Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1430: Heart-protecting tribe

Yangshuo replied: "Don't be stupid! The Qin brothers will have no trouble in the future. The Xu family will definitely target them. You must protect them! They enter the tribe and they are not familiar with it. You can only rely on you." It!"

Those more than a dozen big men, looked at Qin Yun them, also know that Qin Yun if they enter the tribe, need someone to take care of.

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan must go to the tribe of the protector and the gods because they have the arrow of Zhenyang. They must reach the mission and avoid being killed by the Zhenyang **** arrow.

Originally, they only had to hand over the Zhenyang God Arrow, but they could not bear this artifact.

If you want to get this artifact, you must compete with the people who care for the Protoss and win from it. And after winning the Zhenyang God Arrow, it is also necessary to fight against the evil spirits.

Xiao Yuelan said: "Yong Dashu, they decided to give our Zhenyang God Arrow to the evil Yang family? Does this not violate the belief of Zhenyang Shenjian? You are not saying that it will give us a fair chance of competition, let us ourselves Fighting for Zhenyang Shenjian?"

"Reassured, Xu family will not directly give the Zhenyang God arrow to the evil Yang family! I guess, they will let the evil spirits people also participate in the competition!" Yang Shuo said: "At that time, our Yang family will definitely help You are getting stronger!"

Xiao Xuanqin said: "Would you like to give the Zhenyang God Arrow to the evil Yang people? When Xiaoyun and Yuelan will be isolated in your tribe, what should I do?"

"It is impossible, I will use life to guarantee! We have a **** sea and a deep hatred of the Yang family and the evil spirits... and we are also the most orthodox gods, we have always adhered to our family rules!" Yangshuo said here, very The road of anger: "It is the group of **** of the Xu family, who are actually colluding with the evil spirits!"

“The Xu family and the evil spirits collude?” Qin Yun was a little surprised: “Are you so dangerous to protect the gods?”

"For many years, Xu family has been competing with us. Therefore, the patriarchs and the old people of the whole heart-protecting protoss are the people of our Yang family. Later, the most powerful group of warriors of our Yang family will attack the evil-yang people and go out. At that time, it was ambushed by the evil spirits, and the death and injury were heavy... The evil side of the evil side is the same!” Yang Shuo said this, clenching his fists and covering his face with anger.

"Is it the Xu family secretly colluding with the evil Yang people, let the evil spirits send out the dead and the powerful warriors of your Yang family?" Xiao Yuelan frowned.

"We haven't thought about it before... but now think about it, it's really like this! Our first-class fighters in the Yang family are desperately confronted by the evil spirits, and the losses are heavy. So the Xu family can win in the big ratio and lead the whole heart. Protoss!" Yangshuo bite his teeth: "After this group of **** got power, they secretly suppressed us. Now Zhenyang God Arrow appears, but they are... but they want to give Zhenyang God Arrow to the evil Yang!"

Xiao Xuanqin sighed: "Xujia definitely agreed to certain conditions of the evil Yang people, so the evil spirits will send so many people to fight the first-class fighters of your Yang family!"

"This group of beasts!" Yangshuo angered to the extreme, vigorously punched the wall.

"Captain, do you just look at the Xu family as you like?" A middle-aged man was also very angry, and he whispered a few Xu family.

"If the Yang family is fighting with the Xu family, then the evil spirits will be able to take advantage of it!" Yang Shuo looked up and sighed: "Xu Jia, Xu family, why do they want to do this? Is it not reconciled that our Yang family is stronger than them?" When our Yang family led the protection of the gods and protoss, they did not care less for them! Our Yang family had no more resources than their Xu family!"

Yangshuo was hit hard because they were betrayed by the Xu family, but they were helpless.

"Let's go to your tribe!" Qin Yun said.

Yangshuo nodded. "They don't dare to kill me. At most, they can only hold me up!"

Qin Yun said: "Don't be afraid of them! Uncle Yang, you are reasonable. After all, we were killed by evil irons, and our counterattack is reasonable!"


"Go back and talk about it!" Yang Shuo said: "You can rest assured that you have the Zhenyang God Arrow, and the Xu family does not dare to defy the mission of Zhenyang Shenjian. They must follow the process to decide the masters of the two Zhenyang Arrows. !"

Xiao Yuelan said: "We will definitely get the arrow of Zhenyang, and then remove the evil spirits!"

"I believe in you!" Yang Shuo smiled at Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan. He now knows that Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan are not simple.

After they walked out of the floating cloud tower, Qin Yun collected the floating cloud tower and then went to the tribe of the heart-protecting protoss.


After a long time, I finally came outside the Nursing Tribe.

This Protoss tribe is a small town without walls. There are many old stone houses in the middle. There is a boulevard with a width of several hundred meters in the middle, which divides the small city into two.

The small town of the Protoss tribe is planned as a huge circular area, separated by the middle avenue, separating the Xu family from the Yang family.

Although there is no high wall, there are four sun hearts in the center of the tribe, releasing the next shield to form an enchantment, covering the entire tribe.

Covering the tribe's shield, the defense is very powerful, as long as the sun's heart is not a problem, there is basically no possibility to break the tribe.

And the space around the tribe is solid and requires more power to tear the space apart.

