Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1529: Status

Song old man smiled and said: "North wind teaches, do you know that the old cow is coming over and we are more strange?"

The North Wind teaches and nods: "In order to expand the site, the elders of the big cattle will definitely try to compare with you. Then again, this is not a battle for you to die. It is nothing to lose!"

Before the loss of a scene for the evil spirits, the North Wind Valley controlled a lot of cuts, if they challenged Hong Longshan to win, they will get more.

Honglongshan has not lost in one game, and the site is also the largest. People in the North Wind Valley, Cang Xuan Mountain, Xie Yang and the singularity are all very jealous.

Especially Li Yixuan, he is very unconvinced. He is an old man after all, and now he is so ugly in front of so many disciples, he can't lift his head.

You must know that before, many disciples praised his bird for being very powerful, but now he lost so badly, which also made him lose face.

"The big elder hasn't come yet... It's better for us to play something else!" Li Yuxuan looked at Qin Yun and smiled: "This little brother, although you are not a cloud, you are also Honglongshan." One of you, you must have a right to speak in Honglongshan?"

Hong Quangang said: "Of course, even if you give him the position of Hong Longshan's teaching, Li Yixuan, what do you want to do?"

Li Yuxuan smiled and said: "I am a little dissatisfied... I want to compare it again!"

"No way!" Hong Quangang immediately refused.

"I admit that Qin Xiaoge's refining Xiaojinlong is very fast...but the material of refining Xiaojinlong has not been forged, so I think if you fight it, Xiaojinlong's strength is not as good as my bird!" Xuan said.

"Grandpa's bird is slow, but because the material has been tempered, it is definitely stronger. If you fight, you can definitely win!" said a young man.

"Right right, Qin Yun, do you dare to let Xiao Jinlong and my grandfather fight against the birds?"

"He certainly can't dare because he is afraid!"

Hong Quangang asked: "If you play against it, Xiao Qin loses? What can you do? It is nothing more than to prove that your ugly bird is stronger!"

Li Xiaoxuan smiled and said: "If you don't like this, let's gamble a game! If Xiao Xiaolong of Qin Xiaoge wins my bird, I will give him a hundred pounds of Shengxuan Yinjing! If he loses, You Honglongshan will draw an area for us."

"Good!" Qin Yun quickly promised, he also wants to get a little holy silver crystal.

Qin Yun held a small golden dragon in his hand, and Li Yuxuan held the ugly bird in his hand.

The people also gave up a place.

"Come on!" Li Yuxuan said, releasing his own bird and shouting: "Whoever's beast is damaged, whoever loses, if it is not damaged, we will level it!"

Li Yuxuan felt that his bird had been tempered and the material was very good. It was not so easy to break. Although it was ugly, it was very stable.

The bird flew in the air and it was very flexible.

Subsequently, Qin Yun also released his little golden dragon.

Xiao Jinlong’s flight speed is very fast. After he goes up, he bites directly.

"I flash, oh..." Li Yuxuan controlled the bird, avoiding it in the air, and smiled: "Your body is bigger and it is too easy to attack!"

Said, the little bird rushed past, sharp birds like a sharp knife, flying quickly.

"Don't be proud!" Qin Yun controlled Xiao Jinlong to move his tail.

The dragon tail of Xiaojinlong suddenly swept and hit the bird that flew over and swept away.

I have to say that the bird is really strong. Although it was swept out, it was not damaged.

"This little dragon is a bit powerful, but you can't beat the bird!" Li Xiaoxuan laughed, he wouldn't lose if he didn't win.

Just when he was proud, the speed of Xiao Jinlong suddenly became very fast, like a lightning strike.

In the past, Xiao Jinlong opened his mouth and bit the little bird.

The bird was bitten by Xiao Jinlong and could only struggle constantly.

"You can't bite, maybe you will be beaten!" Li Yixuan was not worried.

The people underneath also watched it seriously. Although it was like a child controlling the toy in the fight, but this is the confrontation of the two singular masters, it is still quite exciting.

"Is it?" Qin Yun smiled.

In the mouth of Xiaojinlong, suddenly there was a flame!

Li Yuxuan’s face changed, because he saw that the flame had a **** soul.

That is Qin Yun injected into the body of Xiaojinlong!

This is what surprised Li Xiaoxuan. He didn't think that the body that Xiao Jinlong had freely refining could save such powerful energy.

The bird can't struggle because the totem pattern in the body is burned by the flame!

That kind of flame can penetrate into the birds and destroy those totem patterns!

Although Xiaojinlong seems to be randomly picked up by Qin Yun, he has added something like dragon gluten. The body is very tough, and the little things like the bird can't be damaged.

The bird was chewed in the mouth of Xiaojinlong and was suddenly broken.

Xiaojinlong flew down, spit out the broken bird, and then flew back to Xie Nianzhen.

Looking at the debris of the land, the group of people in the singular world did not know what to say.

Because Li Yuxuan lost again, and lost more ugly than before.

