Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1530: Fighting power

The middle-aged version of the evil spirits, the contrasting method proposed, does not reflect the power of the technique of the strange lines. Li Yuxuan and Song Laotou, the old geeks, knew that the Middle Ages of the evil spirits deliberately stimulated Qin Yun and wanted to win in this way.

If Qin Yun is stimulated, he will try it, then it is very likely that he will lose. At that time, he will have to cede a site to the evil spirits.

"Brother, don't compare with him... It's too unfair!" Xie Nian芸 also came over and whispered and persuaded: "If you don't get it, you will get hurt! The bad guys of the evil spirits are very bad!"

"Yes, the predecessors! The evil spirits of the guys, scheming, and anti-defense!" Li Yuxuan also said that he is indeed for Qin Yunhao, only to say these words.

The people of the evil spirits all secretly confessed to Li Yuxuan, because Li Yuxuan had just greeted them, but now he turned his face and did not recognize people.

"Don't dare to say that the strange lines are the strength of the fart!" The middle-aged sneer of the evil spirits said: "You see it now, what is the use of the strange talents? He simply does not dare to fight with me. force!"

"People are just young people, and they are not high. What are you doing well?" Hong Quangang said coldly.

"I didn't look down on him, but I don't recognize the strange lines to represent the strength!" The middle-aged Yin of the evil spirits smiled: "If this is the case, then he should not be afraid of me, he should use the power of strange lines." Win me!"

Qin Yun is also thinking at this time, how can we use the power of the strange lines, than to win the middle age of this evil spirit, because he wants to get the one hundred pounds of the holy Xuan Yinjing.

"I am more than you, but you need to give me some time!" Qin Yun said.


"Okay, half an hour, is that enough?" said the middle-aged.

"Enough!" Qin Yun nodded.

Qin Yun is better than Hong Quangang and they can't stop it.

Qin Yun quickly took out the paper, and then quickly went to the system, and did not know what he wanted to make.

Surprisingly, when he made the character, he used a mirror to take a photo and it was very fast.

At half an hour, he made ten characters!

Then, Qin Yun put the ten characters on his body and gave them to Hong Quangang and Song Laotou. Tell them, wait for the Jinxian, who is in the presence of Hong Longshan, to release the power of Jinxian and let him absorb the symbols.

"Is that the case?" The middle-aged evil-yang family, disdainful look at the characters attached to Qin Yun.

"Yes, can you start?" Qin Yun smiled and then reached out.

"We stand in the same place. If anyone takes a step back, or whose palm is taken back, or if the arm can't bear the power and is broken, then it will be lost!" said the middle-aged of the evil spirits.

Qin Yun nodded.

At this point, Qin Yun and the middle-aged palm also clung to it.

"One, two, three... start!" The middle-aged shouted, and then sent a strong force through the palm of his hand.

Qin Yun immediately sensed that the middle-aged evil force was very violent, but the power of the Jinxian level, smashed into his arm, made the arm very painful.

Fortunately, he can quickly release a powerful force that can suppress the evil force.

"It's a bit powerful!" The middle-aged sneer of the evil-yang people sneered, and then made a burst of blast, injecting stronger power.

Qin Yun quickly let Ling Yuner release the power of the devour of the meditation, and swallow some of the evil forces that enter the body into the meditation.

Qin Yun cultivated the emperor's sacred body. At this time, although he was devastated by evil forces and felt painful, he could support it.

Hao Ran’s righteous force counteracts some of the evil powers, and his meditation devours part of it, which can relieve him a lot of pressure.

At this time, Hong Quangang, Song Laotou, and several Jinxian of Honglongshan, all released a force of Jinxian.

The force of the golden fairy that they released, quickly poured into the ten characters of Qin Yun.

At this point, anyone can see that the charm of Qin Yun’s body is absorbing the power of the golden fairy and releasing the glare.

"You guy..." The Middle Ages of the evil spirits were somewhat unhappy: "This seems to break the rules!"

"Is there? We have not directly touched Xiao Qin's body, and we are so far away from him. We are voluntarily releasing the power of Jin Xian. The rules stipulate that we are not allowed to release the power of Jin Xian?" Hong Quangang laughed. Road.

After seeing Li Xiaoxuan, he quickly released the power of Jin Xian on his body and smiled: "These characters work, and they can collect powerful powers around!"

Seeing Li Xiaoxuan's help, the two masters and Jinxian of Beifeng Valley and Cang Xuanzong also followed the release of the power of Jinxian!

These two Zongmen people have respected Li Yuxuan very much before, and now Li Yuxuan is so friendly to Qin Yun, they naturally have to follow.

The middle-aged evil spirits of the evil-yang people were bombarded, and they were angry and drunk, releasing more mad power.

Qin Yun’s arm was shocked by the strong evil force and swollen.

In order to unblock the force, Qin Yun absorbed the evil force through the muscles of the arm and then released it through the arm, so his arm was also black and white.

