Xuan level!

A terrifying breath poured in from heaven and earth, and Qin Chuan's body was like a huge container at this moment, sucking crazily, as if insatiable, righteousness, righteousness, sacredness, and even some miscellaneous qi between heaven and earth would also enter the body , but after wandering around in the body, it is absorbed by the noble energy, holy energy, and Buddha's precious energy in the body, and those impurities are excreted from the body.

A layer of gray grease appeared on the surface of Qin Chuan's body, exuding an unpleasant smell.

But Qin Chuan didn't respond at this time. He was like a long whale sucking water, and he was frantically improving his own strength.


Half an hour later, a small barrier was broken through again!

Mysterious Level 1 Realm!

At this time, Qin Chuan was surprised to find that the holy energy in his body was constantly growing, and then he made a strange vibration sound, a holy energy of holy power.

Four sacred spirits!

Qin Chuan was shocked, this holy jade fruit actually made the holy energy in his body become four paths,

The thick sacred aura is extremely powerful at this time, which makes Qin Chuan's face a little excited, and a special attack in the Nine Paths of Medicine can be used.

Holy hit!

Moreover, the body of the four holy qi is integrated with this kind of sacred power. Qin Chuan's attack will carry this kind of sacred power, and the damage will be greater and more terrifying...

In the end, the realm of cultivation stopped at the second level of Xuan level!

This result made Qin Chuan very satisfied and satisfied. His half-day breakthrough was impossible for most people to work hard for a lifetime.

Sniffing, Qin Chuan saw the gray grease all over his body, so he quickly washed up and changed into fresh clothes.

Qin Chuan's aura changed a little again, and his aura became more natural. It looked very refreshing, but it also had a feeling of being invisible.

As soon as the figure moved, Qin Chuan smiled with satisfaction. The current speed, combined with the profound meaning of the wind, shocked even himself.

The golden core increased by three points again, and the little golden dragon clinging to it became more and more solid, the golden color was more pure, and the dragon's power exuded was also stronger.

Moreover, Qin Chuan found that the fire seed of the Nine Nether Earth and the Supreme Treasure Golden Buddha had also undergone subtle changes. They improved with their own strength, which made Qin Chuan happy. Before his own strength was not good enough, the power of many killers was limited.

Satisfied, Qin Chuan returned to the outer gate, and Yue Yang Ji's body had been disposed of.

Now it is estimated that the Yueyang family will get the most news, but Qin Chuan doesn't know how he will act next, but now he needs to see someone.


The head of the inner sect of the Yuntian Sect is also the grandson of the ancestor.

It was already evening, Qin Chuan found Bu Fan, and the two walked directly towards the inner door.

They knew that time was running out and they couldn't delay any longer.

This is Qin Chuan's first visit to the inner gate. It is very high, and the air here is better. On the top of the mountain, there are thick green pine trees, and there are a lot of palaces on the bluestone surface. The place is full of a poetic and picturesque feeling.

The interior door here is full of inner disciples, and when they see Qin Chuan and Bu Fan, they are all watching.

Qin Chuan is a man of the day in the entire Yuntianzong. After all, he forced Master Canglan to become a demon to leave, and he also got the favor of Bei Xueyi. I don't have that much strength.

From the very beginning, Qin Chuan didn't care whether the inner door or the outer door, he couldn't stay here for a long time, but he didn't expect Bei Xueyi to be here, there was no way, he got the holy jade fruit of the ancestor in a daze, and received the grace of dripping water It should be reported by Yongquan, not to mention that this matter is connected with Bei Xueyi.

Going all the way to the main hall in the middle, although Bu Fan is the elder of the outer sect, but he has a very special status, he stopped at the entrance of the main hall and said, "Young master!"

"Uncle Bu, come in!" A clear voice came out.

Qin Chuan was taken aback for a moment, the voice should not be very old.

After walking in, there was a man in white clothes standing in the hall. He was tall and straight, with a handsome face, not middle-aged, and a righteous face, but there was a hint of sadness in those star eyes. He is a good person, but he has too many burdens, and his foundation is ruined. If there is no accident, this will be the case in this life.

"Grandpa is okay!" the man said softly.

"Little son, you clearly understand your grandfather, why can't you go to see him, if you can call him grandfather in person, he will be so happy!" Bu Fan said softly.

"I can't pass my level, Uncle Bu, I have no hope of revenge, Yuntianzong may be over soon, you and grandpa leave, Yuntianzong will also be disbanded!" Honghu Sect Master said after a while of contemplation.

"You know that the ancestors will not leave, will you leave?"

"I have no interest in life. I live like this for a day, but I am so aggrieved. It is better to die. If I die, I will die." So to speak.

"You are like this, have you ever thought about the ancestor, he has suffered more than you, he has suffered more than anyone else." Bu Fan said with a sigh.

The master of the Honghu Sect was also silent. Yes, my grandfather beat his son to death with his own hands. Now he is his own relative, but he doesn't understand him, and even treats him like a stranger. This kind of harm is no less than the wound of his old man. Sprinkle with salt...

Qin Chuan understands the ancestor and the master of the Honghu sect. The son of the ancestor can only be regarded as a dude, but he is looking for flowers and willows, and he is nostalgic for the place of fireworks. Miss Tuoba was framed by Yueyang Rusong, who said Miss Tuoba was a woman from the Land of Fireworks...

Ms. Tuoba was not violated in any way, she just asked about the price, made a few jokes, and said a few nasty words, which is normal for women in the fireworks venue, but in the eyes of Ms. Tuoba and others, this is a huge insult , It’s fine if it’s an ordinary family, but the Tuoba family is a big family, so the ancestor’s son suffered a catastrophe.

Killing people without nodding their head, tiger poison does not eat its offspring, forcing fathers to kill their sons, this kind of method makes people angry, it doesn't matter whether it is reasonable or not, it is against the law of heaven, it is a crime.

What's more, the ancestor's son is guilty, but the crime does not entail death, let alone forcing the ancestor to kill the son himself, the other party's methods are extremely cruel.


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