Nine Realms God Emperor

Chapter 977: The Heart of the Devil, Master Canglan...

The two men continued walking forward.


A powerful monster appeared in Hungry's field of vision. Qin Chuan thought for a while and said with a smile: "Where's that little guy? Let him deal with it!"

The Moon Wolf King was stunned and released the little golden man.

This most powerful monster is an ancient monster rhinoceros.

The whole body is dark red, the eyes are blood red, the length is more than a hundred meters, the giant is the strongest, and the strength is the strongest.

After the little golden man appeared, he rushed directly towards the ancient demon rhinoceros.

"Can the little guy survive?" Moon Wolf King asked a little worriedly.

Qin Chuan smiled: "You like the little guy so much?"

The Moon Wolf King looked at the little guy's vigorous figure: "Well, it's strange. I always feel that this little thing is alive, like a child, a child who is attached to me, as if I am his support and support. all."

"Isn't this your child anymore?" Qin Chuan said with a smile.

"I will treat him as a child." Moon Wolf King said softly.

"It's better for the child to be his own!" Qin Chuan looked at her with a smile.

"Asshole!" Moon Wolf King smiled and glanced at him.


At this time, the little organ man and the most powerful demon beast were fighting together. The little guy seemed to be infinitely powerful. Every blow could shoot out a blood flower. The ancient demon rhinoceros kept screaming and couldn't touch the little guy at all.

Qin Chuan and Moon Wolf King were both stunned.

The power of this little guy is a bit unexpected. Although this ancient demon rhinoceros at the level of the strongest is not the top strongest, it is still the existence of the strongest level, but now it is beaten by this little guy without any fight back. Power.

During the battle, the little guy's body was shining with golden light, and he had a mysterious power, similar to a heavy attack, but much better than a heavy attack.

The battle ended soon, and the huge monster fell to the ground.

The little guy came back clean and circling around the Moon Wolf King, as if he was a child who wanted a reward.

The Moon Wolf King reached out and touched the little guy’s bald head.

Just let him be quiet.

There was a kind light on her face, a kind of maternal light, which was particularly attractive to her. Qin Chuan was stunned when he looked at it, and he also leaned his head towards her.

The Moon Wolf King turned around and saw Qin Chuan's irritated expression: "Qin Chuan!"

But she still reached out and rubbed his head with indescribable tenderness.

Qin Chuan felt like his bones were going numb, and he held her hand uncontrollably: "I really want to get out of the secret realm as soon as possible!"

"Why?" Moon Wolf King was stunned.

Qin Chuan looked at the perfect heart of the Moon Wolf King, his eyes filled with infinite longing.

"Stinky Qinchuan!" Moon Wolf King blushed.

She agreed to Qin Chuan, and now she regrets it, but she is not the kind of person who goes back on her word, but she feels embarrassed when she thinks about it. Do she really want to show it to him then...

Qin Chuan smiled happily when he saw her childlike attitude.

I encountered two monsters again on the road, but they were both solved by small agencies.

A group of powerful monsters were avoided in the middle.

It didn't take long, and the two of them were already approaching the center.

I saw the entrance to the sixth floor.

There are also five levels of treasures.

It was an altar, a blood-red altar, exuding a mysterious and terrifying power.

Monsters do not dare to approach the altar, and even humans will feel panic if they approach.

And there is a heart on the altar, a beating heart.

It seems to be jumping with the rhythm of heaven and earth.

Is this a treasure?

Qin Chuan was puzzled. At this time, someone appeared around him, and this time there was no danger and no monsters guarding him.

Qin Chuan saw the woman, the Empress of Chaos, who was not far away.

Her white clothes are as white as the snow, and she is unparalleled in elegance and coldness. She is like the coldest snow lotus in the world, with a bone-chilling coldness spreading.

A pair of eyes are like the bright moon and stars, and their skin is better than snow. They can be broken by a blow and pierce the sky, like a fairy from outside the sky.

She is a stunning beauty who does not belong to the Moon Wolf King.

At this time, she frowned while looking at the heart on the altar, and seemed to have no intention of taking action.

But at this moment a figure appeared on the machine table, a hand directly covering the beating heart.

Qin Chuan was stunned.

I almost cursed him because he was like Mr. Canglan.

The ghost lingers.

Young Master Canglan's body flashed with red light, and the heart directly entered his body and merged with his heart.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Mr. Canglan laughed loudly, and then looked directly at Qin Chuan: "Qin Chuan, our relationship has just begun."

The most powerful!

Qin Chuan's cultivation has made rapid progress, but he has never been as fast as Mr. Canglan in terms of realm.

He has the Five Elements Buddha, he has the most precious blood cauldron, he has the inheritance of the King Kong God of War, and the other party has the inheritance of the demon god, the essence and blood of the demon god, and the bloodthirsty beast...

Qin Chuan looked at him: "You are really haunted."

"You will definitely die in my hands, you will definitely." Mr. Canglan walked down the altar and the group headed towards the entrance to the sixth floor.

Qin Chuan saw that heart before.

Devil's heart!

Mr. Canglan has fused the devil's heart, which will make him more powerful and terrifying, especially since he has the blood demon inheritance. This devil's heart plays a huge role in his blood demon inheritance.

"This man's name is Qin Chuan!"

"This Qin Chuan is really capable of causing trouble. There are enemies everywhere. One Queen of Chaos is not enough, and she also has enemies with the Holy Son of the Demon Sect."

"The Holy Son of the Demon Sect is so handsome, I like him." A woman said infatuatedly.

"Do you think the Holy Son of the Demon Sect is more powerful, or this Qin Chuan?"

"I don't know, but at present, it seems that the Holy Son of the Demon Sect has become the most powerful person. Some people have said that the Holy Son of the Demon Sect will definitely achieve the immortal realm. Among young people, he is slightly inferior to the Empress of Chaos."

The Moon Wolf King looked at Qin Chuan and said with a smile, "Do you seem to have many enemies?"

"I can't help it, the main thing is that I'm handsome." Qin Chuan sighed.

"Stealing his woman?" Moon Wolf King looked at Qin Chuan with his bright beautiful eyes.


Qin Chuan quickly said: "No, no!"

"No, no, no. With such a big reaction, it doesn't matter whether you are with me or not." Moon Wolf King smiled.

"Everyone else has gone in, let's go, we should go in too." Qin Chuan pulled the Moon Wolf King towards the passage leading to the sixth floor.


Six floors!

When Qin Chuan saw the sixth floor, he felt how familiar it was.

A safe place only three to five meters in size, a teleportation platform, surrounded by an abyss, like the Immortal Quest on the second floor, are terrifying hurricanes that can tear apart the strongest.

The teleportation platform can only be used by one person. After using it and entering the next level, the teleportation platform will disappear and the remaining person will be trapped here.

Qin Chuan, Luo Hua and Stranger met once before.

This is a test.

Only two of the three could use the teleportation array. The stranger had to use it at that time. She used it and left, but that also meant that she left Qin Chuan's world.

The remaining time, Luo Hua insisted on letting Qin Chuan leave.

But this is a test. In the end, the teleportation array is used to directly eliminate them, and those who remain will enter the next level.

This is a test, but it is very real, because everything here is true. Even now, Qin Chuan doesn’t know if this time will be like the last time. Maybe this time it is true, and the remaining person will Trapped to death here.

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