Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1429: Protoss differences

The evil iron shovel continued to struggle and shouted. The chain of the meteor hammer had a thunder and lightning shock, and it was very painful to break into the evil iron scorpion.

The other evil-yang people, who are relatively strong, have been hit by lightning surges on the long chain, and they dare not approach again.

"You idiots, save me!" The evil iron scorpion has been pulled to the door of the floating cloud tower, yelling and yelling.

Qin Yun stood in the corner of the disc, if there is any situation, he immediately transferred to the upper floor.

Finally, the evil iron scorpion touched the enchantment at the door.

Qin Yun quickly controlled the brief closure of the enchantment.

Yangshuo, they all screamed in unison, and dragged the evil iron shovel into it in one breath.

Then, Yangshuo and several of them rushed over and kicked the evil iron fist.

Qin Yun rushed to the second floor, Xiao Yuelan and Xiao Xuanqin are here.

"Is it ready?" Xiao Yuelan laughed.

At this time, there was a burst of bangs under the floor, Yangshuo, more than a dozen people, crazy encirclement and evil iron shovel, hit the evil iron screams again and again.

"It should be done, wait for the following movements not so big, let's go and see!" Qin Yunxiao smiled and said: "The evil spirits of those guys, this time they have suffered a big loss!"

Xiao Xuanqin just lost a lot of mental power, and now slowly recovers, sneer: "Xiaoyun, mainly rely on your tower! Otherwise Yangshuo they do not know how to do it, maybe it has been oysters! ”

"That is, the guy still looked down on us!" Xiao Xuanqin snorted: "He should know how amazing Xiaoyun is now!"

The following movements are much smaller, Qin Yun also transmitted, and Xiao Xuanqin and Xiao Yuelan are still above.

After going down, Qin Yun saw that the mask of the evil iron shovel had been destroyed. The face was swollen and round, and the head was broken. A pair of eyes are full of bloodshot, and his body is also **** by the chain that can be extended by the meteor hammer.

The evil iron scorpion was miserable, and Yangshuo also played very well. After all, they were beating a famous general of the evil yang.

"Qin brothers, we successfully won this guy!" Yang Shuo laughed, at this time he became very polite to Qin Yun.

The other big men who care for the gods and the protoss also shouted a Qin brother. Not only was Qin Yun very polite, but when he saw Qin Yun’s eyes, he also showed respect.

Qin Yun took out the Zhenyang God Arrow and smiled and said: "What big general is this, isn't it necessary to **** my Zhenyang God Arrow?"

The evil iron scorpion saw the Zhenyang arrow in the hands of Qin Yun, and shouted: "Don't come over... don't touch me!"

"You bastard, brought so many people and ghosts to come and sneak up on us, can't succeed!" Qin Yunxiao walked over with a smile, and an arrow poked into the body of the evil iron scorpion, so that the evil iron screams fear, Because the power of Zhenyang God Arrow is terrible.

"The tribe of the gods is being besieged. This guy is a hostage... He should be useful!" Yangshuo smiled and said: "We use this guy to threaten the evil spirits and let them retreat!"

The evil iron scorpion is the kind of guy who is very afraid of death. He was lifted up by Yangshuo and went to the door.

"The evil spirits guys, you are all going to get out! Go back to your kennel!" Yangshuo shouted at the people outside: "No more, I will die for your great general!"

The people outside the evil spirits were angry at this time, but they were helpless. They did not expect that Yangshuo would have such a powerful tower and they would have captured their generals.

"You have to leave!" cried the evil iron.

Those outside are very vocal about the evil irons. After all, it is the generals. They can only retreat at this time, away from the tower.

Qin Yun did not go out, but waited for those people to stay away, and Xiao Xuanqin recovered.

"I don't know how the tribe is doing!" Yang Shuo sighed: "Those guys should have launched a general attack in order to **** the Zhenyang arrow!"

Qin Yun kicked the evil iron shovel kicking on the ground and smiled: "Do you know this guy!"


"Evil iron, how many people have you been besieging our tribe?" Yangshuo asked coldly.

"Ten great generals, each general led a 100,000 army! I am responsible for ambushing you!" said Evil Tie.

"100,000 troops?" Qin Yun was frowning; "The people of the evil spirits are really a lot!"

"Plus ghosts!" Evil Tie is very afraid of Qin Yun, he also can see that Qin Yun's equipment is very strong, only let Yangshuo turn over.

Yangshuo said: "If it is only this powerful, then we can still cope! It seems that the evil Yang family did not send all the power!"

Evil iron sorrows and smiles: "If we send all the power, if you smash it with us, wouldn't it be the same? You have four hearts of the sun here, if you blew it, we all have to die!"

"The heart of the sun is so big, how are you going to get rid of it?" Qin Yun asked, and he felt that even if he was, he would not be able to easily take away the heart of the sun.