Li Yuxuan has always insisted that his bird has been tempered and very strong. Before that, he also ridiculed Qin Yun’s Xiaojinlong is crispy.

The same is true of the people in the strange world, but now the bird is destroyed so badly, that is, the strength of Xiaojinlong is much higher than that of the bird.

With such a comparison, it can be seen that Xiaojinlong is far superior to that ugly bird in all aspects.

This means that Qin Yun, a golden fairy, is not a young man. The level of grotesque is much higher than that of Li Yuxuan from the strange world!

Li Yuxuan's grotesque level has made many young people secretly stunned.


In particular, the young disciples of Cang Xuanzong and Beifeng Valley, because they do not know the knowledge of strange lines, they simply compare Qin Yun and Li Yuxuan, they feel that Li Yuxuan is very poor.

Only those geeks, know that Li Yuxuan's level is quite good, the reason why it will lose, it is because Qin Yun is too strong!

"Qin Xuanzong... I don't know where you are from the teacher?" Li Yuxuan's tone and attitude at this time were extremely respectful and he was sweating his forehead.

He himself knows very well that Qin Yun's level of singularity means that even if it is placed in the singularity of genius, it is also very powerful.

Seeing that Li Yuxuan suddenly respected Qin Yun so much, those old people also knew that Li Yixuan was convinced and taken aback.

"Grandpa, how can this **** be a strange pattern of Xuanzong, such a young strange pattern Xuanzong, even our singularity is not much?" A young man can not believe the way.

"You shut up!" Li Xuan Xuan suddenly screamed, turned to the past, slapped out, hit the young man turned to the ground, screamed.

"Apologize to the older generation!" Li Yuxuan grabbed the young man and sighed.

This scene, everyone is dumbfounded!

This Li Yuxuan’s attitude towards Qin Yun suddenly changed so dramatically that it was a little unacceptable.

Before Qin Yun heard the Xiao family said, in the singularity world, the level of identity is determined by the level of singularity. It is not to be repaired. He still had some unbelief.

But now I see Li Yuxuan’s attitude and believe that this is true!

It can be seen that in the singularity world, those singularistes follow this set of rules.

"Forget it, you will give me the holy Xuan Yinjing!" Qin Yun said.

"I will give it!" Li Yuxuan smiled and took out a storage bag and handed it to Qin Yun.

After Qin Yun took over, he looked at it and nodded with satisfaction.

Li Yuxuan is very curious: "Predecessors, like you, must have a lot to come! Can you tell me one or two, let the younger generation open their eyes!"

"I have no teacher, self-study, and luck, so there is a good level of singularity!" Qin Yun smiled.

The group of people in the singularity circle did not speak. They now fully understand that Qin Yun’s singularity level is much higher than that of Li Yuxuan, so he became Li Yuxuan’s predecessor.

Li Yuxuan’s heart is a regret. If he knew that Qin Yun had such a strange pattern, he would definitely end up with Qin Yun.

"Hey, what about the high level of singularity? In the face of strong strength, he is nothing!" The Middle Ages of the evil spirits are very uncomfortable.

"The singularity represents strength!" Li Yuxuan sneered: "You savage people like this savage, do you know?"

The middle-aged laughter of the evil spirits: "Qin Yun's technique of grotesque is very high? But can he win me now through his strange lines? I am a triple golden fairy!"

"If you allow me to use equipment, it is not a problem to win you!" Qin Yun said faintly: "I am just a seven-way sage!"

The people of the evil spirits laughed.

"You use equipment, we also use equipment, can your equipment be better than ours?" The middle-aged sneer said: "Would we like to compare?"

He said, he took out a black armor and put on a **** knife. Then he shouted to Qin Yun: "Do you dare to come?"

Hong Quangang and Song Laotou both shook their heads and told him not to be impulsive.

"We also have the holy Xuan Yinjing, there is a hundred pounds here!" The middle age of the evil Yang family, took out a large stone with a fist, the holy Xuan Yinjing is not large, but it is very heavy.

“Is it a fight?” Qin Yun asked. He thought that Sheng Xuan Yinjing could make some powerful singularities and exert a stronger force to help improve the lion gun in the future.

"Is Li Yixuan not saying that the strange pattern is very bullish? We all wear the equipment, and then we come to the fight, the strength is stronger than anyone else, see what kind of bird is used in the strange pattern!" In the year, I laughed and said: "Do you dare to come?"

For the power of the fight, the two are opposite, the palms are put together, and the strongest force of the heart is sent out.

If Xianli is weak, he will be forced to withdraw his palm. Whoever loses first or is forced to retreat, whoever loses!

Song old man whispered: "Don't compare with him! Your repair is too big, relying on equipment can not make up for the power of this gap, especially this kind of power to fight, to cultivate high-powered people, the advantage is Bigger!"

Li Yixuan also nodded: "Predecessors, don't compare with such barbarians! The power of the technique of singularity is not reflected in this situation!"

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