The people present at the scene saw this scene and they all exclaimed again and again!

Because Qin Yun’s arm can withstand such violent evil power, it is obvious that the body is very strong!

"Even if it is the Eucharist, it is not so easy to bear this kind of evil power?" Cang Xuan teaches whispering: "His flesh, what is going on?"

"The kind of evil power is terrible. Even if we go up with these golden celestials, it will be very difficult!" North Wind taught and nodded.

Qin Yun can weaken the evil force through several aspects, so it can be maintained.

"His mother, I don't believe you can hold it!" The Middle Ages of the evil Yang family, their faces smashed.

His arm suddenly had a lot of black hair, and it turned into a beast's arm.

The surface of the arm has many abrupt ribs. The ribs are thick like the thumb on the surface, and a force can be seen flowing from those ribs.

Qin Yun stood in the same place and felt that the evil force suddenly became stronger. If he did not unblock the evil force, he would be shocked.

Suddenly, his arm rose up, but not as terrible as the middle-aged arm.

Qin Yun released the sinister totem of the Heavenly Road, attached to the arm, because there are sleeves wrapped, so others can not see.

However, anyone who can feel the fierce momentum can feel it!

Xie Nian芸 was somewhat worried. She originally wanted to release the Xianli from her body to Qin Yun, but she immediately thought that her Xianli would occupy the channel of Jinxian’s power, so she could only watch anxiously.

"Xiao Qin, are you still not good? That guy is getting stronger!" Hong Quangang was very anxious.

"Quick!" Qin Yun said.

There are nearly twenty Jinxian who are releasing the power of Jinxian!

The symbol attached to Qin Yun is a fairy symbol that condenses Xianli. With the control of Qin Yun, it can quickly absorb the surrounding force, and it is stored in the power storage space.

Soon, the ten characters on his body radiated.

Qin Yun used a mental power to control a character to fall from his body and then attached it to the back of his hand.

"What are you doing?" The middle-aged people of the evil spirits suddenly felt a little worried: "You can't attack me with a character, this is the rule of destruction!"

"Hey! I won't attack you!" Qin Yun smiled.

Surprisingly, the fairy charm attached to the back of Qin Yun’s hand suddenly fell into the palm of his hand and entered the palm of his hand!

Qin Yun used the mysterious **** to pass the character to the inside of his palm.

And that palm is in the middle of the middle.


Qin Yun controlled the Zhang Fu, the inside of the palm broke out, suddenly felt a pain in the palm of his hand, the power of the violent Jin Xian suddenly emerged.

He quickly released a strong mental force, and pushed out the power of the eruption of Jin Xian, and entered the middle-aged palm.

The middle-aged face of the evil spirits suddenly changed, because a strong force of the golden fairy poured into his arm.

Hong Quangang, they are amazed at this moment, Qin Yun began to fight back!

Qin Yun took another note from his body and put it into the palm of his hand as before, and then inspired the fairy charm.

In the moment of the explosion, a strong impact is generated. If the body is not strong enough, it will be injured.

Qin Yun’s back and palms were cracked at this time, overflowing with blood.

"The third!" Qin Yun continued.


The immortality that gathers the power of the powerful golden fairy bursts out powerful power inside the palm of your hand, and then it is pushed out by Qin Yun with mental power, and it can burst into a powerful power.

In this way, Qin Yun can indeed fight against the powerful Jinxian through the fairy charm.

The fourth, fifth, sixth...

Every fairy breaks out, and the power of Jinxian, which was released, almost stunned the middle-aged people of the evil spirits.

I have to say that the middle-aged is really strong and can be blocked continuously!

Finally, in the ninth, the middle age of the evil Yang people could not bear! The cracked palm of his hand was shredded by the power of the golden fairy that erupted, and the body flew out.

"you lose!"

Qin Yun’s palm was also not hurt, and cracked a lot of cracks.

But you can see that there is a golden thread in the crack, which is a unique thing of the Eucharist, which can make the wound heal quickly.

The onlookers are very impressed by Qin Yun at the moment!

Even the people of the evil spirits have to admit that mastering the strange lines can indeed gain the power to transcend their own cultivation.

In particular, Li Yuxuan, an old singer, is even more admired.

This pair of forces, the people present are shocked!

A Taoist can fight the golden fairy, and also break the palm of Jin Xian.

"You are amazing!" The Middle Ages of the evil Yang family also threw the piece of Sheng Xuan Yinjing to Qin Yun.

After Qin Yun took over, he took the weight and then collected it.

At this time, there was a cry in the distance: "I am crazy!"

"This guy is really coming, when Xiao Qin is the weakest!" Hong Quangang whispered.

Qin Yun was very weak at this time, and Xie Nian芸 also hurriedly sent him Xianli.

Niu Tian mad is the great elder of the North Wind Valley, is the strange pattern Xuanzong, he came over at this time, is to give the north wind to support the scene.

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