"I don't know, the old people have their own way. They say that as long as they occupy the heart and the heart, there is a way to control the heart of the sun!" The evil iron scorpion is now very honest, because it will be beaten because it is not honest.

Yangshuo said: "We are still waiting here! They can't attack the tribe, and finally they can only retreat!"


After a few hours, Yangshuo suddenly shouted: "Qin brothers, our tribes are coming!"

Qin Yun looked through the window and saw dozens of people riding a flame horse. The speed was very fast.

When he looked at the past, the group was still in the distance, but it didn't take long before he came to the vicinity of the Star Tour Tower.

Yangshuo had already solved the meteor hammer and gave it to Qin Yun. At this time, another kind of thing was tied to the evil iron shovel.

Xiao Yuelan and Xiao Xuanqin also came down from above.

The dozens of people who came here were big men wearing golden armor. Like Yangshuo’s dress, there were more than a dozen immortals, and the others were very strong.

"General Xu Hong!" Yangshuo quickly went out with a dangerous iron shovel and shouted: "Look, who we caught!"

"Is the evil iron sergeant general?" General Xu Xuhong, looked at the evil iron scorpion, frowned: "Yangshuo, quickly put people out!"

Yangshuo was very unexpected, and the smile on his face disappeared. Shen Sheng said: "Why should you let him go?"

"We talked with the evil spirits, and let go!" Xu Hong frowned: "You have made him like this, but after you go back, you have to be reprimanded!"

"We were besieged by this guy before, and almost killed! We are very hard to catch this guy, never put it!" Yangshuo was very dissatisfied, shouted.

The big man around him is also very angry and his face is gloomy.

"Don't you listen to the order? Do you want to rebel?" General Xu Hong said with anger: "Hurry and let go! Yangshuo, you hurt people, your responsibility is yours!"

Yangshuo was so angry that he could grasp the evil iron shovel and make a great contribution to the tribe. But now he is letting him go, and he has to be held accountable.

What made him most angry was that they were besieged by evil irons. If there were no Yunyun towers, they would definitely be caught. Zhenyang Shenjian would also fall into the hands of evil spirits.

But it’s not long before it’s time to turn the enemy into a friend, and Yangshuo can’t accept it!

Evil iron haha ​​laughed and said: "Yangshuo Yangshuo, you originally wanted to catch me back to the prestige, right? Now, you have to abuse me before, I must pursue it! You ask And, it is definitely not against us. For peace, your old people will definitely punish you and will promise me the conditions!"

General Xu Hong said: "The evil iron sergeant general, this is our fault!"

"That's not let them let me go!" Evil iron yelled and shouted: "I will beat them, especially the kid... I want to kill him!"

General Xu Hong stepped down and poured a cold drink on Yangshuo: "Yangshuo, let go!"

"If I let him go, he wants to call us back, isn't it?" Yangshuo said coldly.

"Yes, I have to agree on what conditions he has!" said General Xu Hong.

"Then he wants to smash the arrow, we have to give it, is it?" Yangshuo asked again.

"Of course, we have already said, we have already said, send them two Zhenyang arrows!" Xu Hongjun said: "The two people you just brought back, there are two Zhenyang arrows in your hand!"

Yangshuo's face was cold and roared, and the long sword in his hand was vigorously pierced into the body of the evil iron.

At the same time, more than a dozen other big men also pulled swords and stabbed the body of evil iron.

"You..." General Xu Hong screamed and rushed to the palm of his hand.

However, that palm was blocked by the enchantment of the gate.

"This guy is still not dead!" Qin Yun cold channel, and then took out the Zhenyang God arrow, an arrow into the head of evil iron.

General Xu Hong looked at the head of the evil iron smashing, and he was so angry that he trembled with a pair of punches and smashed the enchantment of the floating cloud tower. He played a thunder and knock, but he did not use it at all.

Yangshuo can't accept to send two Zhenyang **** arrows to the evil Yang people, and it is also the Zhenyang **** arrow of Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan!

In addition, if the evil irons are released, they will also be beaten!

What makes them most angry is that they are dealing with evil irons for self-protection. But now, after the summation, the evil irons are hurt, but they are responsible!

"You wait!" General Xu Hong gnawed his teeth. He also knew that the tower was very strong. He looked at Yangshuo with a sullen look, then jumped on the flame horse and took the man away.

Qin Yun looked at Yangshuo and asked; "Your tribe is really sincere, and you have to give the Zhenyang God Arrow to the enemy... It’s better to simply send the Sun Heart out!"

"The guardian of the gods has two surnames, Yangjia and Xujia! In the previous ethnic group, we lost the Yang family, so the patriarch and the old family of the Nursing Protoss are all Xu family. The things that talk about peace are also decided by them!" Yang Shuo sighed: "Qin brothers, you can rest assured! You are selected by Zhenyang God Arrow, they can't take you like! Kill the evil iron shackles, I am a People bear!"

"Captain, we are willing to bear with you!" shouted more than a dozen big men.

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