Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 976: The extremely angry Empress of Chaos

"Do you really think anyone can hide behind the Moon Goddess? That is a supreme honor."

"That's true. If you can reach this level by eating soft food, you have reached a certain level."

"I call you a fool. Do you think a freeloader can snatch a white jade fairy snake egg from the hands of the Empress of Chaos? Can a freeloader withstand the palm of the Empress of Chaos?"

"Maybe it's because he's fast, good at speed, and has a layer of treasure armor on his body."

"Come on, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you, a fool like you."

"Who are you calling me a fool? Do you believe I will beat you up?" The man was angry.

"Are you going too far?"

After a fight, the Moon Wolf King said to the Queen of Chaos.

"Too much?" The Queen of Chaos looked at the Moon Wolf King. This woman was very beautiful and very powerful. It seemed that it would not be easy for her to defeat her.

"He is my man, you want to hit him?" Moon Wolf King said calmly.

"Should he be beaten?"

"Why should we fight?" Moon Wolf King asked.

"What did he say that you didn't hear?" the Queen of Chaos said.

"You stinky bitch, why did you hit me? I can't even say a few words to you. Is there any justice?" Qin Chuan shouted loudly.

"Shut up, you have no right to speak here." The Empress of Chaos scolded.

"Fuck!" Qin Chuan was so angry that he said one word directly.

The people around were all stunned at this time, and many people felt very happy. This was the first time they saw someone treat the Empress of Chaos so vulgarly.

The Empress of Chaos now wants to kill Qin Chuan. She has never seen such a vulgar person, such a wretched and shameless person.

Moon Wolf King's face turned slightly red: "No swearing."

"I have never seen such a self-righteous, stinky woman. Who do you think she is? She gave it to me for free, and I don't even want it. I provoked you, and you want to kill me?" Qin Chuan yelled angrily.

There are many people here,

It was very quiet at this time, very quiet, and everyone felt that today's visit was worth it.

"You, you, I must kill you." The Empress of Chaos was so angry that she couldn't tell that it was because Qin Chuan touched her hand that she hit him.

"Okay, we don't have time to fight you, and we don't care about you. Don't come and fight us. We are all people with status." Qin Chuan pulled the Moon Wolf King away.


Everyone around couldn't help but laugh.

The Empress of Chaos is a person with status, what status does he have...

Could it be that he is the man of the Moon Goddess?

"How could the Moon Goddess fall in love with such a vulgar person?" Hongjian said angrily.

"Even so, I don't know what kind of spell he cast on the Moon Goddess to make her fall in love with him."

"Empress, it doesn't matter if he is being disciplined by my Genius Hall. I will definitely punish him when I go back and let the Empress vent her anger." Hongjian said to the Empress of Chaos.

His eyes swept over the Empress of Chaos' body calmly, especially the most beautiful places.

The Empress of Chaos happened to see it, not to mention her perception was very keen. She looked at Hongjian and said coldly: "Get out!"

Hongjian's face turned red all of a sudden. This was because he stretched out his face and was hit. Now he also wanted to curse a stinky woman or a stinky woman like Qin Chuan. He also wanted to say the word "fuck", but he didn't dare. He wanted to say it. , the sure end is death.

He returned with a red face and lowered his head.


There was laughter again.

"Is this the idiot palace master of the genius palace from Chaos Sect?"

"This fool still wants to defeat the Empress of Chaos, and he doesn't even know what he is."

"You have no guts, look at that beast, it's okay even if you scold the Queen of Chaos, that's the difference."

At this moment, Hongjian wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in. Even the leader of the Chaos Sect had a dull look on his face.

Nowadays, those who are in the limelight and embarrassed are the Chaos Sect members, mainly because Qin Chuan and Moon Wolf King do not belong to the Chaos Sect masters at all in the eyes of outsiders.

At this time, Qin Chuan and Moon Wolf King were already walking towards the entrance to the fifth floor.

"Don't leave!" The Empress of Chaos shouted to Qin Chuan.

"You're done, aren't you?" Qin Chuan gave her a disgusted look.

The Empress of Chaos almost went berserk when she saw Qin Chuan's eyes.

"Give me back that white jade fairy snake egg." said the Queen of Chaos.

Qin Chuan couldn't help but want to curse, but finally held back and looked at the Empress of Chaos: "I'm too lazy to scold you, a stupid woman. Get away as far as you want, I don't want to see you."

The Empress of Chaos almost killed her again.

She is the empress, an extremely elegant and powerful woman. When had she ever been so angry...

Everyone around me felt as if they were flying in the clouds and mist. The scene was so refreshing and the words were shocking. It was probably only this time in my life.

"Qin Chuan, speak nicely." Moon Wolf King said angrily.

"Okay, I'll tell her properly."

Qin Chuan looked at the woman and said seriously: "The eggs are mine, don't try to take them away from me."

Well, there's something wrong with this.


Many people around him complained. Qin Chuan was stunned for a while and said, "This white jade fairy snake egg is mine."

The Empress of Chaos regrets provoking this person. Today is a shame, and this bastard is a big hooligan.

"Tell me, how can you give it to me?" the Queen of Chaos said.

"Exchange your two eggs for this." Qin Chuan said.

The corners of the Empress of Chaos' mouth twitched, and the people around her were trying not to laugh.

"We'll see in the future." After the Empress of Chaos said that, she walked directly into the entrance of the fifth floor.

Qin Chuan was too lazy to pay attention to her, and he and Moon Wolf King also walked into the entrance to the fifth floor.

This time many people stopped, because the fifth floor is a test of true strength, otherwise there is really no need to come out.

The fifth floor of the Demon Tower!

As soon as Qin Chuan and Moon Wolf King entered, he felt a familiar atmosphere.

Well, ancient battlefield!

The dark red sky and earth gave people a sense of danger. There were many corpses on the ground, including human beings and monster beasts. There was a faint smell of blood in the air.


A low and powerful beast roar came from an invisible place in the distance.

This floor is very simple, it is the sixth floor entrance to the center from here.

If you're lucky, you'll have an unimpeded journey. If you're not lucky, you'll have to fight your way through. But more people will always have to tip several times to reach the entrance to the sixth floor.

There are also treasures at the middle entrance.

Qin Chuan pulled the Moon Wolf King forward, avoiding the corpses on the ground.

This place is desolate and dark red like blood. Timid ordinary people would be scared to death here. Qin Chuan is not afraid. He releases a few treasure beasts and uses the golden pupils at the same time to avoid unnecessary battles.

The Moon Wolf King walked slowly with a smile on his lips.

"What did I think of? I'm so happy." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"I just thought of how you looked before, you looked like a scoundrel." The Moon Wolf King couldn't help laughing when he thought of the scene at that time.

"Perhaps one day, I will expel her from the position of empress of the Chaos Realm." Qin Chuan said.

The Moon Wolf King was stunned for a moment and then said: "No wonder you are so angry. It turns out there is another reason. Let me just say, why are you so indifferent to such a gorgeous woman?"

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