Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 820: The Demon Sect has escaped, and the Demon Sect has arrived...

"You talkative!" After the woman said this, she took the lead and walked down the mountain.

Qin Chuan smiled, and was very happy to see that little womanish look. She was a young woman, so she should have such a side, which also showed that she had changed a lot.

This Qin Chuan felt the deepest, having experienced life and death twice.

The pink enchantress looked on with a smile on her face.

The knot in her heart was relieved. She had been holding a breath in her heart all these years, but now she finally let it out. She felt that the world seemed to be brighter.

The news that the Tianyao Sect was finished spread again, and it was still Qin Chuan and others who did it. Even the young master of the Tianyao Sect died, and the master of the Tianyao Sect ran away.

For a time, the names of Qin Chuan and others spread quickly.

"This Qin Chuan is too powerful. It is the Heavenly Demon Sect. It will be destroyed just like that."

"The Dragon and Tiger Demon Sect is finished, the Heavenly Demon Sect is finished, do you think the Demon Sect will be finished as well?"

"That's for sure. When the War God Sect was destroyed, the Demon Sect was also one of the main culprits. The Dragon and Tiger Demon Sect is finished. How could Qin Chuan and the others let go of the Demon Sect."

"That's true. I heard that the master of the Demon Sect ran away, and now everyone in the Demon Sect is in panic."

Returning to the Five Elements Sect, Qin Chuan still stayed at home and practiced quietly. Now that the first level of Nirvana has been stabilized, she is not in a hurry to improve her strength. The foundation will always be the most important Chaos Lotus Space Latest Chapter.

Today Qin Chuan was drinking tea in the courtyard, watching the fish swimming in the pond in the pavilion.

These fish are carefree and swim around in groups.

Pure happiness!

Qin Chuan shook his head slightly, looked up and saw the master of Beixue Ice Palace standing in the distance looking towards here.

Seeing Qin Chuan, she walked over.

"I'm not disturbing you!" the woman said softly.

"I'm very free, and I'm very happy that you can come. Come, sit down, and try the tea I made." Qin Chuan smiled and poured the woman a cup of tea.

Occasionally a smile will appear on a woman's face recently. That faint smile can cause ripples in a person's heart, just like water ripples, making the whole person feel stupid all of a sudden.

"You are becoming more and more different from before. You were not like this before." The woman looked like she was irritating Qin Chuan with a half-smile.

She is a woman among women, even more feminine than a woman among women. Now she only reveals a little bit of femininity. A small look and detail can drive people crazy.

A woman kills without a knife. Qin Chuan could really feel at this moment that she could really make a man lose his soul.

"Are you done..." The woman looked at Qin Chuan and found that this guy was still staring at her blankly. She couldn't help but blush and said.

Qin Chuan was thick-skinned and said with a smile: "Well, you can't blame me for this."

"Do you still blame me?" the woman said angrily.

"Not to mention, if you were ugly, I wouldn't be like this..." Qin Chuan praised her in disguise.

Both men and women like to be praised. Praising others requires art, and praising others requires judging people. Just like a woman, you need qualifications to praise her. Most people have no chance to praise her.

It would be even better if the person you like is praising you. Any compliment, no matter how disgusting, will turn into the most beautiful words of love.

The woman did not fall in love with Qin Chuan, but Qin Chuan occupied a very important position in her heart. The woman felt very happy when he praised him.

The woman lowered her head and drank tea slowly.

Her movements are elegant, or in other words, a beautiful woman looks good in whatever she does. If she is an ugly woman, any movement she makes will be ugly. Elegance also requires a certain amount of capital. Just looking at temperament and inner qualities is not enough.

Although ugly women and fat women can also be elegant, there are some prerequisites, such as luxurious clothing, good decoration, high status, a certain accompaniment, a certain aura, language, art, and behavior. The requirements are very high...

But that may not be elegance, but domineering, or aura...

Shaking his head, Qin Chuan also drank tea slowly.

"Are you going to touch the magic door?" the woman asked, putting down the white jade tea cup.

Qin Chuan nodded: "Yes!"

"I got news that a group of people from the Demon Saint Sect are coming here." The woman looked at Qin Chuan and said.

Qin Chuan nodded without surprise: "Don't worry, you still have me."

The woman blushed and looked at Qin Chuan. At this time, Qin Chuan seemed to realize that what he said was a bit strange, but in fact it was not strange.

It’s just that no one has ever said such a thing to a woman. Read the full text of The Ultimate Demon God.

"Okay, that's what I'm telling you." The woman stood up and said.

"It's almost noon, let's eat before leaving!" Qin Chuan stood up and said.

The woman hesitated slightly.

Qin Chuan smiled and said, "Okay, it's settled. I'll cook. What do you want to eat?"

The next day, Qin Chuan left the Five Elements Sect with Yunpeng, Long Dahai, Foye, and Jinzhu and went to the Demon Sect.

He wants to destroy the Demon Sect before the Demon Saint Sect comes here.

The Demon Sect has always been opposed to the God of War Sect, and they are not far apart.

When Qin Chuan arrived here, he found that there was no one here, and there was only an empty shell left...

Boom boom!

After the people left, the place became flat.

Several people were cured and returned to the Five Elements Sect.

This situation is not unexpected. The second largest sect of the Tianyao Sect is finished. If the Demon Sect is still there, it will be stupid.

On the third day, a group of people surrounded the Five Elements Sect.

"Qinchuan, what should we do?" Sect Master Kanli came to Qinchuan's courtyard.

"Don't worry, let's cool them off for two days before we talk." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

With Qin Chuan's words, Sect Leader Kanli was relieved.

Although he didn't go out, Qin Chuan couldn't be careless. He was confident in his formation, but he still let the formation-devouring beast and the two treasure beasts enter the formation.

At this time, there were many people outside.

There were three people at the head, and the middle one was a middle-aged man with an aura like a mountain.

He is dressed like a Confucian scholar, but his aura is strong, and his whole person is as rich as jade. Although he looks middle-aged, his skin is delicate and fair, without a trace of wrinkles, but his charm looks extremely mature and wise, and he has the feeling of being a wise man.

At this time, he looked at the Five Elements Sect in front of him, looking at the formation outside the Five Elements Sect, and frowned slightly.

There are really experts in formations here.

The formation mage is a noble profession, and the alchemist, miracle doctor, talisman and seal master are all noble professions.

The formation master can trap a sect to death.

A powerful miracle doctor can make countless people work for him, and he can also destroy a sect.

So the man frowned. He was feeling this formation. He was using this formation to see if the formation master had the strength to trap a large sect to death.

"Go and ask Master Ge," the man said.


Soon an old man who looked like a fairy appeared.

"Second Sect Leader, what are your orders?" the old man walked up to the man and said.

"You are the formation master. Can you break this formation? And what level has the person who arranged this formation reached in the formation? How does it compare to you?" The man looked back and asked the old man.

His speech and demeanor were respectful.

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