Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 821: Devouring Formation Blood Essence Stone, Very Poisonous

The old man looked at the formation in front of him, and his long snow-white eyebrows moved slightly.

He looked at it very carefully, and the more he looked, the more shocked he became. After a long while, he slowly said: "Second Sect Leader, this formation is very clever, I have no confidence."

The man's eyes narrowed slightly: "Master Ge, does that mean that the other party's attainments in formations are better than yours?"

Master Ge thought for a while and nodded: "I am not as good as him, Second Sect Leader. This formation is not easy to break, and I feel that there is a backhand in this formation. If we break it rashly, the casualties will be huge."

"With so many of us and so many strong men, how can we let a small formation stop us? Master Ge, break the formation with all your strength." The man said decisively.

"Okay!" Master Ge sighed and said.

Master Ge recruited thirty people, divided them into three groups, rushed into the formation at the same time, and destroyed three positions from three directions.

In terms of formations, Master Ge's attainments are still very deep, and this method of breaking formations is the best.

But what he destroyed was Qinchuan's formation. Qinchuan's formation could not be measured against Dongfang Jielu people by convention.

As soon as they entered the formation, there was a strong wind and flying sand. The wind was so strong and the sand was so strong that it was impossible to open their eyes. The wind was roaring, and wind dragons were roaring from time to time. There were even some sharp stones in the flying sand.

At terrifying speeds, the sharp stones in the wind dragon are simply terrifying killing weapons.


A streak of black silver flashed in the wind and sand, a little red splashed out, and then the man was blown away by the wind dragon.

"No, there are formation-devouring beasts. Everyone, please get out." Master Ge's expression changed and he shouted loudly.

But it seems it's too late.

People kept falling down, not just the formation-devouring beasts, but also two small golden beasts, which were no less impressive than the formation-devouring beasts.

Master Ge and the two warriors staggered out and ran out. All three of them were injured. Master Ge had a hole in his shoulder, while the other two were seriously injured.

When the man looked at it, his face was livid.

Thirty people went in, and three came out, all still injured. The injuries were definitely not serious, Master Ge was the least serious, but recovery would require natural resources, and the other two were basically useless.

"Master Ge..." The man looked at the old man.

The doctor came forward to treat Master Ge's injuries.

"There are formation-devouring beasts in the formation, and there is more than one." Master Ge said with a pale face.

The Devouring Formation Beast is like a fish in water in the formation, and its strength will be greatly improved. The Devouring Formation Beast in the formation is absolutely terrifying like a demon, and it is easy to kill an equal being instantly.

This is why Qin Chuan has so much confidence.

Haoran's hegemonic body has been upgraded to one level, and his ability to tame animals has also been greatly improved.

Qin Chuan's beast taming all shared the Haoran Hegemony with Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan's strength in martial arts and combat skills increased fourfold due to the Haoran Hegemony, and even the strength of the beast taming was the same.

Coupled with the eight-flower god position and so on, this actual combat strength can definitely achieve an instant kill in the same realm.

"Second Sect Master, it is very difficult to break the formation and requires a lot of sacrifice." Master Ge said.

"What sacrifice?" the second sect leader asked.

"The Devouring Formation Blood Essence Stone requires the blood essence of five hundred people to be infused." Master Ge said.

Many people tremble when they hear this.

The second sect master frowned. Five hundred people, the essence and blood of five hundred strong men, even though he was cold, bloody, and crazy, he hesitated for a moment, and his cold eyes lost their previous elegance. The people he swept across, All of them lowered their heads.

"Master Ge, you choose five hundred people to break the formation." The man said coldly.

Master Ge was stunned. He looked much older in an instant. He said to the man: "Among the five hundred people, there are at least one hundred Nirvana warriors. This is also a huge loss to the Demon Saint Sect. The second sect leader..."

"Do as I say. If you dare to destroy my fifth brother, I will make sure that he cannot live or die." The man's cold words came out.

Biting cold.

This sentence is not only cold, but also chilling. There are many people here, and they are all quiet. The surroundings are so quiet that you can hear a needle drop.

"Four hundred people here, one hundred people over there, just you. Now is the time for you to sacrifice for the sect. Don't worry, your family will not be treated badly." The second sect leader said calmly.

This sentence made these people's eyes red, but they held it back. They were not willing to die like this. Each of them was an elite among people, especially the hundreds of Nirvana strongmen. Read the full text of Hollywood Productions.

But now his sacrifice was in vain...

But they have no choice. Behind them is their own home. If they dare to resist, not only will they die, but their family members will also die.

He closed his eyes, unclenched his clenched fists, and finally walked forward slowly.

"Master Ge, it's time to start!"

A blood-colored spar was suspended in mid-air. Five hundred people surrounded the spar, and then sprayed their blood essence directly towards the Devouring Formation Blood Essence Stone.

The formation-devouring blood essence stone, which was originally only the size of a fist, continued to grow, and soon it exceeded the head of a person and the water tank, just like a small house.

The violent energy makes people's scalp numb.

Five hundred people fell one by one, and falling meant death.

Qin Chuan felt a terrifying wave of spiritual energy outside. The feeling was too terrifying.

So he didn't dare to be careless. When he entered the formation, he was shocked when he saw the situation outside.

Devouring Formation Blood Essence Stone.

Furious state.

The formation will be broken in the next moment, looking at the terrifying crowd outside.

But there was no choice but to retreat and recall the three tamed beasts.


The formation was broken.

It was forcibly broken.

There was a huge movement, like destroying the heaven and the earth, the formation dispersed, Qin Chuan and others appeared, confronting the people of the Demon Saint Sect.

There are also many people here in Qinchuan, including Ruyi Palace, Beixuebing Palace, Five Elements Sect, Hongfen Palace, and only a few people from the God of War Sect.

But now they are still not inferior to each other in terms of numbers.

"In order to break this formation, I sacrificed 400 people at the peak of the Emperor level and 100 people at the Nirvana level. Young man, if you destroy my third brother, I will let you know what hell is on earth." The man said softly. .

Qin Chuan looked at this man, he should be in the ninth level of Nirvana.

A very scary state.

Qin Chuan felt at ease and looked at the man and smiled: "Those like you who don't treat the people around you as human beings will die miserably sooner or later."

"Young man, what do you know? Everyone has their own mission. This is their mission. Otherwise, how can I break the formation?" The man was not angry because Qin Chuan scolded him.

"I just came to remove the formation and fight with you, but I didn't expect you to be so cruel. Anyone who follows you will be in trouble for eight lifetimes." Qin Chuan shook his head and sighed.

Naturally, the man would not take Qin Chuan's words seriously, but he did not see the panic on Qin Chuan's face that the formation was broken, which made him very puzzled.

"Young man, you don't need to sow discord. It's useless. Those who do big things don't stick to trivial matters. Men should be cruel to themselves." The man looked at Qin Chuan and said coldly.

"You are not a man. You are not cruel to yourself. You are cruel to the people around you. You are a fool who thinks you are iron-blooded. You are cruel and cruel. If I don't kill you today, you will die miserably sooner or later. But today I decided to do justice for heaven and accept you..."

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