Although the buildings of Yangjia and Xujia are stone houses, they are still somewhat different. The stone houses of Yangjia are mainly square structures, while the Xu family are mainly round.

There are many flowers and trees in the Yang family, as well as things like rockery rivers. There is no such thing as the Xu family, but there are many Colosseum or battle platforms, giving people a feeling of good fighting and fighting.

Through the enchantment, Qin Yun can immediately feel that there is a kind of strong suffocation on the other side of the Xu family, and there are also a number of battles from time to time, as well as the vibration of various battles, or one The voice of a large group of people madly screaming.

"Xujia really gives people a very fierce feeling!" Qin Yun said.

"Hey! They have always been like this. Our Yang family was not as crazy as they were, but every time they can win them!" Yangshuo is very disdainful.

After entering the enchantment, a large group of people appeared on the avenue, mainly the strong scent of the immortal, the old generation of the Yang family and the Xu family.

In front, there is also a group of big men riding a flame horse, which is the former General Xu Hong.

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan both held the Zhenyang God Arrow, and they looked indifferent, and they were not overwhelmed by the two powerful momentum.

"Yangshuo and others, still do not kneel down!" Xu Hong angered.

Yangshuo wants to see Xu Hong, but there is no opening. After all, the other party has a general general title. He does not dare to chase, otherwise he will be caught by the old people present.

"Our younger brothers don't know how to marry, and they have never seen anyone. They also asked General Xu Hong to demonstrate it on the spot!" An old man from the Yang family faintly smiled.

Wearing white robes, the overall temperament is very refreshing, it seems to give a feeling of sensation.

Everyone in the Xu family is wearing armor. Everyone grows very fierce, fierce and sinister, and they have weapons in their hands. They seem to be fighting at any time.

The people of Yangjia and Xujia came and saw the Zhenyang God Arrow in the hands of Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan, all showing joy.

Yangshuo quickly took Xiao Yuelan and Qin Yun to the group of Yangjia.

"Homeowner, this little brother is Qin Yun, this is his wife, Xiao Yuelan! This girl is accompanying and escorting them, Xiao Xuanqin girl!" Yang Shuo introduced Qin Yang to their homeowners.

"Yangjia is good!" Qin Yun also polite greetings.

The name of the Yang family is called Yang Tianzhen. It is a very old-fashioned and old-fashioned person. He has long hair and white hair. Although he is an old man, he does not give the feeling of old age. He is a strong land fairy.

"You're welcome!" Yang Tianji smiled and smiled.

A tall and strong man on the other side of the Xu family, coldly said: "Yangshuo and the kid, killing the evil iron scorpion, we can not be confessed to the evil spirits! Your Yang family is best to hand over Yangshuo and the kid, to calm down The anger of the evil spirits!"

The tall old man, wearing a black armor, looks very fierce, that is the owner of the Xu family, but also the patriarch of the guardian of the gods, named Xu Tiangao.

Yang Tianshi smiled faintly: "This little brother owns the Zhenyang God Arrow. His Zhenyang God Arrow is very protective to the Lord. If you have a species, give him to the evil Yang family and see if the Zhenyang God Arrow will Will pierce your head!"

Yang Tianshi said, he pushed Qin Yun out.

"Take this kid to the evil Yang people to deal with it, what happened, I can't care!" Yang Tian marks again.

Xu Tiangao bite his teeth and said: "Well, we don't want that kid! But what about Yangshuo? But he caught the evil irons! We have coexisted peacefully with the evil spirits, but he has made such a thing!" ”

"And the evil spirits and the important things, you did not discuss with our Yang family, we Yangjiao did not know, and we are also very opposed!" Yang Tianzheng smile suddenly disappeared, coldly said: "Now not Carefully killing the generals of the evil spirits, do you still blame us?"

"Yang Tian marks, now is our Xu family commanding the heart of the protoss, all our decisions are to protect the heart of the sun! I am the patriarch, my decision has nothing to do with you, why should we discuss with you!" Xu Tiangao sneer .

"So, Yangshuo does not know the matter of peace. He killed evil irons when you negotiated. Why blame him?" Yang Tianke sneered.

"I have said it very clearly before!" Xu Hong said: "I went to the scene and told Yangshuo, but he still killed the evil iron!"

Xu Tiangao looked at the Yangtian mark, and smiled and said: "What else do you have to say?"

Qin Yun suddenly said: "It is not in common with the evil spirits to discuss this kind of thing! So the uncle Yangshuo does not believe in the words of General Xu Hong, thinking that General Xu Hong has deceived the evil irons and then returned to invite the merits!"

"The evil iron shovel is a big general, and the uncle Yangshuo is so hard to make it happen. This is a very important credit! General Xu Hongda wants to win the credit is also normal!"

Xiao Yuelan coldly said: "Uncle Yangshuo wants to bring the evil iron scorpion back to invite the merits, where is it to be killed? It is not too tightly forced by General Xu Hong, so it is only a hundred times to kill the evil iron shovel, so that no one can fish Thank you for your contribution!"

Qin Yun nodded: "Yes, all of them are the generals of Xu Hong who forced the uncle of Yangshuo to start! There is also the general of Xu Hong, who said that he wants to kill all the men of Guangyang, and to turn the woman of Yangjia into a slave girl, so Uncle Yangshuo is very angry. When he is angry, he will kill the evil irons!"

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