Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1431: Difficult competition

When I heard Qin Yun’s words, dozens of people on the Yang family’s side were full of anger and looked at Xu Hong.

Xu Hongyi looked at Qin Yun with a big look. He said: "This kid is full of nonsense. I have never said those words. I have never robbed the idea of ​​the evil iron scorpion, which they made up!"

"General Xu Hong, if you are not in a bad attitude, Uncle Yangshuo will not be forced to kill you!" Qin Yun sighed: "The possibility of discussing this with the evil spirits is too low. You a general ran over to Yangshuo. The uncle said that you and the evil spirits negotiated, and then asked him to be evil, and the normal reaction is not that you are deceiving?"

Xiao Yuelan went on to say: "Xujia, this is what you are wrong! If the owner of the Xu family comes to see Uncle Yangshuo, then he will certainly believe it! Otherwise, who would think of a strong protector and protoss, actually admit to the evil spirits And also promised the evil spirits like a dog!"

Yangtian traces and laughs: "The patriarch, it seems that this is your fault! Seriously, when you said to me that you have already agreed, I thought you were joking! Not to mention Yangshuo, and Yangshuo still Being besieged, almost killed!"

Asahi’s face is ugly, and Xu Hong’s teeth are itchy.

Qin Yun said again: "This is the fault of your Xu family! There is no good communication with the uncle Yangshuo, and the attitude is still very bad. It is simply pushing the uncle Yangshuo! Your Xu family should throw Xu Hong to the evil spirits. Let them calm down the anger!"

Xiao Yuelan sneered: "Xujia, you are the leader of the whole protector and the Protoss, you must take care of the overall situation! Sacrifice General Xu Hong, and hand him over to the evil spirits! General Xu Hong will defeat the fate of the generals, this is more Wait! Put the uncle Yangshuo out, the people of the evil Yang family are definitely dissatisfied!"

"Shut up!" Xu Hong angered.


Yangshuo also admired Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan. In the face of Xu Tiangao, they were fierce and strong. The couple sang together and pushed the fault to the head of the Xu family. It was quite reasonable.

Qin Yunxiao smiled and said: "Xu Hong, you should have seen it with your own eyes. It is my fault to kill evil irons! This is my fault. If you have something, give me to the evil spirits!"

Asahi has already seen that these two young people who have won the Zhenyang arrow are very good.

To be honest, they already knew that Yangshuo was besieged. They felt that Yangshuo was going to die. But I didn’t expect the result that the evil iron shovel was caught and killed, and the ghosts and soldiers led by the evil iron scorpion were damaged. serious.

"The last person to kill the evil iron shovel is me!" Qin Yun shook his hand in the arrow of Zhenyang, and said: "I used the Zhenyang **** arrow to stab the evil iron scorpion head, you are so evil. Let's say it!"

There is a middle-aged man in the Yang family shouting: "Xu Hong, have you ever said that you want to kill the man of the Yang family? And want to turn the woman of our Yang family into a female slave?"

"Absolutely not!" Xu Hong said.

"General Xu Hong, you are still a man, dare to say no!" Qin Yun smiled and said: "General Xu Hong also said that he will join forces with the evil spirits to destroy the Yang family, and then share the sun together. heart of!"

"You shut up!" Xu Hong snarled.

"You don't want to talk nonsense with young people. You are arguing about the relationship between us. What is your heart?" Xu Tiangao yelled: "Don't think that you have Zhenyang's arrow in your hand, you can do whatever you want here." It!"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "I don't have to talk about it, Xu Hong really said this!"

The faces of the Yang family are very gloomy and look at the people of the Xu family.

In fact, the Yang family has also thought that the Xu family and the evil spirits have joined forces in secret, and it has been a long time ago, and they have pitted their first-class fighters.

Qin Yun thinks that the people of Yangjia are too strong, and in their eyes, only the enemy of evil spirits, they have not defended the Xu family, and they have never played any intrigues, otherwise they will definitely see the Xu family. conspiracy.

"Okay, killing evil iron scorpion is the same thing! We have set it as the matter of discussion and before, and the evil spirits can't say us!" Xu Tiangao cold channel, he really worried a little about Xu Hong Will be stared by the evil spirits.

He has already seen that Qin Yun’s mouth is very powerful and will definitely be rumored everywhere.

Xu Hong is so angry that he wants to bite Qin Yun.

"The people who have the arrow of Zhenyang come to the tribe, we will give them three months! After three months, according to the regulations, we must compete with our protector and the evil spirits, and then decide the arrow of Zhenyang Ownership!" Xu Tiangao said.

"Okay, start three months later!" Yang Tianmark nodded.

Xu Hong glared at Qin Yun, and smiled and said: "This guy is just a mysterious fairy. Can he compete with us? In three months, they can't improve much, hahaha... Zhenyang Shenjian is not our Xujia It’s the evil spirits!”

Yangshuo looked at the sunny days and asked: "Homeowners, do we not participate in the Yang family?"

"The little girl and Qin Long, have been attributed to our Yang family! It is equivalent to our Yang family to get Zhenyang God Arrow, so we can not participate!" Yang Tian marks: "Don't worry, there are still three months!"

Xu Tiangao laughed: "Let's go!"

The people of the Xu family are gone, Yangshuo is fine, but the Yang family is not happy.

The people of the Yang family were very angry when they negotiated with the evil spirits and let the evil spirits come in to participate in the competition of Zhenyang.

An old man whispered: "The Xu family guys have betrayed the heart of the sun, are they not afraid of being punished?"

Yangtianmark said: "Don't worry! We have already ushered in the Zhenyang God Arrow, and the evil spirits will definitely be destroyed in the end! The Xu family betrayed the heart of the sun and will be severely punished!"

Yangshuo also quickly thanked Qin Yun.

At this time, the Yang family also asked how Yangshuo grasped the evil irons, because in their view, this is simply impossible. After all, the evil iron shovel is a general.

Yangshuo did not say much, after all, people are mixed, he does not want to let too many people know the power of Qin Yun, so that Xu family will pay more attention to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun also asked Qin Qin and Xie Qirou, and they were surprised to learn that they are all inside the heart of the sun.

After having the Zhenyang God Arrow, you can enter the inner core of the Sun to practice, which can become stronger!

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan, at this time, have not really owned Zhenyang Shenjian, so they can't enter the heart of the sun.

If the Xu family and the evil spirits can get the Zhenyang **** arrow, they can also enter the heart of the sun, which is what the Yang family does not want to see.

Especially the people of the evil spirits, once they enter, it is a disaster.

Qin Yun, Xiao Yuelan and Xiao Xuanqin were arranged in a quiet yard.

They also met the Yang family, they are quite good. In order to prevent the Xu family and the evil spirits from gaining the Zhenyang arrow, the Yang family will definitely make them stronger and win the Zhenyang arrow.

The pavilion in the yard, Yangshuo and Yangtian marks are sitting here.

Qin Yun, Xiao Yuelan and Xiao Xuanqin are also on the side.

There is no night in the heart and the world, and there is no star, because this is an independent large space.

Yangtian traces are dignified and said: "The person who participates in the competition of Zhenyang Shenjian, the strongest can only be a heavy fairy! More than this cultivation, you can not participate! Qin Xiaoge and Yuelan girl, you are just one heavy Xuan Xian, it is really difficult to become a fairy in three months!"

Yangshuo sighed: "The people of our Yang family can't participate... So we can stop the evil Yang and the Xu family from getting the Zhenyang arrow, so let's see you all!"

"Why can the highest be a heavy fairy?" Qin Yun asked.

"After obtaining the Zhenyang God Arrow, enter the inner cultivation of the Sun Heart, and practice it in the ground to the wonderland! In it, from the cultivation of a heavy fairy to the Jiuzhong Xianxian, but it is very strong, only in this way can control the Zhenyang God Arrow really The power of the sun!" Yang Tian said: "If it is a double or triple sin to go to the realm of Jiuzhongdixian, maybe you can't control the Zhenyang arrow!"

Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan were very surprised. They did not expect that Zhenyang Shenjian actually had a strong power!

Yang Tianshi smiled and said: "The Zhenyang God Arrow in your hand is now only a very strong weapon! And Zhenyang God Arrow has other abilities, which requires you to sacrifice the Zhenyang God Arrow to get it! To worship the Zhenyang God Arrow, you also need to enter the heart of the Sun, and you need to use the energy gained by the Sun Heart!"

"Then we will start practicing! Take time!" Qin Yun said.

Speaking of this matter, Yang Tian marks some helplessness, shaking his head and sighing: "The resources in our hands are not too much... The power of the sun's heart will let us get some fruits every time, but we get Yangjia There are not many gods, and the next assignment is also half a year later!"

"Homeowners... How did Xu family treat us so badly? When we were in power, we gave them a lot of resources. They have given us so little now!" Yang Shuo is very angry.

"I always thought that the Xu family was only because they were not as good as us for many years, so they were angry! I really didn't expect them to collude with the evil spirits!" Yang Tianshi long sighed: "We still have some gods in our hands." How much can be improved, and we are thinking about things afterwards!"

Qin Yun asked: "Yangjiazhu, do you have a way to make the soul a holy soul? I have observed it before, and found that the uncle Yang’s souls are holy souls, and the flesh is also the Eucharist. How do you cultivate them? of?"

"Qin Xiaoge, should you also cultivate the Eucharist? And your soul is also very strong, you don't need to practice again!" Yang Tianshi smiled and said: "Yuelan girl is also, the body and soul are very strong! ”

Qin Yun looked at Xiao Xuanqin and said: "I mean, let you help me Xiao Auntu to cultivate the soul. After her soul becomes strong, it will help me to cultivate!"

“Really?” Yang Tianke has some doubts: “How can I help?”

"A method of rehabilitation, but it requires mutual trust! My aunt's soul has some problems, which leads to her memory disorder. Only by cultivating the holy soul, the memory will be stabilized, so that she can fully trust Xiaoyun. "Xiao Yuelan said, she knows Qin Yun's plan.

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